Ministry of Energy and Mines

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MINFILE/www Searches
More on the Data
MINFILE project
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MINFILE Download Request
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Property File
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Site Map for MINFILE

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How do I create an excel file of the search results?
  2. How do I search MINFILE occurrence by number?
  3. How do I search MINFILE occurrence by name?
  4. Why can I not use the first screen for searches?
  5. Can I use the back button to continue searching?
  6. Can I get more information on the new system?
  7. How do I get MINFILE metadata?
  8. What does the Status field represent?
  9. How do I navigate without using the mouse?
1. How do I create an Excel file of the search results?
  1. Open a blank Excel page.

  2. Do your search. To get all records, click "Show All Records" at the bottom of the page.

  3. Ctrl-A to select all on MINFILE Search Results page and copy (Ctrl-C) to clip board.

  4. Paste (Ctrl-V) into the first cell of the Excel page.

  5. The resulting cells can be formatted. Some URL links are maintained.

  6. Use the "Save As" feature in Excel to save in other formats, such as XML, old XLS to remove formatting, DBF, or tab delimited text.

2. How do I search MINFILE occurrence by number?

Make sure the format you are entering is correct. A MINFILE number has nine characters, 3 numbers followed by 3 letters followed by 3 more numbers. If a MINFILE number only has one letter you should include two spaces after the first four characters. For example 093A  150 (2 spaces after 093A).

When you enter a partial MINFILE number, as in the first part of the number (e.g. 103A), the second box for MINFILE number automatically populates with what you put in the first box. If you are searching for a particular number and put the whole number in then you probably won't notice it, but if you put in a partial number you need to remember to edit the number in the second box. To get all numbers that start with 103A for example you would need to put 103A in the first box and then edit the second box to read 103B. Then the results will include all numbers from 103A up to, but not including 103B.

3. How do I search MINFILE occurrence by name?

Try searching for a partial name.  For example, instead of searching for "Fraser Gold", try searching for just "Fraser". This will find all occurrences that start with "Fraser".

You could also try a wild card search. If you place the % symbol in front of the name, the results will include occurrences that have that partial string of letters anywhere in the name instead of just at the start. For example, if you search for "%Fraser" your results will include an occurrence with the name "Ft. Fraser". This occurrence would not be included in the results if searching for just "Fraser".

4. Why can I not use the first screen for searches?
The first screen on the introduction page is an image with a link to a new page. The new page, which is not a pop-up, is a separate application for searches which is required for proper cookie passing and navigation. The first introduction page will be used for information on the system and other links.
5. Can I use the back button to continue searching?
The search application does not like the use of the back button. The system needs to track your activity while using the application. Use the Refine or New search buttons to continue.
6. Can I get more information on the new system?
The following slide shows were presented at the Mineral Exploration Roundup 2006:
bulletMINFILE ONLINE The NEW way to Data Search and Enter
bulletMINFILE/pc Get Away From It All and Take It With You
bulletSpecial Features of
7. How do I get MINFILE metadata?
Detailed descriptions of each of the fields in a MINFILE occurrence can be found in the coding manual.
The link for the online coding manual is
Metadata on the MINFILE downloads can be found at:
If you would like further information you can contact Kirk Hancock at
8. What does the Status field represent?
Detailed descriptions of the different types of Status can be found in the online coding manual. The link for the section on Status is:
If you would like further information you can contact Kirk Hancock at
9. How do I navigate without using the mouse?
Use TAB key to move forward and press SHIFT-TAB to move backwards through the search fields instead of using the mouse. Keep in mind that you will tab through the Help links along the way.
The Up and Down arrows will scroll through pick lists.
The space bar will turn the check on or off for Primary or Not boxes.
Enter will select criteria.
This page was last updated November 01, 2006.

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