Crown Land Partnership and Sales

The Crown Land Partnership and Sales unit investigates and creates opportunities to develop and market Crown land parcels to meet the needs of communities and First Nations and promote economic development while respecting social and environmental values.

When developing a Crown land parcel, the involvement or partnerships with local government, First Nations and third parties are encouraged. This unit develops Crown land parcels with an estimated value up to $ 2.5 million. Parcels with values in excess of $2.5 million are the responsibility of the Crown Land Administration Division.

Crown Land Policies

A complete set of Crown Land Policies can be downloaded by clicking the link.

Crown Land Partnerships and Sales Contacts

Inquiries regarding the purchase of properties can be directed to:

ILMB Regional Service Centers:




Prince George

Not available at this time.


Properties for Sale

For each individual property, clicking on will produce a "printer-friendly" photograph and/or an individual location map of the property (if available).

Properties marked with are available through the Multiple Listing Service. Please contact your local realtor for purchasing information.

Crown Land Listings
ILMB Region General Location
Vicinity of Spillimacheen

Other Agencies that Sell Crown Land

The Crown Lands Administration Division of the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands establishes land sales policy and handles certain complex sales.

The Ministry of Tourism, Sport and the Arts handles land sales related to tourism and sport development.

The Ministry of Transportation handles land sales related to public airports and port authorities and the marketing of Crown land is done through realtors.

To view properties that the Federal Government of Canada has for sale, please visit: