Ministry of Energy and Mines
 Property File

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General Files
Industrial Mineral File
Prospectors Reports
Starr File
Placer Dome File
Falconbridge File
Chevron File
Commodity File

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Property File
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Site Map for MINFILE

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Features of Property File

bulletProperty File contains over 90 lineal metres of reports and maps that are generally unavailable elsewhere. These documents can be extremely valuable to researchers.
bulletProperty File contains:
  1. Unpublished reports.
  2. Theses and papers.
  3. Field notes.
  4. Company prospectuses and pamphlets.
  5. Historical information.
  6. Geology, geochemistry, geophysics and drill information.
  7. Claim maps, sketches of workings and photographs.
bulletProperty File also contains general information on each NTS area, the National Mineral Inventory cards, topographic maps and some work histories.

Research material is indexed and cross-referenced in the MINFILE Database.


View Metadata for Property File.

Recent Acquisitions and Activity:

bullet The Sherwin Kelly File 2004 (pdf format), March 2004
This file is a 15-box collection of B.C. mineral and energy related property reports archived at the Nicola Valley Museum. Further inquires regarding the index and File should be directed to Nicola Valley Museum Archives Association, 2202 Jackson Avenue, P.O. Box 1262 Merritt, B.C. Canada VIK IB8; Phone/Fax:  (250)378-4145; Email:; Web: .
bullet082M 003 J&L Property Reports, October 2002
donated by Tom Kirk.
bulletChevron File, September 2001
1107 exploration reports, maps and property assessments by Chevron, from the mid 1970s to early 1990s.  The index is available as an Excel download.
bulletFalconbridge File, 1994, index updated March 2004:
Over 350 exploration reports, maps and property assessments by Falconbridge from 1919s to mid-1990s.  The file is indexed by NTS area and is available for download.
bulletStarr File, July 1999:
159 documents and maps on mines and property visits by Charles C. Starr from 1920's to 1950s.  Includes 71 entries from Western Exploration Co. Ltd.
bulletPlacer Dome File, April 1999:
After the Kamloops exploration office closed, 61 boxes were donated to Property File. A catalogue of 1433 entries has been indexed to MINFILE Number or region.
bullet Prospector's Reports for 1994 through to 2001 (406 reports)
bulletGeneral Property File:
The content of general references in each NTS area has been completed.  Entries total 1363.
bulletIndustrial Mineral Property File:
This is a partial list of property references (195) for industrial minerals.
bullet Commodity File
bullet Ministry of Energy & Mines Library Catalogues
bullet Best-Seller Portfolio Catalogue Search
bullet Historic Photo Gallery
This website shows photos taken by Ministry staff over the last 100 years.  The photos are linked to the MINFILE and ARIS databases from the Library Catalogue called "Bestseller".  Currently, there are over 1000 photos in the Library catalogue with references for further information on each one.  The Web address is 
bulletCOALFILE and Coal Assessment, BC Hydro & Library Reports

Property File may be viewed at:

Ministry of Energy and Mines
Main Floor - 1810 Blanshard Street, Victoria, BC

Donations of British Columbia geoscience information to Property File are encouraged.

Inquiries regarding donations or access to Property File can be directed to the MINFILE staff or Library Services.

Last Updated November 26, 2004


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