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Yankee Girl Mine

2004 Report [pdf 107 kb]
2002 Report [pdf 594 kb]

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Crown Contaminated Sites Program

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Yankee Girl Mine

The Yankee Girl Mine operated in the Kootenays, south of Nelson, near the community of Ymir from the late 1800s until the 1950s. Gold, silver, lead, iron, zinc and cadmium were all mined at the site. As part of this historical mining activity, tailings were deposited on the banks of the Salmo River and Ymir (formerly Wildhorse) Creek over a two hectare area, across from the community of Ymir. The tailings have been on site for decades. A preliminary site investigation conducted in 2004 found the site to contain elevated concentrations of heavy metals including lead, zinc, cadmium and arsenic.

Site investigation and risk assessment work was completed in 2005 to provide a comprehensive understanding of the physical extent and magnitude of contamination at the site and to develop several conceptual remedial options for site cleanup. However, based on a technical review of the investigations and risk assessment completed to date, it was determined that additional site information, including a seasonal evaluation of water quality, was required before any of the conceptual remedial options could be selected for detailed design.

In addition to the data gaps identified by the technical review, the report also recommended that a phased approach to remediation of the site be undertaken. The first of two phases to remediate the site is to design and build an erosion barrier between the tailings and the two surface water bodies, Salmo River and Ymir Creek. The second phase will be based on one of the conceptual remedial options, which will be selected after the data gaps have been addressed. The Crown Contaminated Sites Branch has hired an environmental consultant to fill the data gaps identified in previous studies and has hired an engineering company to design and build an erosion barrier to stop the erosion of tailings into the Salmo River. The erosion barrier was completed in late November 2005.


Click on thumbnails for larger versions.

Winter 2005
TP05-10 in the old mill area; note angular cobbles and bedrock at bottom, Nov 05.
Excavation of TP05-10 in the old mill area, Nov 05.
BH05-09 split spoon sample showing oxidized tailings from the old mill area, Nov 05.
Installing MW05-08 below the old mill area, Nov 05.
Drilling MW05-07 adjacent to the old mill area and access road to the site, Nov 05.
Drilling of MW05-05D within the stained side channel corridor that flows through the site, Nov 05.
View south while drilling of MW05-03, Nov 05.
BH05-02 deeper split spoon sample showing saturdated tailings whichhave the consistency of toothpaste, Nov 05.
BH05-02 split spoon sample showing unsaturated oxidized and unoxidized tailings, Nov 05.
View to north drilling MW05-02, Nov 05.
View south of completed MW05-01 adjacent to the Salmo River, Nov 05.
In the old mill area, Nov 05.
Drilling MW05-09 in the old mill area on the side of the access road to the site, Nov 05.
Drilling of MW05-04 west of the side channel that flows through the site, Nov 05.
View of completed MW05-02S in foreground and completed MW05-02D in background, Nov 05
Excavation of TP05-11 in the old mill area beside the access road to the site, Nov 05.
Winter 2004
Yankee Girl mine site with the community of Ymir in the background.
The Yankee Girl mine site from the opposite bank showing the different types of tailings (brown and grey colours).


Iron precipitation in the water
Aluminum and iron precipitation in the water
Drilling and installation of a monitoring well


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