Application Resource Book

December 2006

       TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction
User Friendly Format
Printing Instructions










This book is a one-stop resource for help in completing applications with the Oil and Gas Commission (OGC). It contains all necessary guidance and information specific to each application type. The “Forms and Guidelines” page on the OGC website will continue to be organized around oil and gas themes, such as geophysical, wells or roads. A complete list is below:

This book follows similar headings, but includes the incidental guidance and information for activities such as forestry, first nations and roads under an oil and gas activity heading such as Geophysical, Reservoir Engineering and Operations Engineering. For example, a Cover Letter for First Nations may be required for Geophysical, Pipeline and Wellsite applications. While the First Nations cover letter is still available on the Forms and Guidelines page on the OGC website, it is included in each of the applicable sections within the Application Resource Book.

       USER FRIENDLY FORMAT Each oil and gas activity heading has a brief description of its business, such as “Geophysical”, followed by links to guidelines (formerly checklists), links to other activity information documents, links to all other information that is required to fill out an activity application, and a list of forms that are still available for download on the ”Forms and Guidelines” page.

Table of Contents

       USAGE AND PRINTING INSTRUCTIONS Each object in the Application Resource Book can be printed by opening it in a new window. To open a guideline in a new window, click the "Printable Version" link, as shown below:

Once an object has been opened in a new window, you can use the Print menu from your browser to print the document.

Tip: To remove the header and footer added by your browser to printed pages, use the Print Preview option from the File menu:

Next, click the Page Setup button next to the Print button:

Finally, remove any text from the header and footer fields in the dialog box and click the OK button:

Some clients who have Microsoft Office installed choose to fill out guidelines electronically. To edit a guideline using Microsoft Word, click the Microsoft Word icon located on your browser's toolbar:

Alternately, clients can choose the "Edit with Microsoft Word" option from the File menu:

Table of Contents

       APPLICATION INFORMATION Application Information includes general applications necessary to conduct oil and gas activities in the Province of British Columbia. This section of the Application Reference Book contains the following checklists that have been converted into guidance, namely,

Converted Checklists – Application Information

In addition to the converted checklists, information and guidance is located within this reference book:

Information and Guidance – Application Information

The remaining forms are still located on the Application Information business area front page:

Forms - Application Information

Table of Contents

Printable Version             
When submitting notification of an amalgamation or a name change, or requesting assignment of surface rights and tenures, the following must be completed. For further information on any requirements listed below, please call (250) 261-5700 and ask to speak to an Examiner:


Copy of British Columbia Corporate Registry Amalgamation or Name Change Certificate (Alberta or Saskatchewan certificates are not acceptable and will be returned)

Proof of liability insurance in the amount of $1,000,000 (Oil and Gas commission and Her Majesty the Queen in Right of the Province of British Columbia, her employees, servants and agents to be added as named insured) in the new company name

GST Registration number of the new company

Ensure Additional Requirements listed below are completed


One original Assignment of Surface Tenure Agreement (including a schedule of Crown file numbers and/or document numbers, plan number and location, and company file numbers)

Proof of liability insurance in the amount of $1,000,000 (Oil and Gas commission and Her Majesty the Queen in Right of the Province of British Columbia, her employees, servants and agents to be added as named insured) in the new company name

GST Registration number of Assignee

Ensure Additional Requirements listed below are completed

Note: Temporary Permits, expired documents and access roads are not assignable. Access roads that have Petroleum Development Road status may be transferred. For further information contact the Oil & Gas Resource Officer responsible for PDR’s

ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS - for all amalgamations, name changes and assignments:

Pre-application requirements must be met

Assignee must be a registered company in British Columbia. For further information contact: Registrar of Companies at (250) 356-8626 or view the
Corporate Registry Website
Transfer of Well Authorization and Change of Well Name Application to Transfer a Well Authorization / Change a Well Name
Required Fees
Well Authorization Transfer Agreement
Transfer of Pipeline Project Transfer of Pipeline Project Agreement
Required Fees
Property taxes must be paid

Last Revised: 11/24/2004        Table of Contents       Printable Version

Printable Version             

Last Revised: 3/21/2003        Table of Contents       Printable Version

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Last Revised: 3/21/2003        Table of Contents       Printable Version

Printable Version             
Revised April,1 2006

Cheque to be made payable to the Minister of Finance

Application For A Well Authorization$8,700.00
Application For A Well Authorization
- for second & subsequent wells utilizing an existing surface lease
Application For A Test Hole Authorization$100.00
Application for Underground Storage of Natural Gas$5,000.00
Application To Transfer A Well Authorization and Change a Well Name
Number of WellsFee per Well
On the first 50$300.00
On the next 100$150.00
Each above 150$75.00

Annual Geophysical License$300.00
Application For A Geophysical Program $1,300.00
Application For Geophysical Revision$1,300.00

For an approval to sell, assign, transfer, convey or lease a pipeline, to amalgamate its pipeline with that of another company or to contract the operation of its pipeline to another company$100.00
a pipeline
An annual fee of $25 a kilometre of pipeline registered by a company $25.00
a kilometre

Gas Processing PlantFee
Application Fee$16,000.00

There are no application fees required for the following: Water Act Applications – Short Term Use of Water, Changes In & About A Stream

Land Act Applications – Temporary Permit, Licence Of Occupation, Statutory Right of Way, Assignment of Land Act Dispositions

Last Revised: 5/22/2003        Table of Contents       Printable Version

Printable Version             
The following is a list of items, which clients should complete prior to submitting applications to the Oil & Gas Commission:

To be eligible to conduct business in British Columbia, corporations must be registered with BC Corporate Registry in the Province of British Columbia or incorporated under the laws of Canada. For further information, contact the Registrar of Companies at (250) 387-5101.

A drilling deposit must be submitted to the Ministry of Energy and Mines under Section 4 of the Petroleum and Natural Gas General Regulation, as security for the proper drilling, control, completion, suspension or abandonment of a well or test hole, and to provide for the reclamation and restoration of well sites or test hole sites. For further information, contact the Oil & Gas Commission at (250) 261-5700 and ask to speak with an Examiner.

Comprehensive general liability insurance with a limit of $1,000,000 (Oil and Gas Commission and Her Majesty the Queen in Right of the Province of British Columbia, her employees, servants and agents to be added as named insured) is required in order to hold a Crown land surface tenure document.

A Master Licence to Cut on Crown land is required for each forest district you will be working within (Peace and Fort Nelson). For further information, contact Sheila Tompkins at (250) 261-5709 or Susan Paulsen at (250) 261-5704.

For guidance regarding wellsite, pipeline and facility construction, reference the forms and guidelines on the OGC web site or the British Columbia Oil and Gas Handbook.

Last Revised: 9/17/2003        Table of Contents       Printable Version

Printable Version             
The following government agencies should be informed when oil and gas assets are being transferred:


Approval of well transfers is required under the Drilling and Production Regulation. Submit an Application to Transfer a Well Authorization and an Application To Change a Well Name, along with the appropriate fees (no GST) with the cheque made payable to Minister of Finance. Oil and Gas Commission
Project Assessment Branch
For general inquiries contact: (250) 261-5700 and ask to speak to an examiner.
SURFACE RIGHTS AND TENURES (Wellsites, Pipelines, Production Facilities, etc.)

Assignment of an interest in a Surface Lease, License or Right of Way on Crown land requires approval under the Land Act. Oil and Gas Commission
Project Assessment Branch
For general inquiries contact: (250) 261-5700 and ask to speak to an examiner.
PRODUCTION FACILITIES (Batteries, Compressor Stations, Dehydrators)

Transfer of production facilities requires approval under the Drilling and Production Regulation. Oil and Gas Commission
Project Assessment Branch
For general inquiries contact: George Holland (250) 261-5760 or

Transfer of pipeline ownership requires approval under the Pipeline Act. Oil and Gas Commission
Compliance and Enforcement Branch
For general inquiries contact: (250) 261-5700 and ask to speak to an examiner.

Annual Letter, company transfer requests, change of operator name must be submitted to the OGC. Termination of appointment as operator must be submitted as a letter of intent under the Petroleum Development Road Regulation. Oil and Gas Commission
Project Assessment Branch
For general inquiries contact: Margaret Fenton (250) 261-5719 or

Transfer of production processing and pipeline facilities (this includes everything from small wellsite facilities to large gas plants), is required in accordance with the Assessment Act. British Columbia Assessment Authority
For general inquiries contact: For general inquiries contact: Herb Lexa (250) 782-8515 or 1-800-990-1160 or

To register changes in ownership of Petroleum and Natural Gas Leases, Drilling Licenses and Permits Ministry of Energy and Mines
Energy and Minerals Division, Petroleum Lands Branch
For general inquires contact: Christine McCarthy (250) 952-0341 or

Last Revised: 11/24/2004        Table of Contents       Printable Version

       COMPLIANCE AND ENFORCEMENT The Compliance and Enforcement section contains information for meeting the Compliance and Enforcement obligations. This section of the Application Resource Book does not contain any guidance, but does include the following previously existing information:

Information and Guidance – Compliance and Enforcement
The remaining forms are still located on the Compliance and Enforcement business area front page:

Forms - Compliance and Enforcement

Table of Contents

The Adobe Acrobat document containing the Compliance and Enforcement Deficiency Codes is available here.

Last Revised: 11/14/2003        Table of Contents      

The Adobe Acrobat document containing the Compliance and Enforcement Equipment Spacing for Well Servicing Conventional Wells is available here.

Last Revised: 8/21/2003        Table of Contents      

Printable Version             

Last Revised: 8/21/2003        Table of Contents       Printable Version

Printable Version             
The Adobe Acrobat file containing the Surface Equipment Spacing Guideline is available here.

Last Revised: 8/21/2003        Table of Contents       Printable Version

Printable Version             
Re: Vegetation Control

The following are recommended measures for vegetation control at various oilfield facilities pursuant to Regulation 62 (Fire Control) of The Drilling and Production Regulations.

General - All facilities are to be kept free of noxious weeds at all times and other vegetation control is as follows:

A) Wellsites
1) Wellhead and pumpjack (no other buildings on site) 10 metre radius Reg. 34(2)
2) Storage tanks within the confines of the tank dyke perimeter and 1 metre from outside edge of the berm
3) Flare pits 30 metre radius in forested areas
10 metre radius in cultivated areas
4) Flare stack radius (1.5 times the stack height)
5) Buildings 4 metre radius
B) Battery sites within the confines of the lease dyke perimeter and 1 metre from the outside edge of the berm
C) Compressor stations 4 metres from any building

Last Revised: 8/21/2003        Table of Contents       Printable Version

       GENERAL DEVELOPMENT PERMITS The General Development Permit process is currently undergoing modifications to meet developing stakeholder and regulatory needs.

Industry applicants interested in pursuing a General Development Permit are advised to contact:

Gord Humphrey
Oil and Gas Program Manager - Wells, CBG & GDPs
Tel: (250) 261-5726

       GEOPHYSICAL The Geophysical page contains information on how to complete applications for geophysical programs. Incidental information and guidance for timber clearing and First Nations consultation aspects of geophysical programs are also located on this page for ease of reference. This section of the Application Resource Book contains the following geophysical checklists that have been converted into guidance:

Converted Checklists – Geophysical
In addition to the converted checklists, the following information and guidance is located within this reference book:

Information and Guidance – Geophysical
The remaining forms are still located on the Geophysical business area front page:

Forms - Geophysical

Table of Contents

Printable Version             
 Blueberry River First Nation
 Dene Tha' First Nation
 Doig River First Nation
 Fort Nelson First Nation
 Halfway River First Nation
 McLeod Lake Indian Band
 Prophet River First Nation
 Saulteau First Nation
 West Moberly First Nation
 Other (specify): 
 Other (specify): 
 File #: 
 WA #:  
 Geo #:  
 GDP X-Ref #:
 The Oil and Gas Commission has received an application for a: 
  Geophysical program 


  Other (specify)
  New Application 


 Project Name: 

Attached is a copy of the above-noted application for your review. The purpose of this review is to identify any potential infringments this project may have on your treaty rights to hunt, trap or fish.

We would appreciate receiving any comments you may have about this application within 10 working days. We would also appreciate being informed if you know of any other First Nation that may be affected by this application.

