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Crown Land Application Procedures

Crown land is available for all Seasons Resort (ASR) development by direct application or proposal process as described below (refer to Part One, Section 3 of the All Seasons Resort Policy (1.9 mb)

Direct Application

Crown land that is to be disposed of by permit, licence of occupation, lease, right of way or Crown grant (except for MDA/OA Tenures as defined in the ASR Policy) is requested by direct application under the Land Act.  The following general process is used.

  1. Proponent contacts MTSA (Office Location and Contacts) to request a pre-application meeting.
  2. Applicant completes application package (includes management plan as below) and submits to FrontCounterBC.
  3. In consultation with MTSA, FrontCounterBC reviews application package for acceptance.
    1. Rejected application and fee returned with request for further information for acceptance.
    2. Accepted application acknowledged and processed as per steps 4 to 7.
  4. File number assigned, systems updated, land status completed, referrals sent, First Nations consideration procedures initiated and advertising requested.
  5. Field inspection completed as required, together with necessary consultations with agencies, First Nations and stakeholders.
  6. Land allocation decision made and posted on Applications and Reason for Decision Database
    1. Applicant notified of approval by way of tenure offer or,
    2. Applicant notified of disallowance with stated reasons.
  7. Disposition(s) issued (tenure and/or fee simple grant).

Note:  Your completed application package should be discussed with the MTSA contact prior to formal submission to FrontCounterBC

Refer to Online Forms to acquire your application package.

Proposal Process

Crown land that is to be allocated by a Master Development Agreement (MDA) or Operating Agreement (OA) is requested by an Expression of Interest.  The following general process is used:

  1. Proponent submits an expression of interest to MTSA (Office Location and Contacts).
  2. MTSA reviews expression of interest for acceptance.
  3. Accepted expression of interest is advertised.
    1. If no competing interests expressed, a Formal Proposal is requested from the initial proponent, or,
    2. if more than one expression of interest is received, MTSA makes decision whether a competitive process is required.
  4. Formal Proposal(s) evaluated and Interim Agreement signed between MTSA and successful proponent.
  5. Environmental Assessment Act review process completed, if required.  (Environmental Assessment Office)
  6. Resort Master Plan completed and reviewed for acceptance/approval.
  7. MTSA and proponent sign MDA or OA.
  8. MDA/OA Tenures and fee simple grants requested, processed and issued as per the terms and conditions of the applicable agreement.

Note:  Due to the special requirements of the Proposal Process, MTSA will review and accept Expressions of Interest.  FrontCounterBC services will be requested on an as needed basis.

Management Plan

A management plan is required to be submitted as part of the application package under the Direct Application process.  The content of a management plan will vary in accordance with the type and scale of the proposed development, but will generally contain the following:

  1. Executive Summary
  2. Project Overview
  3. Site and Community Description
  4. Description of Recreation Infrastructure, Services and Amenities
  5. Type and Description of Overnight Accommodations (public, commercial and employee).
  6. Servicing and Utilities
  7. Construction Schedule and Costs
  8. Economic Benefits (construction and operation jobs).
  9. Business and financial viability assessment.
  10. Marketing projections and plans.
  11. Maps and Site Development Plans.
  12. Inventory of Environmental, Cultural and Natural Resource Values.
  13. Mitigation Strategies to Address Identified Values and Existing Interests.

The scope and detail of the management plan will be determined in more detail at the pre-application meeting.  Refer to the All Seasons Resorts Guidelines.



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