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  Guide to Preparing Terms of Reference Preamble - June 2006


EAO Annual Service Plan Report 2005/06
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July 17 2006

EAO Annual Service Plan Update 2006/07 - 2008/09
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HTML Version
February 21 2006
EAO Annual Service Plan Brochure - 2006/07 - 2008/09 - March 10 2006

EAO Information Resource Management Plan (IRMP) - February 15 2005
EAO Human Resource Management Plan (HRMP) - February 15 2005
Canada BC EA Cooperation Agreement - March 2004

Popular Topics
  Guide to the Environmental Assessment Process March 2003
Summary to the EA Guide and Guidelines
Reviewable Project Regulations - What's reviewable under EA
Brief Description of EA Process - November 2003

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The Environmental Assessment Office receives the 2005/06 Premier's Award for Organizational Excellence

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Princeton Power Project - Letter in response to form letters received from the public addressed to the Honourable Gordon Campell, Premier, and the Honourable Barry Penner, Minister of Environment - December 22 2006

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Lodgepole Coal Mine Project - Cline Mining Corporation - Public invited to attend Open Houses and comment on the draft Terms of Reference from January 2nd 2007 to February 1st 2007 - December 20 2006

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Bear Mountain Wind Park Project - Bear Mountain Wind LP - Public invited to comment on Application and Appendices from December 7th to February 4th 2007 - November 29 2006

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Mount Klappan Coal Project - Fortune Coal Limited - Public invited to comment on draft Terms of Reference from December 1st to January 8th 2007 - November 22 2006

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Revelstoke Unit 5 Generation Project - BC Hydro (the proponent) Public invited to attend open houses and comment on the application from November 8th to December 23rd 2006 - October 27 2006

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South Fraser Perimeter Road Project - Ministry of Transportation (the proponent) Public invited to attend open houses and comment on the application from October 19th to December 17th 2006 - October 16 2006

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Ruby Creek Molybdenum - Adanac Moly Corp - Application currently under review - August 22 2006

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Vancouver Island Transmission Reinforcement Project (VITRP) - Application currently under review - July 20 2006

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Galore Creek Project - Novagold Canada Inc - Application currently under review - June 29 2006

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Waneta Hydroelectric Expansion Project - Waneta Expansion Power Corporation - Application currently under review - June 9 2006

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  General Responsibilities

The Environmental Assessment Office (EAO) is a neutral provincial agency that coordinates assessment of the impacts of major development proposals in British Columbia.


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