
The FrontCounter BC Centre

Government is responding to the needs of clients by opening centres to serve as a single point of contact for clients operating or starting a natural resource-focused business in B.C.

Clients will no longer need to go from agency to agency to obtain information and the various approvals required to invest in natural resource opportunities in B.C. Centre staff can provide information and help on virtually every provincially regulated natural resource issue related to the client's project from start to finish.

The goal is to foster vibrant, robust B.C. communities by improving client services and access to natural resource opportunities.

Long-term Plan for Government Service Delivery

This centre is part of government's long-term plan to deliver government services in an efficient, convenient manner where and when British Columbians need them. It's about keeping our clients satisfied and helping them navigate - seamlessly, from start to finish - the relevant licenses, permits and registrations.

In May of 2004, government conducted a survey of natural resource clients. Our clients told us a single point of contact where they could access natural resource opportunities would make it easier for them to pursue business opportunities and conduct regular business. The Front Counter BC Centre is a positive response to our client's feedback

Ministries and Agencies Involved Include:


  • Forests and Range
  • Agriculture and Lands
  • Environment
  • Transportation
  • Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources
  • Economic Development
  • Tourism, Sport and the Arts
  • Labour and Citizens' Services
  • Health


  • Integrated Land Management Bureau
  • Agricultural Land Commission
  • Interior Health Authority

Centre Staff, Your Direct Link

FrontCounter BC staff have an important front-line function for clients of resource ministries and agencies. Staff will:

  • provide front-line contact for in-person access to government staff.
  • guide the applicant through the various government issued authorizations, legislation, regulations and application and adjudication systems.
  • assist with completing well-thought-out and complete application packages.
  • provide in-person assistance to interpret land and resource information, maps and government approved land and resource management plans.
  • follow up on the status of applications filed and track progress.
  • liaise with ministries, agencies and other levels of government.
  • begin the referral process with First Nations.
  • work with business community, local communities and governments to work with clients to identify and market economic development opportunities.

FrontCounter BC staff act as advocates for timely decisions and responses. Staff do not 'lobby' to have projects approved.

Focus on Stewardship, Protection and Conservation

A continued focus on stewardship, protection, and conservation. All projects remain subject to provincial, federal and regional regulatory processes.

FrontCounter BC Centres

This new centre will help clients proactively identify environmental, public health and safety issues. These important concerns will be addressed as an essential part of the process, while the authorization process proceeds efficiently.