Please be aware that if we have not heard from you within 10 working days, the Oil and Gas Commission will proceed with an evaluation and decision of the application based on available information.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this application, please feel free to contact the Project Assessment Branch at (250) 261-5749, or fax your written reply to (250) 261-5750.
  Application Form
  Timber Harvesting & Field Assessment
  Geophysical Application and Field Assessment
  1:20,000 BCGS Sketch Plan (Pipelines Only)
  1:50 000 Project Map
  1:250 000 Access Map
  Survey/Construction Plan
  Archaeological Assessment Information Form
Attachments checked by:  ____________________  

Last Revised: 3/2/2006        Table of Contents       Printable Version

To view the Environmental Upgrade & Minor Changes to Approved Activities Spreadsheet, please click here.

Last Revised: 10/24/2003        Table of Contents      

The Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet containing the Geophysical Final Line Width Data Sheet is available here.

Last Revised: 9/25/2003        Table of Contents      

Printable Version             
File # _______________________
WA # _______________________
Geo # _______________________
GDP XRef # _______________________
Land Agent _______________________
Company: ____________________

Project:     ____________________

Based on an Application Pre-Assessment, an application package for the above-noted project was NOT sent to the _______________ First Nation(s) for review for the following reasons (explanation of what is being applied for and why):

Application Notes:

Total area required for the project: _______ hectares

Is the area required within an existing cleared area:     Yes     No     Partially

Is this an  Amendment or a  Revision? If this is an amendment, please indicate the difference in the area required from what was originally proposed:     Increase of ____ hectares;     Decrease of ____ hectares;     No change in area required

If this is an amendment, were there any issues identified by First Nations in the original application? Yes     No    If yes, please elaborate:

Trapper notification sent:     Yes     No

Project Assessment Branch First Nation Comments:

Agree     Disagree

________________________________         _________________
Senior Aboriginal Program Specialist      Date

Upon completion return to: _____________________________________
                                                  Project Assessment Branch Program Manager

Last Revised: 3/24/2004        Table of Contents       Printable Version

Printable Version             
File # _____________
WA # _____________
Geo # _____________
GDP XRef # _____________
To: Fort Liard First Nation
Kelly Lake Cree Nations
Kelly Lake First Nation
Kelly Lake Metis Settlement Society

The Oil and Gas Commission has received an application for a:
Geophysical Program Pipeline New Application
Wellsite Other (specify) __________ Revision

Proponent/Company: _________________________

Project Name:             _________________________

For your information, attached is a copy of the application package for the above noted project proposed for development in your area. Any comments can be sent to the attention of the Area Director, Project Assessment Branch at the address below.

Application Form
Timber Harvesting & Field Assessment
 Geophysical Application and Field Assessment
Survey/Construction Plan (if applicable)
1:20,000 BCGS Sketch Plan (Pipelines Only)
1:50 000 Project Map
1:250 000 Access Map
 AAIF (Archaeological Assessment Information Form)
Attachments checked by: _________________________

Last Revised: 11/1/2006        Table of Contents       Printable Version

Printable Version             
Fish and Wildlife Timing Windows for Oil and Gas Exploration and Development in Northeast British Columbia


The purpose of this document is to provide direction with respect to fish and wildlife timing windows for oil and gas operations in northeast British Columbia. When accompanied by appropriate, mitigation measures, adherence to timing windows is a valuable tool in reducing industrial disturbances to fish and wildlife species during sensitive lifecycle stages. Harassment or disruption of wildlife is prohibited at any time under the Wildlife Act of British Columbia; as such, operators are advised to be mindful of potential impacts regardless of the timing of operations. In addition, these windows may require a site-specific review to determine the level of sensitivity to a particular operation. Timing windows may be subject to revision or refinement by the Oil and Gas Commission, as well as other Provincial and Federal agencies.

Throughout the lifecycles of most species, there are critical stages of development during which fish and wildlife are more sensitive to particular types of disturbance. In the Peace Region, it has been observed that many species are most susceptible during early life stages. Some species are also sensitive to disturbance during seasonal migrations, rutting, and while occupying their winter habitat.

The attached table of timing windows considers a selection of species only. This list was reduced to those species that are considered to be: 1) ecosystem indicators, 2) of special management concern, and 3) those that are more susceptible to disturbance. In the event that additional species of concern are detected at a site, an operator should seek direction from the Oil and Gas Commission regarding the appropriateness of added timing considerations.

The type of disturbance is an important factor in planning the timing of oil and gas operations. Typically, on fish bearing watercourses, most in-stream works are subject to timing windows. In comparison, terrestrial wildlife can be particularly sensitive to aerial disruptions; and therefore, timing windows are commonly applied to geophysical operations. Timing windows may also apply to ground based operations where site sensitivities are high. Site sensitivity is primarily determined by the species present, habitat type, abundance of habitat, forest cover type (e.g., open versus closed forest canopy), and the importance of a habitat type to a critical lifecycle stage.

Variances and Mitigation

The Oil and Gas Commission will consider a variance request for an identified timing window, if an application is accompanied by a mitigation plan outlining how potential adverse impacts to wildlife will be minimized. Mitigation plans must clearly identify: 1) rationale for operating outside of a timing window, 2) site specific habitat information (including photos), 3) the species potentially impacted by activities, 4) inventory information available for any species at risk affected, 5) operational modifications to reduce the impacts to wildlife, and 6) project monitoring.

Issues that potentially could be addressed in a mitigation plan include, but are not limited to the following:

Aquatic Ecosystems Aquatic Ecosystems
  • Alternative crossing/routing location
  • Coordination of projects
  • Habitat/inventory assessment
  • Alternative, less disruptive operations and equipment
  • Erosion and sediment control
  • Water quality management
  • Riparian management
  • Restoration activities
  • Project modification
  • Referral to the Department of Fisheries and Oceans
  • Monitoring Plan
  • Alternative routing
  • Coordination of programs
  • Habitat/inventory assessment
  • Alternative, less disruptive operations and equipment
  • Protection of specified habitat features
  • Flight paths
  • Monitoring Plan

Monitoring plays a key role in the development of mitigation strategies, as it permits project modifications to occur as more site-specific information becomes available. Any project monitoring and assessments must be conducted by a qualified environmental technician/biologist, who has experience working with the species and ecosystems of concern. The monitor retained for use on a specific project must be able to issue stop work orders and recommend project modifications, as necessary.

Additional information pertaining to setbacks for specific habitat features can be found in the Planning and Construction Guide (2004) document published by the Oil and Gas Commission. Fisheries work windows and Best Management Practices are further defined in the Forest Practices Code of British Columbia – Fish Stream-crossing Guidebook (March 2002). Also note specific timing requirements in any relevant land use plans, pre-tenure plans and tenure caveats, etc.

Last Revised: 1/4/2004        Table of Contents       Printable Version

The Microsoft Word document containing the Fish and Wildlife Timing Windows Table is available here.

Last Revised: 1/4/2004        Table of Contents      

The Microsoft Word document containing the Fish Stream Identification Risk Management Tool is available here. Please note the file size for this document is 12.6 MB.

Last Revised: 6/1/2001        Table of Contents      

Printable Version             
Form to be submitted under the authority of the Petroleum and Natural Gas Act R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 361, Geophysical Exploration Regulation, s.3, to the Oil and Gas Commission at the address noted above. Information collected on this form will be used for public record in accordance with s.122 of the Petroleum and Natural Gas Act.

   Geophysical Program Number: 
 Licensee (Client):   OGC File Number: 
 Contractor (Geophysical Co):   Program Name: 

 Shot Point No.:   Line No.: 
  NAD 27   NAD 83
  Crown Land   Private Land
 Longitude:   Latitude: 
 Date Drilled: 
 Date Shot: 
 Depth of Hole: 
 Shot Hole Pattern: 
 Origin of Flow: 
 Rate of Flow: 
 Date Plugged: 
 Type of Plug Used: 
 Plugged by: 


 Name:   Title: 
 Signature:   Company: 
 Date:   Telephone Number:   Fax Number: 

Last Revised: 4/29/2003        Table of Contents       Printable Version

The Microsoft Word document containing the Geophysical Application and Field Assessement Guide is available here.

Last Revised: 3/31/2004        Table of Contents      

Printable Version             
Please use this guideline to assist in a timely review of each application.

OGC Number:  Oil Company: 
Land Agent: Phone Number: 
Project Name/Location: 

Sections 1 to 3 inclusive apply to all applications

Zone: For a map of OGC zones, click here.
North Central East Central West South

    Cheque for $1,300.00 payable to Minister of Finance
    Geophysical Application and Field Assessment - 3 Copies
    1:20,000 Plan Map - 1 Copy
    1:50,000 Plan Map, identifying site & access to the program area, if proposed) - 3 Copies
    1:250,000 Access Map, with trapline boundaries plotted - should only be submitted if entire access is not included on the 1:50,000 map. - 1 Copy
    Additional information submitted in support of the application (i.e.: photos, geotechnical reports, environmental impact assessments etc.) - 1 Copy
    AAIF (Archaeological Assessment Information Form) - 1 Copy
    Archaeological Reports (when available) - 2 Copies

    NOTE: All archaeological reports that are submitted subsequent to the application must be submitted with an OGC number. Reports without an OGC reference number will be returned.
    Public Engagement Report form must be submitted prior to project approval if not submitted with the application - 1 Copy


    Note: In places where consultation is deemed unnecessary, packages would be forwarded to First Nations for information purposes. The Oil and Gas Commission encourages the proponent to discuss consultation requirements with the Aboriginal Relations and Land Use Branch prior to submitting applications.

    Please include one package for each FN Community listed on the Consultation Cover Letter.

    First Nations Consultation Pre-Assessment - 1 Copy
    Cover letter on each consultation package - 2 Copies
    Geophysical Application and Field Assessment - 1 Copy
    1:50,000 Plan/Access Map - 1 Copy
    1:250,000 Access Map, with trapline boundaries plotted; should only be submitted if entire access is not included on the 1:50,000 map. - 1 Copy
    Additional information submitted in support of the application (i.e.: photos, geotechnical reports, environmental impact assessments etc.) - 1 Copy
    AAIF (Archaeological Assessment Information Form) - 1 Copy
    Archaeological Reports (when available) - 1 Copy

    NOTE: All archaeological reports that are submitted subsequent to the application must be submitted with an OGC number. Reports without an OGC reference number will be returned.

    1. Fort Nelson First Nation Only:

      1:250,000 Plan Map (with trapline boundaries, rivers, creeks, lakes, access roads, pipelines and proposed seismic lines plotted) - 1 Copy


    Companies are encouraged to complete stakeholder/public involvement consultation/notification prior to making program application. Proponents are encouraged to keep records of their stakeholder/public involvement process. Documentation does not need to be submitted after completion of the stakeholder/public involvement process unless there are unresolved concerns. However, companies are encouraged to keep the documentation as it may be requested at any time. Please refer to the Public Involvement Guideline for additional information on recommended best practices and record requirements.

Last Revised: 10/11/2006        Table of Contents       Printable Version

Printable Version             
Please use this guideline to assist in a timely review of each application.

OGC Number: Oil Company:
Land Agent: Phone Number:
Project Name/Location:

For amendments on private property - see Sections 1 to 3 inclusive

For amendments on Crown land - see Sections 1 to 4 inclusive

Zone: For a map of OGC zones, click here.
North Central East Central West South

    Letter of explanation regarding the nature of the amendment , with a detailed description of the amendment, the reason for the amendment and the amount of new cut where applicable. - 1 Copy
    1:50,000 Plan Map outlining both the original program and proposed amendment, clearly identifying by highlighting the amendment. - 1 Copy
    AAIF (Archaeological Assessment Information Form) - 1 Copy
    Archaeological Reports (when available) - 2 Copies

    NOTE: All archaeological reports that are submitted subsequent to the application must be submitted with an OGC number. Reports without an OGC reference number will be returned.
    Public Engagement Report form must be submitted prior to project approval if not submitted with the application - 1 Copy

    1. Crown Land Only:

      Note: the following item should only be submitted if stream crossing methods change or if the program is changing from winter conditions to summer conditions.

      Geophysical Application and Field Assessment - 1 Copy


    Companies are encouraged to complete stakeholder involvement consultation/notification prior to making program application. Proponents are encouraged to keep records of their stakeholder involvement process. Documentation is not required to be submitted after completion of the stakeholder involvement process if there are no unresolved concerns. However, companies are encouraged tokeep the documentation as it may be requested at any time. Please refer to the Guideline for Stakeholder Involvement for additional information on recommended best practices and record requirements.


