Promoting Fairness for British Columbians



Budget Submission Fiscal 2008

Ombudsman to Investigate Lottery Processes     Press Release

Ombudsman Releases Strategic Plan 2006 - 2010    Press Release    Strategic Plan

Ombudsman's 2006 Tour of the Southern Interior

Ombudsman's 2005 Annual Report  Press Release English  French

Special Report 28Ombudsman Investigates Income Assistance Complaints  English  French  Press Release English  French

Ombudsman Calls For Apology Legislation, Press Release English  French

Special Report 27 - The Power of an Apology: Removing the Legal Barriers  English  French

Ombudsman Urges British Columbians to Consider Travel Insurance Press Release 

Ombudsman Suspends Investigation into Child Protection Practices Press Release 

Ombudsman Opens Mobile Intake Office on Vancouver Island Press Release  Scheduled Clinics

Ombudsman Conducting Investigation into Child Protection Practices Press Release 

Ombudsman's Service Plan 2005-2008

Special Report No. 26 - ICBC’s Minimal/No Damage-Low Velocity Impact Program  Press Release

Ombudsman Office Videos 3 Short videos, 1 general information about the Ombudsman and 2 Case Studies

High School Curriculum 1 Social Studies 11 and 2 Law 12  lesson plans

Ombudsman Opens Mobile Office in the Lower Mainland Press Release  Scheduled Clinics

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