Ministry of Energy and Mines
 Aggregate Potential Map
The MapPlace - Aggregate Potential Map

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Details: This map displays the results of seven (7) aggregate potential studies, including: Prince George, Okanagan, Nanaimo, Sea-to-Sky, Sunshine CoastNorth Coast and Northeast BC. Digital Data Downloads are available for these studies. Each study represents areas of aggregate resource potential as polygons on the map and qualitatively ranks the relative potential of the areas. The studies include landforms and pit locations.  The NEBC Aggregate area displays and reports on roads, showings, prospects and deposits. Other Aggregate Pit data displayed on the map include: 724 Private Pits (637 permitted and 87 reclaimed) based on an 1996 compilation of Notices of Work (Open File 1996-5); 1551 Construction Aggregate Operations compiled in April 2004; and 1699 Public and Private Pits compiled in March 2004.

The Legend Window is organized into themes. Look for the geology, mineral occurrence, ARIS and mineral title layers at the bottom of the legend window. Administrative layers are at the top. Topographic layers, including TRIM, are in the middle of the legend window.  Two sets of Mineral Potential layers are available, a shaded version above the geology layers and a solid version below the geology layers.

The aggregate potential layers are located above the geology layers in the legend. Aggregate pit layers for the Okanagan, Nanaimo, Sea-to-Sky, Sunshine Coast and North coast areas are located below the mineral inventory layers in the legend. Photos of Sea-to-Sky aggregate pits are available, mainly in the north part of the study area.  Reports and photos of Sunshine Coast aggregate pits are available for most of the pits.  To view the reports or photos, use the select tool and double click if a hand shows while on the pit symbol.  Links to the Aggregate Projects and downloads are available in the PopUp Menu on the Map.

November 29, 2005: Link to Lower Mainland Construction Aggregates  Demand Study added to Aggregate Project Home Page. Construction Aggregate Operations in BC download added to Aggregate Download page.

September 29, 2005: Link to Northeast BC Aggregate Mapping Program and view the SVG Version of the Interactive Aggregate Occurrence Map which displays all aggregate showings, prospects and deposits identified in the NTS map areas 94I, J, O, and P.  A similar interactive aggregate occurrence map for NTS map areas 94A, B, G, H and 93I/north and P is under construction.

April 27, 2005: Added Aggregate Tenures layer located in the Aggregate Pits Group.  Data is from the Land and Resource Data Warehouse.  This layer is current as of April 27, 2005.

April 14, 2005: Added GSC Surficial Geology layer (1:5M) from Surficial materials of Canada, Fulton, R.J.; Geological Survey of Canada, "A" Series Map 1880A, 1995.  Reproduced with the permission of the Minister of Public Works and Government Services Canada, 2005 and courtesy of Natural Resources Canada, Geological Survey of Canada.

bullet Map from Mirage
bullet Map Download

References below

Contacts and Notes:

bullet Vic Levson is the Quaternary Geology contact.
bulletAggregate Project Home Page
bullet Northeast BC Aggregate Mapping Program with Interactive Aggregate Occurrence Map
bulletAggregate Resource Potential Maps Downloadable Digital Files
bulletMineral Tenure Notice
bulletOverview  Aggregate and Environment Publication (PDF):

View Aggregate Potential Map

Aggregate Map


Bichler, A.J., Brooks, E.D., and Bobrowsky, P.T. (2002); Sunshine Coast Aggregate Potential Mapping Project (parts of NTS 092F08,09,10,15,16, 092F15,16; 092G05,06,11,12,13, 092J04, 092K01,02,03,06,07,08,09), B.C. Ministry of Energy and Mines, Fieldwork 2001, Paper 2002-1, pp 403-408. (PDF document, 2.6 Mb)

Bobrowsky, P.T., Massey, N.W.D., and Matheson, A. (1996); Aggregate Resource Potential of the Prince George Area (NTS 093G10,14,15,16, 093H02), B.C. Ministry of Employment and Investment, Open File 1996-24.

Bobrowsky, P.T., Massey, N.W.D., and Matheson, A. (1998); Aggregate Resource Potential of the Okanagan Area (NTS 0 82E(west) and 0 82L(west)), B.C. Ministry of Energy and Mines, Open File 1998-5.

Massey, N.W.D., Matheson, A., and Bobrowsky, P.T. (1998); Aggregate Resource Potential of the Nanaimo Area (parts of NTS 0 92B12,13, 0 92C09, 0 92F01,02,07,08, 0 92G01); B.C. Ministry of Energy and Mines, Open File 1998-12.

Hickin, A.S., Brooks, E.D., Dixon-Warren, A.B., and Bobrowsky, P.T. (2001); Sea-to-Sky Aggregate Potential Mapping Project (parts of NTS 092J02,03,06,07,08,09,10,11,12), B.C. Ministry of Energy and Mines, Fieldwork 2000, Paper 2001-1, pp 411-421. (PDF document, 6.8 Mb)

Dixon-Warren, A.B., Brooks, E.D., and Bobrowsky, P.T. (2000); Aggregate Resource Potential of the Sea-to-Sky Highway Area (NTS 092G11,14), B.C. Ministry of Energy and Mines, Open File 2000-30, digital data, see Open File 2001-12.

Hickin, A.S., Brooks, E.D., and Bobrowsky, P.T. (2001); North Coast Aggregate Potential Project, B.C. Ministry of Energy and Mines, Open File 2001-19.

Matheson, A., Massey, N.W.D., Bobrowsky, P.T., Kilby, C.E. and Manson, G. (1996): Aggregate Inventory of British Columbia - Private Pits; B.C. Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, Open File 1996-5.

... additional references

This page was last updated September 29, 2006.

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