    Forestry Review Sheet - 1 Copy
    Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment Approval Sheet - “Amendment” - 1 Copy
    Letter of explanation regarding the nature of the amendment, including a detailed description of the amendment, the reason for the amendment and the amount of new cut where applicable. - 3 Copies
    1:50,000 Plan Map outlining both the original program and proposed amendment, clearly identifying by highlighting the amendment. - 3 Copies
    Note: the following item should only be submitted if stream crossing methods change or if the program is changing from winter conditions to summer conditions.
    Geophysical Application and Field Assessment - 3 Copies


    Note: Please include one package for each FN Community listed on the consultation pre-assessment form.

    Cover letter on each consultation package - 2 Copies
    First Nations Consultation Pre-Assessment form (pre-assessment form should include the program name & number, and identification of each First Nation Community impacted by the program. - 1 Copy
    Letter of explanation regarding the nature of the amendment, including a detailed description of the amendment, the reason for the amendment and the amount of new cut where applicable. - 1 Copy
    1:50,000 Plan Map outlining both the original program and proposed amendment, clearly identifying by highlighting the amendment. - 1 Copy
    AAIF (Archaeological Assessment Information Form) - 1 Copy
    Archaeological Reports (when available) - 1 Copy

    NOTE: All archaeological reports that are submitted subsequent to the application must be submitted with an OGC number. Reports without an OGC reference number will be returned.

Last Revised: 10/11/2006        Table of Contents       Printable Version

Printable Version             
Please use this guideline to assist in a timely review of each application.

OGC Number: Oil Company:
Land Agent: Phone Number:
Project Name/Location:

For geophysical applications on private land only - see Sections 1 and 2.

For geophysical applications on Crown land - see Sections 1 to 4 inclusive.

Zone: For a map of OGC zones, click here.
North Central East Central West South

    Cheque for $1,300.00 payable to the Minister of Finance
    Additional information submitted in support of the application (i.e.: photos, geotechnical reports, environmental impact assessments etc.) - 1 Copy
    AAIF (Archaeological Assessment Information Form) - 1 Copy
    Archaeological Reports (when available) - 2 Copies

    NOTE: All archaeological reports that are submitted subsequent to the application must be submitted with an OGC number. Reports without an OGC reference number will be returned.
    Public Engagement Report form must be submitted prior to project approval if not submitted with the application - 1 Copy

    1. Crown Land & Crown / Private Land:

      Geophysical Application and Field Assessment - 1 Copy
      1:20,000 Plan Map - 1 Copy
      1:50,000 Plan Map - 1 Copy
      Section 9 Water Act Permit (crown land portion of program is entirely on existing disturbance only and/or all crossing on private land) - 1 Copy

    2. Private Land Only (No Crown Land):

      Geophysical Application and Field Assessment - 3 Copies (only required if all activities are proposed exclusively on Private Land)
      1:20,000 Plan Map - 1 Copy
      1:50,000 Plan Map - 3 Copies
      Section 9 Water Act Permit (if applicable) - 1 Copy


    Companies are encouraged to complete stakeholder involvement consultation/notification prior to making program application. Proponents are encouraged to keep records of their stakeholder involvement process. Documentation is not required to be submitted after completion of the stakeholder involvement process if there are no unresolved concerns. However, companies are encouraged to keep the documentation as it may be requested at any time. Please refer to the Guideline for Stakeholder Involvement for additional information on recommended best practices and record requirements.


    Forestry Review Sheet - 1 Copy
    Geophysical Application and Field Assessment - 3 Copies
    1:50,000 Plan Map - 3 Copies
    1:20,000 Plan Map - 1 Copy
    1:250,000 Access Map,(with trapline boundaries plotted; should only be submitted if entire access is not included on the 1:50,000 map) - 1 Copy
    Major Licensee Comment Sheet (if applicable) - 1 Copy
    Road Use Permit Application (if applicable) - 1 Copy
    *Please organize and paperclip the Geophysical Application and Field Assessment and the Plan Map into 3 packages


    Please include one copy for each First Nation Community listed on the consultation cover letter.

    Cover letter on each consultation package - 2 Copies
    Geophysical Application and Field Assessment - 1 Copy
    1:50,000 Plan/Access Map - 1 Copy
    1:250,000 Access Map,with trapline boundaries plotted; should only be submitted if entire access is not included on the 1:50,000 map. - 1 Copy
    Additional information submitted in support of the application (i.e.: photos, geotechnical reports, environmental impact assessments etc.) - 1 Copy
    AAIF (Archaeological Assessment Information Form) - 1 Copy
    Archaeological Reports (when available) - 1 Copy

    NOTE: All archaeological reports that are submitted subsequent to the application must be submitted with an OGC number. Reports without an OGC reference number will be returned.

    1. Fort Nelson First Nation Only:

      1:250,000 Plan Map (with trapline boundaries, rivers, creeks, lakes, access roads, pipelines and proposed seismic lines plotted) - 1 Copy

Last Revised: 10/11/2006        Table of Contents       Printable Version

Printable Version             
Before Application – Pre-work
  • Advise OGC of pre-work efforts – weighting at OGC’s discretion
After Application / Before Approval
  • OGC will provide a Block Outline of and Line Orientation of Overlap Area in a closed environment (i.e. OGC office).
  • OGC will check with both companies involved in an Overlap situation to obtain authorization to provide name and contact info to each other so they may attempt to coordinate.
  • The point of contact is the Licensee unless the Licensee appoints another company.
  • OGC to provide consideration on Amendment process and timeframes when coordination occurs
  • Approval timelines follow normal OGC process of due diligence. Programs stand on their own merits.
  • Failure to coordinate – Approval of Programs to dictate LIS lines of 2.5 metres or less for Newcut Source lines and 1.5 meters or less for Newcut Reciever lines only in overlap area for both companies.
  • Agreement to coordinate but no movement on one side within 72 hours – contact OGC to assist.
  • A company may declare “failure to coordinate” at any time and fall under the 2.5 ruling.
After Approval / Before Completion
  • In addition to Block Outlines and Line Orientation it is now OK for OGC to release Line Spacing on approved programs.
  • Operational Plans for Overlap areas are to be submitted to the OGC - including items such as tentative start and completion dates for each phase of the operation, areas of timber removal (operator specific), coordination of stream crossing construction and deactivations, garbage clean-up, re-inspection, etc.
  • Subsequent 3-D’s - If Approved Company will not coordinate with subsequent programs, approval of the new programs will dictate LIS lines of 2.5 metres or less for Newcut Source lines only in overlap area for subsequent programs.
  • Subsequent 2-D programs – left to OGC’s discretion.
  • Last out (on given lines) is responsible for stream crossings removal. (This must be agreed to in writing).
  • Once available – Digital release by the OGC is limited to Line Location only in a Non-SEG Format (Ends and bends).
Other Agreements
  • April 30th of each year - termination of all Cutting Permits for Geophysical Programs approved under Frozen Ground Conditions.
  • Extensions can be applied for to the OGC but will only be granted if the company has been working on the ground prior to April 30th. Such extensions must be applied for on or before April 30th.

Last Revised: 11/8/2005        Table of Contents       Printable Version

Printable Version             
Please use this guideline to assist in a timely review of each application.

OGC Number: Oil Company:
Land Agent: Phone Number:
Project Name/Location:

A revision should be submitted if program lines are shifted and/or increased in length by 400 meters or more, or if additional new cut lines or access are added to the program.

For revisions on private property - see Sections 1 to 3 inclusive.

For revisions on Crown land - see Sections 1 to 5 inclusive.

Zone: For a map of OGC zones, click here.
North Central East Central West South

    Letter of explanation regarding the nature of the revision - 1 Copy
    Cheque for $1,300.00 payable to the Minister of Finance
    1:20,000 Plan Map - 1 Copy
    1:50,000 Plan Map - 1 Copy
    Copy of additional information submitted in support of the application (i.e.: photos, geotechnical reports, environmental impact assessments etc.) - 1 Copy
    AAIF (Archaeological Assessment Information Form) - 1 Copy
    Archaeological Reports (when available) - 2 Copies

    NOTE: All archaeological reports that are submitted subsequent to the application must be submitted with an OGC number. Reports without an OGC reference number will be returned.
    Public Engagement Report form must be submitted prior to project approval if not submitted with the application - 1 Copy

    1. Crown Land Only
      Note: the following item should only be submitted if there are changes to the timber harvesting technique and/or if stream crossing methods change or additional stream crossings are added.

      Geophysical Application and Field Assessment - 1 Copy

    2. Private Property

      Additional copy of Geophysical Application and Field Assessment
      Additional Copy of 1:50,000 Plan Map
      Application for Changes in and About a Stream, Section 9 Water Act (if applicable) - 1 Copy


    Companies are encouraged to complete stakeholder involvement consultation/notification prior to making program application. Proponents are encouraged to keep records of their stakeholder involvement process. Documentation is not required to be submitted after completion of the stakeholder involvement process if there are no unresolved concerns. However, companies are encouraged to keep the documentation as it may be requested at any time. Please refer to the Guideline for Stakeholder Involvement for additional information on recommended best practices and record requirements.


    Forestry Review Sheet - 1 Copy
    Geophysical Application and Field Assessment - 3 Copies
    Letter of explanation regarding the nature of the revision - 3 Copies
    1:50,000 Plan Map - 3 Copies
    1:20,000 Plan Map - 1 Copy
    1:250,000 Access Map (with trapline boundaries plotted; should only be submitted if entire access is not included on the 1:50,000 map) - 1 Copy
    Major Licensee Comment Sheet (if applicable) - 1 Copy
    Road Use Permit Application (if applicable) - 1 Copy
    Note: the following item is should only be submitted if there are changes to the timber harvesting technique and/or stream crossing methods have changed or additional stream crossings are added.


    Cover letter on each consultation package - 2 Copies
    First Nations Consultation Pre-Assessment form (pre-assessment form should include the program name & number, and identification of each First Nation Community impacted by the program. - 1 Copy
    Letter of explanation regarding the nature of the revision, including a detailed description of the amendment, the reason for the amendment and the amount of new cut where applicable. - 1 Copy
    Geophysical Application and Field Assessment - 1 Copy
    1:50,000 Plan Map outlining both the original program and proposed amendment, clearly identifying by highlighting the amendment. - 1 Copy
    1:250,000 Access Map (with trapline boundaries plotted; should only be submitted if entire access is not included on the 1:50,000 map) - 1 Copy
    Copy of additional information submitted in support of the application (i.e.: photos, geotechnical reports, environmental impact assessments etc.) - 1 Copy
    AAIF (Archaeological Assessment Information Form) - 1 Copy
    Archaeological Reports (when available) - 1 Copy

    NOTE: All archaeological reports that are submitted subsequent to the application must be submitted with an OGC number. Reports without an OGC reference number will be returned.

    1. Fort Nelson First Nation Only:

      1:250,000 Plan Map (with trapline boundaries, rivers, creeks, lakes, access roads, pipelines and proposed seismic lines plotted) - 1 Copy

Last Revised: 3/14/2005        Table of Contents       Printable Version

Printable Version             
Please use this guideline to assist in a timely review of each application.

OGC Number:  Oil Company: 
Land Agent: Phone Number: 
Project Name/Location: 

       Use this guideline for all applications on Crown land unless a specific guideline exists for your application type.

       Sections 1 to 3 inclusive and section 5 apply to all applications.

       Section 4 is not required if the area being applied for is located fully within an existing clearing.

Zone: For a map of OGC zones, click here.
North Central East Central West South

      Application for Crown Land (Section 14 Permit) - 1 Copy
      Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment (if applicable) or
    Geophysical Application and Field Assessment - 1 Copy
      Application for Changes in and About a Stream, Section 9 Water Act (should only be submitted if there are stream crossings and a Forestry Technical Review Package is not submitted) - 1 Copy
      Construction/Site Plan - 1 Copy
      Stream Crossing Profiles (if applicable) - 1 Copy
      1:20,000 BCGS Sketch - 1 Copy
      1:250,000 Access Map (with trapline boundaries plotted) - 1 Copy
      Approval from Ministry of Transportation for linear applications paralleling the SYD Road - 1 Copy
      Additional information submitted in support of the application (i.e.: photos, geotechnical reports, environmental impact assessments etc.) - 1 Copy
      Crown Land Act Lease/License tenure holder crossing agreement signed by both parties (if applicable) - 1 Copy
    AAIF (Archaeological Assessment Information Form) - 1 Copy
    Archaeological Reports (when available) - 2 Copies

    NOTE: All archaeological reports that are submitted subsequent to the application must be submitted with an OGC number. Reports without an OGC reference number will be returned.

