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Client Complaints Ministry of Children & Family Development
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Make a Formal Complaint
Complaints Process for Children & Youth
Professional Services/Resolutions Managers
Complaint Forms

Client Complaints

If you have a complaint about something the ministry did, or one of its contracted service providers did:

Talk it over with the ministry worker, service provider and/or their supervisor. This is usually the fastest, easiest way to try to work things out. Service providers are required to have their own internal complaints resolution process.

If you are not satisfied with the result of a service provider's complaints process, you can contact the ministry and make a formal complaint.

Translations: To have a translation in Chinese, French, Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish or Vietnamese, please click here...

To make a formal complaint:

Ministry contracted service providers are required to have their own complaints resolution process similar to the ministry’s:

The revised ministry Complaints Process Policy (pdf 158 kb) came into effect on October 31, 2001. The section on Page 4 refers to Contracted Services. This revised policy addresses issues that have arisen in the interpretation of the previous version of the policy that had been in effect since October 31, 1997.

Contracted service providers must make material about the ministry’s complaints process accessible to all clients so they may pursue their complaint with the ministry, if they are not satisfied with the resolution prsssovided by your internal process.

If you have any questions about the policy or require additional information on the process please contact your region’s Professional Services Managers/ Complaints Resolution Managers.

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