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Starting Your Business and Growing Your Business: A Guide to Resources for BC Women

If you are thinking of starting a business, you're in good company.

Today British Columbia has almost 360,000 small businesses, and women own or operate almost 36 percent of them the highest rate in Canada.

click images to download the guide

About this guide

From drafting a business plan to finding the start-up money, this guide will help explain what you need to know and where you can find the information.

You will also meet inspirational BC women who generously share their own business experiences.

At the end of each section, you’ll find sources for more information, and key resources are summarized at the end of the guide. These have been specially selected for women starting a business in BC and provide valuable information.

But the list is far from exhaustive – there are literally hundreds of other sources to check out, so use the Internet and visit your local library or bookstore to track down more information.

Western Economic Diversification Canada, Small Business BC
and Women's Enterprise Centre partnered with the provincial government to produce this guide.


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