    1. Campsite Applications Only:

        Campsite Questionnaire - 1 Copy
        Site Plan Indicating Lay-out of the Camp (location of trailers, sumps, fuel storage etc.) - 1 Copy

    2. Land Farm Applications Only:

        Application for Special Waste Permit (original to be submitted to the Waste Management Branch of MWLAP in Prince George, BC) - 1 Certified Copy

    3. Long-term Tenure Only:

        Application for Crown Land (Statutory Right of Way or Licence of Occupation) - 1 Copy


    Companies are encouraged to complete stakeholder involvement consultation/notification prior to making program application. Proponents are encouraged to keep records of their stakeholder involvement process. Documentation is not required to be submitted after completion of the stakeholder involvement process if there are no unresolved concerns. However, companies are encouraged to keep the documentation as it may be requested at any time. Please refer to the Guideline for Stakeholder Involvement for additional information on recommended best practices and record requirements.


    NOTE: This package is only required if the project being applied for is located within the Fort Nelson First Nation, Prophet River First Nation traditional use areas, and any area outside the Fort Nelson and Peace Forest Districts of Northeast BC.

    Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment (if applicable) or
    Geophysical Application and Field Assessment - 1 Copy
      Construction/Site Plan - 1 Copy
      1:50,000 Project Map - 1 Copy
      1:250,000 Access Map (with trapline boundaries plotted) - 1 Copy


      Forestry Review Sheet - 1 Copy
    Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment (if applicable) or
    Geophysical Application and Field Assessment - 3 Copies
      Construction/Site Plan - 3 Copies
      Stream Crossing Profiles (if applicable) - 3 Copies
      1:20,000 BCGS Sketch - 1 Copy
      1:50,000 Project Map - 1 Copy
      1:250,000 Access Map (with trapline boundaries plotted) - 1 Copy
      Major Licensee Comment sheet (if applicable) - 1 Copy
      Application for Road Use Permit (if applicable) - 1 Copy
      Timber Cruise Report (only required if over 2000 cubic meters of merchantable timber) - 2 Copies
    Please organize and paperclip the Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment with the Construction/Site Plans into 3 packages.


      Cover Letter on each consultation package - 2 Copies
      First Nations Consultation Pre-Assessment form (if located within an existing clearing) - 1 Copy
      Application for Crown Land (include 2 copies if long-term tenure is required)
    Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment (if applicable) or
    Geophysical Application and Field Assessment - 1 Copy
      Campsite Questionnaire (if applicable) - 1 Copy
      Construction/Site Plan - 1 Copy
      Stream Crossing Profiles (if applicable) - 1 Copy
      1:50,000 Project Map - 1 Copy
      1:250,000 Access Map (with trapline boundaries plotted) - 1 Copy
      Additional information submitted in support of the application (i.e.: photos, geotechnical reports, environmental impact assessments etc.) - 1 Copy
    AAIF (Archaeological Assessment Information Form) - 1 Copy
    Archaeological Reports (when available) - 1 Copy

    NOTE: All archaeological reports that are submitted subsequent to the application must be submitted with an OGC number. Reports without an OGC reference number will be returned.

Last Revised: 3/14/2005        Table of Contents       Printable Version

Printable Version             
For heli-assisted/heliportable geophysical programs proposed within the province of British Columbia, the Oil and Gas Commission (OGC) has developed a guideline to assist companies in selecting helipad locations. The guideline provides direction that helps mitigate the impacts of helipad construction on the forested landbase, and the ecosystems comprising it. This Helipad Placement Guideline will continually be revised and updated as new information becomes available. Companies operating in British Columbia are encouraged to monitor the OGC website to check for updated versions of this guide.

Application Submission Requirements
Geophysical application submissions to the Oil and Gas Commission must clearly:
  1. Quantify the helipad disturbance area (Ha) in the Geophysical Application and Field Assessment (GAFA), Section 1 - Operational/Construction Information line data summary tables and,
  2. Identify the number and size of helipads anticipated for operations in the map legend of the 1:50,000 Schedule A map. Information pertaining to geophysical mapping requirements and how to complete the line data tables is available from within the Geophysical Application and Field Assessment Guide.

Site Selection Criteria
Helipads are to be placed utilizing the following criteria, which appear in order of increasing habitat and timber values:
  1. Natural openings, existing disturbances or recently harvested cutblocks that have not been reforested.
    • Helipads can be placed in meadow areas provided no evidence of wildlife use exists at the site (i.e. no wildlife tracks, game trails, etc.).
    • In order to use existing disturbances (oil and gas related developments or otherwise) as helipad locations on tenured land, written permission agreements to use the site must be obtained from the tenure holder.
    • Helipads can be placed on existing leases, but these locations must have a Certificate of Restoration in order to be utilized.
    • Upon request, geophysical operators must be able to surrender permission agreements and/or COR documents to the Oil and Gas Commission or for inspection/audit purposes.
  2. Brush types (i.e. willow, alder, shrubs).
  3. Non-commercial forest types (i.e. black spruce, tamarack/larch).
  4. Mature conifer or deciduous types.
  5. Immature conifer or deciduous types, including plantations.
    • Within plantations inactive roads, turnarounds, and landings should be used as preferred helipad locations.
  6. Alpine and Open Sub-Alpine Habitat

* Reforested areas including naturally regenerating aspen plantations will be treated as immature types (ranked as the 5th choice above). Any operations proposed within areas under active forest management should be planned to minimize negative effects on the Crown investment in the province’s future forest resource.

General Protection Measures
Wildlife Habitat

Although some naturally open areas or forest landscapes with a lesser timber value would present themselves as prime helipad locations, the habitat value of these areas and the impacts of helicopter traffic on wildlife, to and from these locations, cannot be dismissed. As a generalization, such areas, at specific times of the year can provide critical habitat for a variety of species life requisites. This stated, the Oil and Gas Commission requires that the following mitigative measures be incorporated into helipad site selection.
  • Helipad locations must implement the minimum construction setbacks from the list of habitat values identified in Section 8 of the BC Oil and Gas Commission Planning and Construction Guide.
  • New cut helipads must not infringe upon the Riparian Management Area of any identifiable stream or waterbody.
  • Where operationally feasible, efforts must also be taken to avoid placing new cut helipads in alpine and open sub-alpine habitat.
  • The use of alpine and open sub-alpine habitat for helipad construction may be restricted during certain times of the year, depending on specific wildlife values or habitat sensitivities identified in an area. Additional details around wildlife timing window restrictions are obtainable from with the BC Oil and Gas Commission documents Fish and Wildlife Timing Windows for Oil and Gas Exploration and Development in Northeast British Columbia and the Fish and Wildlife Timing Windows for Selected Species - Peace Region.

Compliance With Other Legislation and Regulations
Be advised that the upfront direction provided within this document does not supersede the requirements of the Worker’s Compensation Act or it’s regulation, or any other related provincial or federal legislation. For further information regarding this guideline, please contact the Geophysical Program Manager.

Last Revised: 11/8/2005        Table of Contents       Printable Version

Printable Version             

Time of Year:
  • Cattle-guards may be required
  • Immediate fence repairs if stock in area
  • Gates and fences monitored during activity

Location of Access:
  • Use existing access where possible
  • Minimize vehicle access points and routes

Natural Barrier:
  • Elimination of natural barriers, i.e. timber removal during seismic, pipeline or road construction, may require permanent fencing to contain livestock.

  • Tenure holder may have a preference for piles rather than windrows
  • A 3 meter break every 200-400 meter to assist livestock and wildlife movement.
  • Handcut lines - stump cut horizontal and close to ground to avoid livestock injury.
  • Slash - buck flat to ground

RANGE IMPROVEMENT DAMAGERates to be removed or revised.
  • Prices listed include material and labour - assuming reasonable access
  • 4 wire fence cut - $250.00
  • Line posts - $50.00/post
  • Gate post, corner post, brace post or brace - $100.00/post
  • Wire gate replacement $250.00
  • Cattle-guard cleanout and/or repair may be required
  • Cultivated pasture damage
    • temporary (pipeline and soil disturbance on seismic) $250.00/acre
    • permanent loss (wellsites, roads, plant sites) $500.00/acre
  • No compensation for native pasture areas
  • Dugout damage - must be repaired or replaced

  • Wellsites, sumps or camps to be fenced prior to livestock turnout
  • Install cattle-guards where required
  • Following reclamation and seed establishment fence to be removed from sumps and camp
  • Permanent structure around well head to be negotiated, i.e. fence or panels

  • Tenure holder time and expenses
  • Extra charges if access to damaged improvements is difficult


Last Revised: 10/1/1998        Table of Contents       Printable Version

Printable Version             
Form to be submitted under the authority of the Petroleum and Natural Gas Act R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 361, Geophysical Exploration Regulation, s.3, to the Oil and Gas Commission at the address noted above. Information collected on this form will be used for public record in accordance with s.122 of the Petroleum and Natural Gas Act.

 Geophysical Program Number: 
 Licensee (Client):   OGC File Number: 
 Contractor (Geophysical Co):   Program Name: 

 Shot Point No.:   Line No.: 
  NAD 27   NAD 83
  Crown Land   Private Land
 Longitude:   Latitude: 
 Date Drilled: 
 Date Shot: 
 Depth of Hole:   Charge Depth: 
 Charge Size:   Number of Caps: 
 Type of Charge (Plastic/Paper, NG.Watergel etc.): 
 Date Drilled/Loaded:   Driller/Shooter: 
 Date Plugged: 
 Type of Plug Used:   Date of Misfire: 
 Was shot point offset from station or flag?   Yes    No   If yes, give distance and direction: 

 Remarks/Action Taken: 

 Name:   Title: 
 Signature:   Company: 
 Date:   Telephone Number:   Fax Number: 

Last Revised: 4/29/2003        Table of Contents       Printable Version

Printable Version             
Ministry of Forests designated Forest Service Roads

The following will assist the Oil and Gas Proponent or Designate in accurately completing the Oil and Gas Commission (OGC) Application for Road Use Permit Form (RUP). A Road Use Permit is required to utilize Ministry of Forests (MoF) designated Forest Service Roads (FSR’s) in British Columbia.
  1. The applicant must obtain the name of the FSR along with the name of the Primary User (if one exists) in order to complete the RUP application. This can be accomplished by contacting the appropriate MoF District office.

    Note: The MoF is an information source for forest tenured roads and should only be contacted as such regarding RUP applications. General information regarding RUP applications must come from the OGC.

  2. The applicant is required to:

    • Research the area of interest for oil and gas exploration and/or development activities.
    • Identify if they will be using any MoF designated FSR’s.
    • Identify all tenured roads that will require a Road Use Agreement (e.g., Forest Licensee roads, PDR’s).
    • Check the existing OGC Master Road Use Permit to verify the FSR is not already permitted.
    • Fill out the OGC Application for Road Use Permit with the correct FSR name, section number and kilometres. These details may be found on Forest Development Plans or at the MoF District Offices.
    • Submit the completed Application For Road Use Permit to the OGC.

    Note: The use of MoF tenured roads including FSR’s requires a Road Use Agreement with the Primary User prior to project commencement. If a Primary User does not exist, the MoF will designate the applicant as the Primary User. Refer to Section 2.1 of the Forest Road Regulation regarding costs associated with routine road maintenance.

  3. The applicant will indicate:

    • If the application is a new application or an amendment to an existing RUP.
    • The Forest District in which the FSR is located.
    • The name of the Proponent (holder of the Master Licence to Cut) and current mailing address.
    • The name of the company contact that will have responsibility for the application.
    • The Primary User’s contact name and address.
    • The FSR name, sections/branches and kilometres that the proponent is applying to use.

  4. The Proponent or Designate must sign the application in the space provided.

  5. The Primary User of the FSR should sign the application in the space provided.

    Note: In the event the Primary User does not wish to sign the RUP application form or if a Road Use Agreement has already been initiated, the applicant should include comments in the space provided.

    If the assigned Primary User of the FSR refuses to sign this form or a Road Use Agreement cannot be reached within a reasonable time frame, the OGC may issue the RUP upon review of the application.

