Ministry of Energy and Mines
 Image Analysis Toolbox
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Details:  Image Analysis Toolbox (IAT):  The IAT was originally delivered by Cal Data Ltd. as a BC and Yukon Chamber of Mines’ Rocks to Riches project January 2004 and January 2005.  The IAT was enhanced and ASTER images added through funding from Geoscience BC  (ASTER Imagery Project) in June 2005.  The IAT is a framework to add, process and display a variety of multi and hyperspectral imagery. The IAT includes Enhanced Satellite Imagery delivered by McElhanney Consulting Services Ltd. A description of these projects and use of the IAT are available in Fieldwork 2003, p. 209-215: Kilby, W.E., Kliparchuk, K. and McIntosh, A.: Image Analysis Toolbox and Enhanced Satellite Imagery Integrated into The MapPlace (PDF document, 5.7 Mb).  The site hosts 68 Landsat and 139 Aster images.  Enhancements to the IAT are described below.

To use the IAT, open the Exploration Assistant and select Image Analysis Toolbox, an image, then Analyze Image.

Image Analysis Links...


July 25, 2006: Added Video Tutorials to GeoFile 2006-8 IAT Tutorial Manual and Exploring the MapPlace - Workshop Notes.

June 5, 2006: Added GeoFile 2006-8: Examining ASTER Imagery with the MapPlace Image Analysis Toolbox - A Tutorial Manual, by W.E. Kilby and C.E. Kilby, Cal Data Ltd.  Geoscience BC Report 2006-3 Contribution #GBC 015.

March 29, 2006: Added a new interactive masking feature to ASTER image tools (ASTER MASKER).

February 14, 2006: ASTER Download layer, with labels, and toggle button added to IAT.  Added a table of ASTER Images Available for Download; see Index Map.

February 8, 2006: Added Alteration-Mineral Images to the ASTER Image Download page in the Image Analysis Tool. Four alteration-mineral images are available in PNG format with PGW world files. These images were produced using standard combinations of the ASTER bands. The four images can be used to map the relative abundance of siliceous rocks, iron oxides, sericite and illite, and alunite and/or kaolinite. See the Fieldwork 2005 article for processing information on these images. The images are in UTM projection. As the colour scaling is unique to each image, the colours should not be compared between images.

January 23, 2006:  In Phase 3, the IAT was enhanced with the addition of 100 new ASTER images. A new "Rocks Only" tool for identifying Iron-oxides, Silica, Sericite-Illite, and Alunite-Kaolinite was added. The imagery is also available with accompanying 3D anaglyph maps, Digital Elevation Models, stereo image pairs, and virtual worlds (VRML) user controlled fly-throughs. See Fieldwork 2005, p. 287-294 for details. Phase 3 was available through funding from a Geoscience BC project - ASTER Imagery.

January 24, 2005: In Phase 2, the IAT was completed with the addition of more analysis tools, imagery and imagery types. Near-complete coverage of the province with Landsat 7 (ETM+) imagery and 40 ASTER images are now available. Two new tools, the Tasseled Cap Transformation and the Spectral Angle Mapper (SAM) were added. Program enhancements were also made to the existing IAT programs to increase their efficiency and capability. See Fieldwork 2004, p. 231-235 for details.

July 15, 2004: Added 48 new Landsat images (L21 – L68), covering most of BC. These images are available for processing using the IAT. They are not yet available as enhanced downloads.

Image Analysis Links:

bulletPCI Geomatics provides a free viewer (Geomatica® FreeView) for opening downloaded imagery files including ASTER .hdr files.
bullet ASTER Spectral Library NASA. Search Page.
bulletGlobal Land Cover Facility: The GLCF develops and distributes remotely sensed satellite data and products concerned with land cover from the local to global scales.
bulletViewers for Virtual Reality (VRML) files: GL View; MODELpress; web3D Consortium.

View Exploration Assistant and select Image Analysis Toolbox (IAT)


Google (2005): Google Earth, Global Internet viewer of imagery and vector information;

ImSpec LLC (2006): ACORN5, Atmospheric correction software;

ITT (2006): ENVI, Image analysis software package. Ver 4.3;

Kilby, W.E., Kliparchuk, K., and McIntosh, A. (2004): Image Analysis Toolbox and Enhanced Satellite Imagery Integrated into the MapPlace; British Columbia Ministry of Energy and Mines, Geological Fieldwork 2003, Paper 2004-1, p.209-215

Kilby, W.E. (2005): Image Analysis Toolbox – Phase 2; British Columbia Ministry of Energy and Mines, Geological Fieldwork 2004, Paper 2005-1, p.231-235

Kilby, W.E. and Kilby, C.E. (2006): ASTER Imagery for BC – An Online Exploration Resource; British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, Geological Fieldwork 2005, Paper 2006-1, p.287-294

Kilby, W.E. and Kilby, C.E. (2006): Examining ASTER Imagery with the MapPlace Image Analysis Toolbox - A Tutorial Manual; British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, GeoFile 2006-8 / Geoscience BC Report 2006-3, 41 p.

SulSoft (2005): AsterDTM, ASTER orthorectification software. Ver 2.2;

This page was last updated October 17, 2006.

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