Ministry of Energy and Mines
 Thematic Maps

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General BC Map
Google Earth Data
MapPlace2Go Map
Mineral Properties Available
Mineral Activity Maps
Petroleum Titles Map
Offshore Map Gallery
Coal Map
Hat Creek Geology Map
Geophysical Surveys
2005 Geophysical Surveys
Mount Milligan Geophysics
Quesnel Geophysics
Toodoggone Geophysics
Southeast BC Geophysics
Regional Geophysics
Relief and Radar
BC Geology Map Index
GSC & GSB Map Indexes
Surficial Geology Index
Aggregate Potential Map
Terrain & Soils
Belt-Purcell Metallogenic
Jennings River Geology
Barkerville Geology Map
Lillooet LRMP Map
Guichon Batholith
Vernon Geology Map
Colour Palette

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Main Maps
Thematic Maps
Summary Data Available
MapPlace Metadata
Geospatial Downloads
Online Help & Documents
Updates on MapPlace
Other Data & Map Links

Thematic Maps

MapPlace Home

bulletMain Maps
bullet Table of Maps
bulletGeneral BC Map
bulletMineral Activity
bulletOil, Gas and Coal
bulletGeology Indexes
bulletSurficial Geology & Hazards
bulletDetailed Geology
General BC Map

General BC Map

General BC Map: This map displays base map features, with minimal geoscience data. ..... more details
bulletLink to Internet Mapping Framework (IMF):
bullet British Columbia Base Map and Online Cadastre
bulletLink to Base Map Online Store

Google Earth

Google Earth Data: These links can be added to Google Earth to view BC data with URL links to more details. ..... more details
MapPlace2Go MapPlace2Go: This map is designed for simple use. Themes include Mining, Exploration Projects, Tenure, First Nations and Environmental Assessment Projects. ..... more details
Mineral Activity Maps
Mineral Properties Available for Option: In partnership with the Association for Mineral Exploration British Columbia (AME BC), the Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources developed a mineral properties for sale/option map within British Columbia. Prospectors and mining exploration companies are invited to submit property information. The latest update of the map was posted January 13, 2006. Submissions are being accepted for the January 2007 version ..... more details

Mineral Activity Maps

Mineral Activity: These maps display locations of mining, coal, industrial mineral, refining and smelting operations. ..... more details

Maps available:

bulletMining Economy Map

Combined Mineral Activity Maps

Oil, Gas and Coal Maps

Petroleum Titles in NEBC

Petroleum Tenure & Wells: Displays northeastern BC Petroleum and Natural Gas well locations, tenure, PNG grid, oil & gas fields, and major pipelines. Tools allow searches for tenure owner, tenure number, range of tenure numbers or BC Gazetteer locations. View map without search tools.
Bowser Basin Geology. .... more details

Offshore Map Gallery

Offshore Map Gallery: Allows users free access to combine geospatial data layers for the offshore, including geology, tenure, coastal communities, fisheries data, and earthquakes into a custom, printable map. ..... more details

Coal Map

Coal Map: Features Coal Geology layers, databases from COALFILE, and links to Coal Reports and maps in PDF format. The Coal Geology layers consist of main Coalfields in BC and details of the Hat Creek coal area. ..... more details

Hat Creek Coalfield Map: Displays the location, geology, cross sections, and coal exploration wells of the Hat Creek Coalfield (Petroleum Open File 2003-2). ..... more details

Geophysical Maps - General Terms & Conditions
Geophysical Survey Home Page

Geophysical Surveys

Geophysical Survey Table: Archived airborne geophysical surveys are in the process of being published to the web. Links to related publications for recent and archived surveys are posted in this table. They include: 2003-2004 Geophysical Surveys: Mount Sylvester, Fran Property, Tisdall Lake and Toodoggone; 7 archived surveys: Mount Milligan, Inzana-Salmon Lakes, Fish Lake, Endako, Clisbako River, Iron Mask, and Interior Plateau (Williams Lake); 10 surveys in 2004-2005 resulted are shown on the 2005 Geophysical Surveys Map.
2005 Geophysical Surveys 2005 Geophysical Surveys Map: The Geological Survey of Canada released multisensor (gamma ray spectrometric and magnetic) airborne geophysical information for 10 areas of central British Columbia: Indata Lake, Sylvester Creek, Wittichica Creek , Taltapin Lake, Cottonwood, Wells, Hydraulic, Lac La Hache, Eagle (Murphy) Lake, and McKinley Creek. These surveys are shown on the 2005 Geophysics Surveys map. The High Sensitivity Airborne Gamma-Ray Spectrometric and Aeromagnetic Surveys are available as GSC Open Files: 5284, 5285, 5286, 5287, 5288, 5289, 5290, 5291, 5292, 5293 ..... more details
Regional Geophysics Mount Milligan Geophysics: Mount Milligan Geophysics covers four geophysical surveys: 1991 Mount Milligan and 1995 Inzana-Salmon Lake surveys are represented in Open File 2005-9; 2004 Mount Sylvester survey is represented in Open File 2005-14; and 2004 Fran Property survey is represented in Open File 2005-15.  ..... more details
Regional Geophysics Quesnel Geophysics: Quesnel Trough Geophysics covers four geophysical surveys: 1993 Quesnel and 2003 Horsefly surveys are represented in Open File 2004-9; 2003 Imperial Metals Corp. Mount Polley survey is represented in Open File 2004-10; and