  6. The Primary User of the road shall stipulate a termination date of the Road Use Agreement on the application in the space provided. This termination date does not cancel the applicant’s Road Use Permit.

  7. The Local Representative will print their name, company name and phone number on the application form.

  8. The OGC will check the box referring to District Manager (DM) Consultation sent by the OGC. The OGC will then forward the application to the appropriate DM as its requirement to consult with the DM prior to issuance of the RUP. MoF will notify the OGC if they have any reason for the RUP not to be issued.

Last Revised: 3/23/2004        Table of Contents       Printable Version

Printable Version             

May 2003


Species% in Mix
(by seed)
ALPINE TIMOTHY (Phleum commutatum) 10%
   - NOT COMMON TIMOTHY (Phleum prantense)  
JUNE GRASS (Koeleria macrantha) 10%
NODDING BROME (Bromus anomalus) 5%
   - NOT SMOOTH BROME (Bromus inermis)  
SPIKE TRISETUM (Trisetum spicatum) 5%
HAIRY WILD RYE (Elymus innovatus) 10%
ALPINE BLUEGRASS (Poa alpine) 10%
SHEEP FESCUE (Festuca saximontana) 15%
CICER MILKVETCH (Astragalus cicer) 10%
SPRING OR FALL RYE (depending on season of planting) 0-5%


SLENDER WHEATGRASS (Elymus trachycaulus) 20%
AWNED WHEATGRASS (Elymus trachycaulus subsp. Subsecundus) 20%


FOWL BLUEGRASS (Poa palustris) 20%
CICER MILKVETCH (Astragalus cicer) 20%
SHEEP FESCUE (Festuca saximontana) 15%
SPING OR FALL RYE (depending on the season of planting) 0-5%


SLENDER WHEATGRASS (Elymus trachycaulus) 20%
AWNED WHEATGRASS (Elymus trachycaulus subsp. Subsecundus) 20%


FRINGED BROME (Bromus ciliolatus) 20%
   - NOT SMOOTH BROME (Bromus inermis)  
FOWL BLUEGRASS (Poa palustris) 20%
TUFTED HAIR GRASS (Deschampsia caespitose) 20%
TICKLE GRASS (Agrostis scabra) 20%
MARSH REED GRASS (Calamagrostis canadensis) 20%


It is suggested that all those involved in this project review the "Native Plant Re-vegetation Guidelines for Alberta, February 2001". This document is a great resource, and is ahead of what is being done in BC. This document can be viewed at:

  1. The above seed mixes were developed from the lists presented in the Rationale Document.

  2. Ideally many of the species listed would be included in the mixes. However, most have limited availability and are cost prohibitive. Species were selected based on physiology, physiognomy, availability, and cost.

  3. Cicer Milkvetch has been prescribed because it is the least aggressive of introduced legume species. It’s value as a legume offsets its persistence, but it should only be included as less than 20% of the mix.

  4. Seed must originate from the region or a comparable natural region. Use of cultivars of native species in any mix, must be confirmed by the Forest District for suitability.

  5. If the any of the listed species are not available, the Forest District Office should be contacted for advice before altering the prescribed mixes.

  6. Percentages in the mix are by PLS (pure live seed). Seeding rate for broadcast will be 20-25 kg/ha.

Last Revised: 5/5/2002        Table of Contents       Printable Version

Printable Version             

May 2003
SpeciesRecommended Varieties% in Mix
(by seed)
Seeding Rate
kg/ha or lbs/acre
ALFALFAAC Grazeland BR, Anik Heinrichs, Peace,
Rangelander, Spredor 2
RED CLOVERAltaswede, Norlac12%3.5
BIRDSFOOT TREFOILCree, Leo, Upstart15%3
TIMOTHYClimax, Glenmor, Toukka, Alma, Farol23%1.5
CRESTED WHEATGRASSFairway, Parkway10%4

  1. The above forage mix is intended for most reclamation applications within the Peace Forest District. For more site specific recommendations consult range staff in Dawson Creek

  2. Native grass seed may be prescribed for some sites, especially at high elevations. Native seed should originate from the Peace region. (More research into regional native seed availability, quality and performance is required before general native seed mix recommendations can be made).

  3. Seeding should occur as soon as possible after disturbance. If possible, avoid seeding in August & September as the new seedlings will likely not become established well enough to survive winter. Seeding after October 1st is generally safe as seeds will normally remain dormant until spring. Seeding on top of snow over exposed mineral soil is acceptable.

  4. Seed quality standards must meet or exceed Canada Certified No. 1 for all components including purity & germination. Seed Tags & Analysis Certificates must be retained by the proponent and submitted to the Ministry of Forests upon request.

  5. Legume seed must be inoculated with the appropriate rhizobium. If not pre-inoculated or if the pre-inoculant has expired, new rhizobium must be applied with a sticker at seeding.

  6. Prevent spread of noxious weeds by cleaning all equipment before and after entry onto site and re-vegetating quickly with high quality, weed-free seed. None of the following weed seeds shall be present in the forage mix:
Canada thistle
Sow thistle
Scentless chamomile
Russian thistle
Tansy ragwort
Oxeye daisy
Green foxtail

Last Revised: 10/7/2003        Table of Contents       Printable Version

Printable Version             
File: 19720-10 PRWA, Woodlot Licensees

December 05, 2000

To: Woodlot Licensees in the Fort St. John Forest District

From: Ministry of Forests, Fort St. John Forest District

Re: Seismic and Pipeline Referrals on Woodlot License Areas

As many of you are aware, any oil and gas activities being proposed on your woodlot are referred to you by a company or industry representative for your information and comments. As multiple forest tenures cannot be issued over a woodlot area, the License to Cut cutting permit issued by the Oil and Gas Commission (OGC) does not apply over your woodlot area. Thus to legally encompass the cutting of trees associated with these oil and gas activities within your woodlot, the Ministry of Forests has been issuing a Cutting Permit “Z” (CP Z) in the name of the Woodlot Licensee.

What does this mean to you? Since the CP “Z” is issued in your name, this also makes you legally responsible for the harvesting activities associated with the oil and gas activities occurring under your tenure. What this means is that any infractions, as determined under the Forest Practices Code of British Columbia Act or the Forest Act, as a result of their activities under the CP “Z” apply firstly to the Woodlot Licensee. Please be well aware of this fact when completing a referral with an oil and gas company representative discussing proposed operations within your woodlot. The company responsible for the operation is ultimately working under your tenure, so careful consideration should be given when deciding what the desired end result should be. Whether the program is for seismic or pipeline, ensure that the contract entered into details your expectations clearly, and that both parties understand these expectations. Should there be an infraction the standard of care you have exercised with the company in detailing your expectations of their activities under your cutting permit will be determined by evaluating the circumstances on a case by case basis.

The CP “Z” also allows for the accurate recording of the amount of timber harvested on your woodlot area due to these oil and gas activities. All of this timber is recorded against your five year cut control commitment which may allow for future adjustments. Your Allowable Annual Cut (AAC) as determined for your woodlot is based on the utilization of all merchantable timber within the woodlot. Therefore, any timber that is cut through the use of low impact seismic operations, which is left behind and not utilized, would still contribute to your cut control position and in addition, the Woodlot Licensee may be billed for residual waste. If the program is large, or a 3D seismic, this can result in a significant loss of volume in the cut control period if the timber is wasted.

Should you require any further clarification on any of the above information, please do not hesitate to contact the Fort St. John Forest District at 787-5600.

Last Revised: 12/18/2000        Table of Contents       Printable Version

Printable Version             
The Microsoft Word document containing the Stream Crossing Planning Guide is available here.

Last Revised: 6/1/2001        Table of Contents       Printable Version

       MISCELLANEOUS The Miscellaneous section contains information on how to complete applications for miscellaneous oil and gas activities. This section of the Application Resource Book contains the following Miscellaneous checklists that have been converted into guidance, namely:

Converted Checklists – Miscellaneous
Additionally, the following incidental information and guidance is included under this heading for easy reference. Some of this incidental information may be repeated under other headings.

Incidental Information and Guidance – Miscellaneous
The remaining forms are still located on the Miscellaneous business area front page:

Forms - Miscellaneous

Table of Contents

The Microsoft Word document containing the Fish Stream Identification Risk Management Tool is available here. Please note the file size for this document is 12.6 MB.

Last Revised: 6/1/2001        Table of Contents      

Printable Version             
Please use this guideline to assist in a timely review of each application.

OGC Number:  Oil Company: 
Land Agent: Phone Number: 
Project Name/Location: 

       Sections 1 to 4 inclusive apply to all gate applications.

       Section 5 only applies to those gate applications where cutting of timber is required.

Zone: For a map of OGC zones, click here.
North Central East Central West South

      Application for Crown Land (Short-term Tenure & Long-term Tenure) - 2 Copies
      Referral For Gates - 1 Copy
      Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment (only if new cut is required) - 1 Copy
      Site Plan - 1 Copy
      Gate Profile - 1 Copy
      1:20,000 BCGS Sketch - 1 Copy
      1:250,000 Access Map (with trapline boundaries plotted) - 1 Copy


    Companies are encouraged to complete stakeholder involvement consultation/notification prior to making program application. Proponents are encouraged to keep records of their stakeholder involvement process. Documentation is not required to be submitted after completion of the stakeholder involvement process if there are no unresolved concerns. However, companies are encouraged tokeep the documentation as it may be requested at any time. Please refer to the Guideline for Stakeholder Involvement for additional information on recommended best practices and record requirements.


    Note: additional referral packages may be requested for distribution to interested stakeholders.

      Site Plan - 3 Copies
      Gate Profile - 3 Copies
      1:250,000 Access Map (with trapline boundaries plotted) – 3 Copies
    *Please organize and paperclip into 3 packages


      Cover letter on each consultation package - 2 Copies
      Application for Crown Land (Short-term Tenure & Long-term Tenure) - 2 Copies
      Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment (if applicable) - 1 Copy
      Referral For Gates - 1 Copy
      Site Plan - 1 Copy
      Gate Profile - 1 Copy
      1:50,000 Project Map - 1 Copy
      1:250,000 Access Map (with trapline boundaries plotted) - 1 Copy


      Forestry Review Sheet - 1 Copy
      Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment - 3 Copies
      Site Plan - 3 Copies
      Gate Profile - 1 Copy
      Referral For Gates - 1 Copy
      1:20,000 BCGS Sketch - 1 Copy
      1:50,000 Project Map - 1 Copy
      1:250,000 Access Map (with trapline boundaries plotted) - 1 Copy
    *Please organize and paperclip the Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment and the Site Plan into 3 packages.

Last Revised: 3/23/2004        Table of Contents       Printable Version

Printable Version             
Please use this guideline to assist in a timely review of each application.

OGC Number:  Oil Company: 
Land Agent: Phone Number: 
Project Name/Location: 

       Use this guideline for all applications on Crown land unless a specific guideline exists for your application type.

       Sections 1 to 3 inclusive and section 5 apply to all applications.

       Section 4 is not required if the area being applied for is located fully within an existing clearing.

Zone: For a map of OGC zones, click here.
North Central East Central West South

      Application for Crown Land (Section 14 Permit) - 1 Copy
      Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment (if applicable) or
    Geophysical Application and Field Assessment - 1 Copy
      Application for Changes in and About a Stream, Section 9 Water Act (should only be submitted if there are stream crossings and a Forestry Technical Review Package is not submitted) - 1 Copy
      Construction/Site Plan - 1 Copy
      Stream Crossing Profiles (if applicable) - 1 Copy
      1:20,000 BCGS Sketch - 1 Copy
      1:250,000 Access Map (with trapline boundaries plotted) - 1 Copy
      Approval from Ministry of Transportation for linear applications paralleling the SYD Road - 1 Copy
      Additional information submitted in support of the application (i.e.: photos, geotechnical reports, environmental impact assessments etc.) - 1 Copy
      Crown Land Act Lease/License tenure holder crossing agreement signed by both parties (if applicable) - 1 Copy
    AAIF (Archaeological Assessment Information Form) - 1 Copy
    Archaeological Reports (when available) - 2 Copies

    NOTE: All archaeological reports that are submitted subsequent to the application must be submitted with an OGC number. Reports without an OGC reference number will be returned.

    1. Campsite Applications Only:

        Campsite Questionnaire - 1 Copy
        Site Plan Indicating Lay-out of the Camp (location of trailers, sumps, fuel storage etc.) - 1 Copy

    2. Land Farm Applications Only:

        Application for Special Waste Permit (original to be submitted to the Waste Management Branch of MWLAP in Prince George, BC) - 1 Certified Copy

    3. Long-term Tenure Only:

        Application for Crown Land (Statutory Right of Way or Licence of Occupation) - 1 Copy


    Companies are encouraged to complete stakeholder involvement consultation/notification prior to making program application. Proponents are encouraged to keep records of their stakeholder involvement process. Documentation is not required to be submitted after completion of the stakeholder involvement process if there are no unresolved concerns. However, companies are encouraged to keep the documentation as it may be requested at any time. Please refer to the Guideline for Stakeholder Involvement for additional information on recommended best practices and record requirements.


    NOTE: This package is only required if the project being applied for is located within the Fort Nelson First Nation, Prophet River First Nation traditional use areas, and any area outside the Fort Nelson and Peace Forest Districts of Northeast BC.

    Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment (if applicable) or
    Geophysical Application and Field Assessment - 1 Copy
      Construction/Site Plan - 1 Copy
      1:50,000 Project Map - 1 Copy
      1:250,000 Access Map (with trapline boundaries plotted) - 1 Copy


      Forestry Review Sheet - 1 Copy
    Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment (if applicable) or
    Geophysical Application and Field Assessment - 3 Copies
      Construction/Site Plan - 3 Copies
      Stream Crossing Profiles (if applicable) - 3 Copies
      1:20,000 BCGS Sketch - 1 Copy
      1:50,000 Project Map - 1 Copy
      1:250,000 Access Map (with trapline boundaries plotted) - 1 Copy
      Major Licensee Comment sheet (if applicable) - 1 Copy
      Application for Road Use Permit (if applicable) - 1 Copy
      Timber Cruise Report (only required if over 2000 cubic meters of merchantable timber) - 2 Copies
    Please organize and paperclip the Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment with the Construction/Site Plans into 3 packages.


      Cover Letter on each consultation package - 2 Copies
      First Nations Consultation Pre-Assessment form (if located within an existing clearing) - 1 Copy
      Application for Crown Land (include 2 copies if long-term tenure is required)
    Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment (if applicable) or
    Geophysical Application and Field Assessment - 1 Copy
      Campsite Questionnaire (if applicable) - 1 Copy
      Construction/Site Plan - 1 Copy
      Stream Crossing Profiles (if applicable) - 1 Copy
      1:50,000 Project Map - 1 Copy
      1:250,000 Access Map (with trapline boundaries plotted) - 1 Copy
      Additional information submitted in support of the application (i.e.: photos, geotechnical reports, environmental impact assessments etc.) - 1 Copy
    AAIF (Archaeological Assessment Information Form) - 1 Copy
    Archaeological Reports (when available) - 1 Copy

    NOTE: All archaeological reports that are submitted subsequent to the application must be submitted with an OGC number. Reports without an OGC reference number will be returned.

Last Revised: 3/14/2005        Table of Contents       Printable Version

Printable Version             
Please use this guideline to assist in a timely review of each application.

OGC Number: Oil Company:
Land Agent: Phone Number:
Project Name/Location:

Sections 1 to 3 inclusive and section 5 apply to all applications.

Sections 4 is not requested if the area being applied for is located fully within an existing clearing.

Zone: For a map of OGC zones, click here.
North Central East Central West South

    1. Revisions Only:

        Letter of explanation regarding the nature of the revision - 1 Copy
        Application for Crown Land - 1 Copy (include 2 copies if long-term tenure has been applied for over the site)
      Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment (if applicable) or
      Geophysical Application and Field Assessment - 1 Copy
        Construction/Site Plan - 1 Copy
        Stream Crossing Profiles (if applicable; should not be re-submitted if previously submitted) - 1 Copy
        1:20,000 BCGS Sketch - 1 Copy
        1:50,000 Project Map - 1 Copy
        Crown Land Act Lease/License tenure holder crossing agreements (signed by both parties; should not be re-submitted if previously submitted) - 1 Copy
      AAIF (Archaeological Assessment Information Form) - 1 Copy
      Archaeological Reports (when available) - 2 Copies

      NOTE: All archaeological reports that are submitted subsequent to the application must be submitted with an OGC number. Reports without an OGC reference number will be returned.

      1. a) Campsites Only:

          Campsite Questionnaire - 1 Copy
          Site Plan Indicating Lay-out of the Camp (location of trailers, sumps, fuel storage etc.) - 1 Copy

    2. Amendments Only:

        Letter of explanation regarding the nature of the amendment, indicating the increase and/or decrease in the total disturbed and new cut areas on Crown land. - 1 Copy
        Application for Crown Land - 1 Copy (include 2 copies if long-term tenure has been applied for over the site)
        Construction/Site Plan - 1 Copy
        1:20,000 BCGS Sketch - 1 Copy
        1:50,000 NTS Location (overlaid on topographic map with UTMs) - 1 Copy
        1:250,000 Access Map (with trapline boundaries plotted) - 1 Copy
      AAIF (Archaeological Assessment Information Form) - 1 Copy
      Archaeological Reports (when available) - 2 Copies

      NOTE: All archaeological reports that are submitted subsequent to the application must be submitted with an OGC number. Reports without an OGC reference number will be returned.

      1. a) Campsites Only:

          Campsite Questionnaire - 1 Copy
          Site Plan Indicating Lay-out of the Camp (location of trailers, sumps, fuel storage etc.) - 1 Copy

      2. b) Additional Stream Crossings Only:

          Stream Crossing Profiles - 1 Copy
        Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment (if applicable) or
        Geophysical Application and Field Assessment - 1 Copy


    Companies are encouraged to complete stakeholder involvement consultation/notification prior to making program application. Proponents are encouraged to keep records of their stakeholder involvement process. Documentation is not required to be submitted after completion of the stakeholder involvement process if there are no unresolved concerns. However, companies are encouraged to keep the documentation as it may be requested at any time. Please refer to the Guideline for Stakeholder Involvement for additional information on recommended best practices and record requirements.


  4. NOTE: This package is only required if the project being applied for is located within the Fort Nelson First Nation, Prophet River First Nation traditional use areas, and any area outside the Fort Nelson and Peace Forest Districts of Northeast BC.

    1. Revisions Only:

        Letter of explanation regarding the nature of the revision - 1 Copy
        Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment - 1 Copy
        Construction/Site Plan - 1 Copy
        1:50,000 Project Map - 1 Copy
        1:250,000 Access Map (with trapline boundaries plotted) - 1 Copy

    2. Amendments Only:

        Letter of explanation regarding the nature of the amendment, indicating the increase and/or decrease in the total disturbed and new cut areas on Crown land. - 1 Copy
        Construction/Site Plan - 1 Copy
        1:50,000 Project Map - 1 Copy
        1:250,000 Access Map (with trapline boundaries plotted) - 1 Copy

      1. a) Additional Stream Crossings Only:

          Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment - 1 Copy


    1. Revisions Only:

        Forestry Review Sheet - 1 Copy
      Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment Approval Sheet or
      Geophysical Application and Field Assessment Approval Sheet - 1 Copy
        Letter of explanation regarding the nature of the revision - 1 Copy
      Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment (if applicable) or
      Geophysical Application and Field Assessment - 1 Copy
        Construction/Site Plan - 3 Copies
        Stream Crossing Profiles (if applicable; should not be re-submitted if previously submitted) - 3 Copies
        1:20,000 BCGS Sketch - 1 Copy
        1:50,000 Project Map - 1 Copy
        Major Licensee Comment sheet (if applicable; should not be re-submitted if previously submitted) - 1 Copy
        Application for Road Use Permit (if applicable; should not be re-submitted if previously submitted) - 1 Copy
      * Please organize and Paperclip the Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment or Geophysical Application and Field Assessment and the Construction/Site Plan into 3 packages.

    2. Amendments Only:

      Note: this package is not requested if the amended area is located fully within an existing clearing.

        Forestry Review Sheet - 1 Copy
        Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment Approval Sheet - Amendment or
      Geophysical Application and Field Assessment - 1 Copy
        Letter of explanation regarding the nature of the amendment, indicating the increase and/or decrease in the total disturbed and new cut areas on Crown land. - 1 Copy
        Construction/Site Plan - 3 Copies
        1:20,000 BCGS Sketch - 1 Copy
        1:50,000 Project Map - 1 Copy
        Major Licensee Comment sheet (if applicable; should not be re-submitted if previously submitted) - 1 Copy
        Application for Road Use Permit (if applicable; should not be re-submitted if previously submitted) - 1 Copy

      1. a) Additional Stream Crossings Only:

          Stream Crossing Profiles - 3 Copies
        Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment (if applicable) or
        Geophysical Application and Field Assessment - 3 Copies


  7. Note: Include one package for each First Nation Community listed on the consultation cover letter or consultation pre-assessment form.

    1. Revisions Only:

        Cover letter on each consultation package - 2 Copies
        First Nations Consultation Pre-Assessment form (recommended only if the revision is minor and consultation has been completed on the original application) - 1 Copy
        Letter of explanation regarding the nature of the revision - 1 Copy
        Application for Crown Land - 1 Copy (include 2 copies if long-term tenure has been applied for over the site)
      Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment (if applicable) or
      Geophysical Application and Field Assessment - 1 Copy
        Construction/Site Plan - 1 Copy
        Stream Crossing Profiles (if applicable; should not be re-submitted if previously submitted) - 1 Copy
        1:50,000 Project Map - 1 Copy
        1:250,000 Access Map (with trapline boundaries plotted) - 1 Copy
      AAIF (Archaeological Assessment Information Form) - 1 Copy
      Archaeological Reports (when available) - 1 Copy

      NOTE: All archaeological reports that are submitted subsequent to the application must be submitted with an OGC number. Reports without an OGC reference number will be returned.

    2. Amendments Only:

        Cover letter on each consultation package - 2 Copies
        First Nations Consultation Pre-Assessment form (recommended only if the amendment is minor) - 1 Copy
        Letter of explanation regarding the nature of the amendment, indicating the increase and/or decrease in the total disturbed and new cut areas on Crown land. - 1 Copy
        Application for Crown Land - 1 Copy (include 2 copies if long-term tenure has been applied for over the site)
        Construction/Site Plan - 1 Copy
        1:50,000 Project Map - 1 Copy
        1:250,000 Access Map (with trapline boundaries plotted) - 1 Copy
      AAIF (Archaeological Assessment Information Form) - 1 Copy
      Archaeological Reports (when available) - 1 Copy

      NOTE: All archaeological reports that are submitted subsequent to the application must be submitted with an OGC number. Reports without an OGC reference number will be returned.

      1. a) Additional Stream Crossings Only:

          Stream Crossing Profiles - 1 Copy
        Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment (if applicable) or
        Geophysical Application and Field Assessment - 1 Copy

Last Revised: 9/18/2006        Table of Contents       Printable Version

The Microsoft Word Document containing the Application to use land in an Agricultural Land Reserve for Oil and Gas Purposes is available here.

Last Revised: 4/7/2004        Table of Contents      

Printable Version             
Ministry of Forests designated Forest Service Roads

The following will assist the Oil and Gas Proponent or Designate in accurately completing the Oil and Gas Commission (OGC) Application for Road Use Permit Form (RUP). A Road Use Permit is required to utilize Ministry of Forests (MoF) designated Forest Service Roads (FSR’s) in British Columbia.
  1. The applicant must obtain the name of the FSR along with the name of the Primary User (if one exists) in order to complete the RUP application. This can be accomplished by contacting the appropriate MoF District office.

    Note: The MoF is an information source for forest tenured roads and should only be contacted as such regarding RUP applications. General information regarding RUP applications must come from the OGC.

  2. The applicant is required to:

    • Research the area of interest for oil and gas exploration and/or development activities.
    • Identify if they will be using any MoF designated FSR’s.
    • Identify all tenured roads that will require a Road Use Agreement (e.g., Forest Licensee roads, PDR’s).
    • Check the existing OGC Master Road Use Permit to verify the FSR is not already permitted.
    • Fill out the OGC Application for Road Use Permit with the correct FSR name, section number and kilometres. These details may be found on Forest Development Plans or at the MoF District Offices.
    • Submit the completed Application For Road Use Permit to the OGC.