2004 Tisdall Lake survey is represented in Open File 2005-16 ..... more details

Toodoggone Geophysics and Geology:  The Toodoggone map features new multisensor geophysical surveys, including 2 magnetic and 8 radiometric parameters. The survey is represented as Open File 2004-8. Toodoggone geology and legend from Open File 2005-3 is also presented. ....more details

SEBC Geophysics

SEBC Geophysics: Displays three geophysical layers, Kootmag, Magnetics and Thorium ratios, from the GSC Pacific Geoscience Centre. A sample detailed orthophoto (1 metre pixels) is available for area 082F.099 at 1:35,000 scale. ..... more details
Interior Plateau Aeromagetics Interior Plateau Aeromagnetics (Williams Lake): Geophysical data from the Interior Plateau Geoscience Project - 1995 aeromagnetic survey data ..... more details
Regional Geophysics Regional Geophysics: Displays provincial scale Gravity, Aeromagnetics, Satellite and DEM images from the CordLink server in Vancouver. ..... more details
Relief and Radar Map Relief and Radar Map: This map, in Geographic projection, includes a colour shaded relief map and a radar mosaic for the southern portion of the province. Colour relief, radar mosaic and DEM are available for Vancouver Island. ..... more details
Geology Map Indexes

BC Geology Map Index

BC Geology Map Index: Displays BCGS Geology Map Index, MINFILE coverage, Regional Geochemical Survey coverage and Surficial Mapping coverage.
Map with Publications Search  ..... more details

GSC & GSB Geology Map Indexes

GSC & GSB Geology Map Indexes: Displays for Geological Survey of Canada (GSC) and BC Geological Survey (GSB) map indexes on a map of the World, zoomed into Canada. ..... more details
Terrain Map Index Surficial Geology Map Index: This map is the digital equivalent of GSB Open File 1992-13 Surficial Geology Map Index of British Columbia by P.T. Bobrowsky, T.Giles and W. Jackaman. ..... more details
Surficial Geology and Hazard Maps
Aggregate Potential Areas Aggregate Potential Mapping: Map displays the results of six aggregate potential studies: Prince George, Okanagan, Nanaimo, Sea-to-Sky, Sunshine Coast and North Coast. Digital Data Downloads are available for these studies.  ..... more details
Terrain Map Library Digital Terrain & Soils Map Library: The Introductory Map acts as a graphical index to the Digital Terrain Map Library, which provides terrain and slope stability related maps in digital format, interactive viewing and raster downloads. ..... more details
Hazards Map Hazards Map: This map displays Relative Earthquake Hazards and Quaternary Geology of Greater Victoria. The map has a layer that shows USGS Real-time Earthquakes above Magnitude 2.5 for the past 7 days...... more details
Detailed Geology Maps (see also Bedrock Geology)
Skeena Arch Skeena Arch: Geology and metallogeny of the Skeena Arch area, West Central B.C. (NTS 093E, 093L, 093M, and parts of 094D, 103I, 103P). Resources to build the map were provided through a grant from Geoscience B.C. The map and data downloads will be released at the end of January 2007..... more details
Belt-Purcell Basin Belt-Purcell Basin: Geology and metallogeny of the Belt-Purcell Basin, Southeast B.C. (NTS 082F, 082G, 082J, 082K). This map was on contract to Natural Resources Canada as part of a Targeted Geoscience Initiatives (TGI) program. ..... more details
Jennings River Jennings River: Geology of North-Central Jennings River Map Area (NTS 104O14E, 15) from Open File 2001-6 by J. Nelson, T. Harms, C. Roots, M. Mihalynuk and M. de Keijzer. ..... more details
Barkerville Area Barkerville Area: The Barkerville area (NTS 093A, H and adjacent maps) map features geology layers of the Barkerville Cariboo and Kootenay terranes. ..... more details
Lillooet LRMP Lillooet LRMP Area: Includes a shaded relief image (DEM layer) and a magnetics map combined with shaded relief map (Magtopo layer). NTS 092J, 092O(S), 092I(W). ..... more details
Guichon Batholith Guichon Batholith: Mapping performed by W. J. McMillan, J. D. Blanch-Flower, P. McAndless, D. Coombes, P. Garvin; 1969-1974. Linework digitally captured by Cominco Ltd.  ..... more details

Vernon Area

Vernon Area:  Displays Geology Unit, Lines, Structures, Mapping Stations, and Ages in the Vernon Area (NTS 082L03, 06, 11, 13, 14). ..... more details
Links to other data sources, maps and information

For questions or more information on geology and minerals in British Columbia please contact GSB Mailbox or use the toll free number (B.C. residents only).

This page last updated: December 07, 2006.

Geological Survey Branch Home Page

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