    Note: The use of MoF tenured roads including FSR’s requires a Road Use Agreement with the Primary User prior to project commencement. If a Primary User does not exist, the MoF will designate the applicant as the Primary User. Refer to Section 2.1 of the Forest Road Regulation regarding costs associated with routine road maintenance.

  3. The applicant will indicate:

    • If the application is a new application or an amendment to an existing RUP.
    • The Forest District in which the FSR is located.
    • The name of the Proponent (holder of the Master Licence to Cut) and current mailing address.
    • The name of the company contact that will have responsibility for the application.
    • The Primary User’s contact name and address.
    • The FSR name, sections/branches and kilometres that the proponent is applying to use.

  4. The Proponent or Designate must sign the application in the space provided.

  5. The Primary User of the FSR should sign the application in the space provided.

    Note: In the event the Primary User does not wish to sign the RUP application form or if a Road Use Agreement has already been initiated, the applicant should include comments in the space provided.

    If the assigned Primary User of the FSR refuses to sign this form or a Road Use Agreement cannot be reached within a reasonable time frame, the OGC may issue the RUP upon review of the application.

  6. The Primary User of the road shall stipulate a termination date of the Road Use Agreement on the application in the space provided. This termination date does not cancel the applicant’s Road Use Permit.

  7. The Local Representative will print their name, company name and phone number on the application form.

  8. The OGC will check the box referring to District Manager (DM) Consultation sent by the OGC. The OGC will then forward the application to the appropriate DM as its requirement to consult with the DM prior to issuance of the RUP. MoF will notify the OGC if they have any reason for the RUP not to be issued.

Last Revised: 3/23/2004        Table of Contents       Printable Version

Printable Version             
The Microsoft Word document containing the Stream Crossing Planning Guide is available here.

Last Revised: 6/1/2001        Table of Contents       Printable Version

       OPERATIONS ENGINEERING The Operations Engineering section contains information for completing applications for the technical side of drilling a well. This section of the Application Resource Book does not contain any converted Operations Engineering checklists.

Information and guidance for Operations Engineering located within this reference book is as follows:

Information and Guidance – Operations Engineering
The remaining forms are still located on the Operations Engineering business area front page:

Forms - Operations Engineering

Additionally, the following Ministry of Energy and Mines forms are located on the Operations Engineering business area front page for the convenience of well operators. Please note that these forms must be submitted to the Ministry of Energy and Mines and not the Oil and Gas Commission.

Forms - Ministry of Energy and Mines (Operations Engineering)

Table of Contents

Printable Version             
The form is designed to capture all the required information for flaring approval as required by the Drilling and Production Regulation and the Oil and Gas Waste Regulation.

Section 71(4) of the Drilling and Production Regulation states: "Oil or gas produced from a well or facility must not be flared, except in such amounts as required for drill stem testing, unless permission in writing has been obtained from an authorized commission employee; however, such approval may be given orally and confirmed later in writing, and the requirements of section 58(4) must be followed." There are three categories of Waste Management Act authorizations for the discharge of air emissions from well testing:
  • Section 4(j) of the Oil and Gas Waste Regulation authorizes the discharge of air contaminants from: "flares used for well testing if the natural gas combusted

    • is low sulphur gas, or
    • is high sulphur gas with less than 5% by volume of hydrogen sulphide and is discharged to the air through a flare stack that has a minimum height of 12 metres;"

  • Section 6(1)(d) authorizes the discharge of air contaminants from: "a facility used for well testing if

    • the natural gas combusted contains at least 5% by volume of hydrogen sulphide,
    • the natural gas combusted is discharged to the air through a flare stack that has a minimum height of 12 metres,
    • a manager is notified in writing, before the test, of the location of the test, the proposed flare stack height and the expected volume and hydrogen sulphide content of the natural gas to be combusted, and
    • the well test is carried out in accordance with any conditions specified by a manager."

  • Well tests that cannot meet the requirements for section 4 or 6 must apply for approval to discharge air contaminants under the Waste Management Act. Contact the Operations Engineering section of the Oil and Gas Commission in Fort St. John for information on the application process.

For the first category of well test, notification to the Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection (MWALP) is not required and there are no discharge fees. The second category will require payment of discharge fees in accordance with Section 9 of the Oil and Gas Waste Regulation.

For the purposes of the Oil and Gas Waste Regulation, a manager means the Regional Waste Manager, Pollution Prevention, MWALP. Contact Address: 325, 1011 Fourth Avenue, Prince George, BC, V2L 3H9. Phone: (250) 565-6155, Fax: (250) 565-6629

The completion of the form will ensure the approval process is completed as quickly as possible. It should be noted the completed form must be submitted at least 5 working days prior to the proposed flaring.

As some of the information submitted on the form to MWALP may be of a confidential nature, MWALP, under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act will not be required to release any information submitted to them by the Oil and Gas Commission and any release of information by the Oil and Gas Commission will be in accordance with section 57 of the Drilling and Production Regulation.

Oil and Gas Commission and Ministry of Water, Land, and Air Protection (MWALP) require the information provided in this application. If the estimated H2S content is equal to or greater than 5%, the Commission will forward this approved application to the Regional Waste Manager, Pollution Prevention, MWALP.

Section 1 - Well Information

  • Well Name: The complete well name, which includes the surface location, should be entered, e.g., ABC et al River 1-2-3-4 W6M.
  • Well Authorization Number: Must be entered.
  • Latitude and Longitude: North American Datum - 1983 data should be used.

Section 2 - Details of Proposed Flaring

  • Minimum stack heights specified by the Oil and Gas Waste Regulation sections 4 or 6 are for environmental protection purposes only and may not be sufficient for engineering or safety considerations.
  • Estimated total sulphur release (tonnes SO2): this can be calculated by the following formula:
    ƒn (Estimated volume to be flared - 103m3) X (Estimated H2S content - % by Volume) X (0.0274)

Section 3 - Well and Formation Information

  • Geological Formation: Must be entered.
  • Perforated Interval: correct depth in mKB.
  • Justification for and details … : please complete as concise and precise as possible.

Section 4 - Operator Information

  • This person should the company’s Head Office contact. The Regional Waste Manager (MWALP) might contact this person regarding any conditions specified in the approval.

Section 5 - Commission Use Only

  • The Oil and Gas Commission will complete this section. After the approval is granted it will be faxed to the person designated in Section 4. No further correspondence will be sent to the operator.

The personal information requested on this form is collected under the authority of and used for the purpose of administering the Petroleum and Natural Gas Act and the Waste Management Act. Under certain circumstances, some information may be released subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. If you have any questions about the collection, use or disclosure of this information, contact the Corporate Services Branch, Records Administrator, in Fort St. John at the address above.

Last Revised: 11/9/2004        Table of Contents       Printable Version

Printable Version             
Unique Well Identifier (UWI)

The unique well identifier is the standard 16-character code which defines the bottom hole location and each significant drilling or completion event in the well.

UWI in the Dominion Land Survey System

Example well location 14-36-85-17 W6
UWI 100 14 36 085 17 W6 00

Character 1 2 3 4,5 6,7 8-10 11,12 13,14 15 16
UWI 1 0 0 14 36 085 17 W6 0 0
Description        LSD   Section   Township   Range   Meridian     Event 

  • In the DLS system the first character is always "1"

  • The second character is always "0" (zero)

  • The third character indicates the chronological sequence of wells drilled to a bottom-hole location in the Legal Subdivision (LSD): "0" denotes the first well, "2" denotes the second well, "3" the third, etc. For example, if the UWI is 1 02 14 36 085 17 W6 00, "2" indicates that this is the second well drilled to a bottom-hole location in LSD 14. For a vertical hole, the corresponding surface location is written A14-36-85-17.

  • The fourth and fifth characters identify the LSD.

  • The sixth and seventh characters identify the Section.

  • The eighth, ninth and tenth characters identify the Township.

  • The eleventh and twelfth characters identify the Range.

  • The thirteenth and fourteenth characters identify the "Meridian".
    All wells in northeast British Columbia are west of the 6th Meridian (W6).

  • The fifteenth character is always "0" (zero).

  • The sixteenth character, the event sequence code, indicates the significant drilling and/or completion operations at a well which yield a separate and unique set of geological or production data. The initial drilling and first completion are coded "0" (zero) and subsequent events 2-9. (Event sequence code 1 is not used.). An event sequence code other than zero is created as a result of:
    • deepening a well
    • re-entry of a well
    • whipstocked portion of a well
    • second and subsequent completions

UWI in the NTS System

Example well location d-96-H/94-A-15
UWI 200 D 096 H 094A15 00

Character 1 2 3 4 5-7 8 9-14 15 16
UWI 2 0 0 d 096 H 094A15 0 0
Description        ¼ Unit   Unit   Block   NTS Map Sheet     Event 

  • In the NTS system the first character is always "2"

  • The second character is always "0" (zero)

  • The third character indicates the chronological sequence of wells drilled to a bottom-hole location in the Quarter Unit:
    "0" denotes the first well, "2" denotes the second well, "3" the third, etc.
    For example, if the UWI is 2 03 D 096 H 094 A 15 00, the "3" indicates that this is the third well drilled to a bottom-hole location in 1/4 unit "d".
    For a vertical hole, the corresponding surface location is written d-B96-H/94-A-15.

  • The fourth character identifies the Quarter Unit.

  • The fifth to seventh characters identify the Unit.

  • The eighth character identifies the Block.

  • The ninth to fourteenth characters identify the NTS Map Sheet Number.

  • The fifteenth character is always "0" (zero).

  • The sixteenth character, the event sequence code, indicates the significant drilling and/or completion operations at a well which yield a separate and unique set of geological or production data. See the description above under the DLS well example.

Last Revised: 5/8/2000        Table of Contents       Printable Version

The Oil and Gas Commission (OGC) has introduced a new system for managing pipelines. This system and related best management practices, application forms and processes are described in a new manual that is separate from the Application Resource Book. Operators are directed to refer to this new manual for all aspects of pipeline activity.

Accordingly, a number of sections and aspects of the Applications Resource Book regarding pipelines will not apply to new applications submitted after October 15, 2004. The OGC has revised the Applications Resource Book with a note in each section that no longer applies. Operators should ensure that they check the web version of the Applications Resource Book to determine if it continues to apply.

The Pipelines and Facilities section contains information for completing applications for aspects of the pipeline and facility programs. Incidental information and guidance for timber clearing and First Nations consultation aspects of pipelines and facility programs is also located under this heading for ease of reference. This section of the Application Resource Book contains the following Pipeline and Facility checklists that have been converted into guidance:

Converted Checklists – Pipelines and Facilities
Additionally, the following incidental information and guidance is included under this heading for easy reference.

Incidental Information and Guidance – Pipelines and Facilities

The remaining forms are still located on the Pipelines and Facilities business area front page:

Forms – Pipelines and Facilities
Additionally, the following Ministry of Energy and Mines, and Ministry of Provincial Revenue forms are located on the Pipelines and Facilities business area front page for the convenience of well and pipeline operators. Please note that these forms must be submitted to the respective ministries, and not the Oil and Gas Commission.

Form – Ministry of Energy and Mines (Pipelines and Facilities)
Forms – Ministry of Provincial Revenue (Pipelines and Facilities)

Table of Contents

Printable Version             
 Blueberry River First Nation
 Dene Tha' First Nation
 Doig River First Nation
 Fort Nelson First Nation
 Halfway River First Nation
 McLeod Lake Indian Band
 Prophet River First Nation
 Saulteau First Nation
 West Moberly First Nation
 Other (specify): 
 Other (specify): 
 File #: 
 WA #:  
 Geo #:  
 GDP X-Ref #:
 The Oil and Gas Commission has received an application for a: 
  Geophysical program 


  Other (specify)
  New Application 


 Project Name: 

Attached is a copy of the above-noted application for your review. The purpose of this review is to identify any potential infringments this project may have on your treaty rights to hunt, trap or fish.

We would appreciate receiving any comments you may have about this application within 10 working days. We would also appreciate being informed if you know of any other First Nation that may be affected by this application.

Please be aware that if we have not heard from you within 10 working days, the Oil and Gas Commission will proceed with an evaluation and decision of the application based on available information.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this application, please feel free to contact the Project Assessment Branch at (250) 261-5749, or fax your written reply to (250) 261-5750.
  Application Form
  Timber Harvesting & Field Assessment
  Geophysical Application and Field Assessment
  1:20,000 BCGS Sketch Plan (Pipelines Only)
  1:50 000 Project Map
  1:250 000 Access Map
  Survey/Construction Plan
  Archaeological Assessment Information Form
Attachments checked by:  ____________________  

Last Revised: 3/2/2006        Table of Contents       Printable Version

To view the Environmental Upgrade & Minor Changes to Approved Activities Spreadsheet, please click here.

Last Revised: 10/24/2003        Table of Contents      

Printable Version             
File # _______________________
WA # _______________________
Geo # _______________________
GDP XRef # _______________________
Land Agent _______________________
Company: ____________________

Project:     ____________________

Based on an Application Pre-Assessment, an application package for the above-noted project was NOT sent to the _______________ First Nation(s) for review for the following reasons (explanation of what is being applied for and why):

Application Notes:

Total area required for the project: _______ hectares

Is the area required within an existing cleared area:     Yes     No     Partially

Is this an  Amendment or a  Revision? If this is an amendment, please indicate the difference in the area required from what was originally proposed:     Increase of ____ hectares;     Decrease of ____ hectares;     No change in area required

If this is an amendment, were there any issues identified by First Nations in the original application? Yes     No    If yes, please elaborate:

Trapper notification sent:     Yes     No

Project Assessment Branch First Nation Comments:

Agree     Disagree

________________________________         _________________
Senior Aboriginal Program Specialist      Date

Upon completion return to: _____________________________________
                                                  Project Assessment Branch Program Manager

Last Revised: 3/24/2004        Table of Contents       Printable Version

Printable Version             
File # _____________
WA # _____________
Geo # _____________
GDP XRef # _____________
To: Fort Liard First Nation
Kelly Lake Cree Nations
Kelly Lake First Nation
Kelly Lake Metis Settlement Society

The Oil and Gas Commission has received an application for a:
Geophysical Program Pipeline New Application
Wellsite Other (specify) __________ Revision

Proponent/Company: _________________________

Project Name:             _________________________

For your information, attached is a copy of the application package for the above noted project proposed for development in your area. Any comments can be sent to the attention of the Area Director, Project Assessment Branch at the address below.

Application Form
Timber Harvesting & Field Assessment
 Geophysical Application and Field Assessment
Survey/Construction Plan (if applicable)
1:20,000 BCGS Sketch Plan (Pipelines Only)
1:50 000 Project Map
1:250 000 Access Map
 AAIF (Archaeological Assessment Information Form)
Attachments checked by: _________________________

Last Revised: 11/1/2006        Table of Contents       Printable Version

Printable Version             
Fish and Wildlife Timing Windows for Oil and Gas Exploration and Development in Northeast British Columbia


The purpose of this document is to provide direction with respect to fish and wildlife timing windows for oil and gas operations in northeast British Columbia. When accompanied by appropriate, mitigation measures, adherence to timing windows is a valuable tool in reducing industrial disturbances to fish and wildlife species during sensitive lifecycle stages. Harassment or disruption of wildlife is prohibited at any time under the Wildlife Act of British Columbia; as such, operators are advised to be mindful of potential impacts regardless of the timing of operations. In addition, these windows may require a site-specific review to determine the level of sensitivity to a particular operation. Timing windows may be subject to revision or refinement by the Oil and Gas Commission, as well as other Provincial and Federal agencies.

Throughout the lifecycles of most species, there are critical stages of development during which fish and wildlife are more sensitive to particular types of disturbance. In the Peace Region, it has been observed that many species are most susceptible during early life stages. Some species are also sensitive to disturbance during seasonal migrations, rutting, and while occupying their winter habitat.

The attached table of timing windows considers a selection of species only. This list was reduced to those species that are considered to be: 1) ecosystem indicators, 2) of special management concern, and 3) those that are more susceptible to disturbance. In the event that additional species of concern are detected at a site, an operator should seek direction from the Oil and Gas Commission regarding the appropriateness of added timing considerations.

The type of disturbance is an important factor in planning the timing of oil and gas operations. Typically, on fish bearing watercourses, most in-stream works are subject to timing windows. In comparison, terrestrial wildlife can be particularly sensitive to aerial disruptions; and therefore, timing windows are commonly applied to geophysical operations. Timing windows may also apply to ground based operations where site sensitivities are high. Site sensitivity is primarily determined by the species present, habitat type, abundance of habitat, forest cover type (e.g., open versus closed forest canopy), and the importance of a habitat type to a critical lifecycle stage.

Variances and Mitigation

The Oil and Gas Commission will consider a variance request for an identified timing window, if an application is accompanied by a mitigation plan outlining how potential adverse impacts to wildlife will be minimized. Mitigation plans must clearly identify: 1) rationale for operating outside of a timing window, 2) site specific habitat information (including photos), 3) the species potentially impacted by activities, 4) inventory information available for any species at risk affected, 5) operational modifications to reduce the impacts to wildlife, and 6) project monitoring.

Issues that potentially could be addressed in a mitigation plan include, but are not limited to the following:

Aquatic Ecosystems Aquatic Ecosystems
  • Alternative crossing/routing location
  • Coordination of projects
  • Habitat/inventory assessment
  • Alternative, less disruptive operations and equipment
  • Erosion and sediment control
  • Water quality management
  • Riparian management
  • Restoration activities
  • Project modification
  • Referral to the Department of Fisheries and Oceans
  • Monitoring Plan
  • Alternative routing
  • Coordination of programs
  • Habitat/inventory assessment
  • Alternative, less disruptive operations and equipment
  • Protection of specified habitat features
  • Flight paths
  • Monitoring Plan

Monitoring plays a key role in the development of mitigation strategies, as it permits project modifications to occur as more site-specific information becomes available. Any project monitoring and assessments must be conducted by a qualified environmental technician/biologist, who has experience working with the species and ecosystems of concern. The monitor retained for use on a specific project must be able to issue stop work orders and recommend project modifications, as necessary.

Additional information pertaining to setbacks for specific habitat features can be found in the Planning and Construction Guide (2004) document published by the Oil and Gas Commission. Fisheries work windows and Best Management Practices are further defined in the Forest Practices Code of British Columbia – Fish Stream-crossing Guidebook (March 2002). Also note specific timing requirements in any relevant land use plans, pre-tenure plans and tenure caveats, etc.

Last Revised: 1/4/2004        Table of Contents       Printable Version

The Microsoft Word document containing the Fish and Wildlife Timing Windows Table is available here.

Last Revised: 1/4/2004        Table of Contents      

The Microsoft Word document containing the Fish Stream Identification Risk Management Tool is available here. Please note the file size for this document is 12.6 MB.

Last Revised: 6/1/2001        Table of Contents      

The Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet containing the Pipelines and Facilities Gas Plant Design Capacities is available here.

Last Revised: 3/1/2004        Table of Contents      

Printable Version             
Please use this guideline to assist in a timely review of each application.

Land Agent:  

       For on-lease plants - see Sections 1 to 2 inclusive

       For off-lease plants on private property - see Sections 1 to 4 inclusive

       For off-lease plants on Crown land - see Sections 1 to 7 inclusive

Zone: For a map of OGC zones, click here.
North Central East Central West South

      Cheque for $16,000.00 payable to the Minister of Finance
      Application for a Natural Gas Processing Scheme - 2 Copies

    Note: the following information should be included in each copy of the application:

      Applicant's company name
      Consultant's name
      Contact person’s name, address, phone & fax numbers
      Written description of the plant and the proposed process (es) including rates (inlet, recovered products, fuel gas, emissions). If acid gas is to be discharged to a subsurface formation, a brief description of that proposal shall be supplied
      New facility or a modification
      Location of Plant
      Plot plan/Layout drawings
      Process flow diagram
      Process and Instrumentation Drawings (P&ID;’s)
      Map(s) showing:

    - the facility being applied for
    - all other existing plants and sulphur handling facilities at the site or in the area
    - all occupied dwellings and surface improvements in the area
    - all lakes, streams, and other surface bodies of water in the area
    - all settlements in the area
    - general land use (forested, farming, other) in the area

      List of hazardous materials that will be stored and a description of the storage method
      Description of the provisions for facility security and fire prevention and protection
      If the proposal includes a sulphur handling facility, include a description of the control measures to limit the release of sulphur dust and entrained gases. Describe the method proposed to degasify produced liquid sulphur and to dispose of sulphur compounds and other vapors that are associated with such processes
      Flare/Incinerator stack data including:

    - stack height and diameter
    - predicted normal and maximum emissions of SO2/hr.
    - results of gas/vapor dispersion modeling for lit and unlit conditions showing appropriate isopleths for the various levels of H2S and SO2
    - maximum expected rates for continuous flaring and compositions of flared streams
    - the rate and calculated volume of potential H2S releases

      A Plant Material Balance

    - for design conditions
    - for maximum operating conditions
    - for normal operating conditions, and
    - include the H2S content of the acid gas removed under all three conditions. Rates should be provided in e3m3/d, m3/d or t/d as appropriate

      Total amount of CO2 emissions from all sources at the facility in tonnes per day
      A metering block diagram identifying the metering points as they relate to the material balance. List the type of meter proposed for each measurement point and describe the method proposed for allocating products back to each source delivering to the facility
      A composite analysis of the inlet gas under normal operating conditions and the maximum H2S content of the raw inlet gas in moles per kilo mole

    1. Compressors Over 3000 Kilowatts - Sulphur Emissions of 2 Tonnes/Day or More:

        Certified Copy of Application for Special Waste Permit (original to be submitted to the Waste Management Branch of MWLAP in Prince George, BC) - 1 Copy


      Cover Letter including project overview - 3 Copies
      PL103 - 3 Copies
      Layout and Details of aboveground piping including tie-ins - 3 Copies
      Agreements and/or consents with property owners (if applicable) - 3 Copies
      Process and Instrumentation diagrams (P&ID;’s) - 3 Copies
      Plot Plans showing facility layout and distance to nearest public roads and residential buildings - 3 Copies
      Storage tank layouts - 3 Copies
      Flow diagrams - 3 Copies
    Public Engagement Report - 1 Copy


    Companies are required to complete public engagement consultation/notification prior to making program application. Proponents are encouraged to keep records of their public engagement process. Documentation is not required to be submitted after completion of this process if there are no unresolved concerns. However, companies are encouraged to keep the documentation as it may be requested at any time. Please refer to the Guide to Public Engagement and Appropriate Dispute Resolution for additional information on recommended best practices and record requirements.


      Construction Plan - 1 Copy
      1:20,000 BCGS Sketch - 1 Copy
    AAIF (Archaeological Assessment Information Form) - 1 Copy
    Archaeological Reports (when available) - 2 Copies

    NOTE: All archaeological reports that are submitted subsequent to the application must be submitted with an OGC number. Reports without an OGC reference number will be returned.

    1. Crown Land Only:

        Application for Crown Land (Short-term tenure & Long-term tenure) - 2 Copies
        Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment - 1 Copy
        1:250,000 Access Map (with trapline boundaries plotted) - 1 Copy
        Crown Land Act Lease/License tenure holder crossing agreement signed by both parties (if applicable) - 1 Copy
        Additional information submitted in support of the application (i.e.: photos, geotechnical reports, environmental impact assessments etc.) - 1 Copy

    2. Private Property Only:

        State of Title Certificate - 1 Copy
        Landowner consent - 1 Copy
        Letter from respective Ministry of Forests District Office (only required if there is a timber reservation on the State of Title Certificate) - 1 Copy

    3. Agricultural Land Reserve Only:

        Schedule A Pre-construction Site Assessment Report - 1 Copy
        Application letter to the Land Reserve Commission - 1 Copy


    NOTE: This package is only required if the project being applied for is located within the Fort Nelson First Nation, Prophet River First Nation traditional use areas, and any area outside the Fort Nelson and Peace Forest Districts of Northeast BC.

    Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment - 1 Copy
    Construction Plan - 1 Copy
    1:50,000 Project Map - 1 Copy
    1:250,000 Access Map (with trapline boundaries plotted) - 1 Copy


    NOTE: this package is only required if there is new cut on Crown land.

      Forestry Review Sheet - 1 Copy
      Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment - 3 Copies
      Construction Plan - 3 Copies
      1:20,000 BCGS Sketch - 1 Copy
      1:50,000 Project Map - 1 Copy
      1:250,000 Access Map (with trapline boundaries plotted) - 1 Copy
      Major Licensee Comment sheet (if applicable) - 1 Copy
      Application for Road Use Permit (if applicable) - 1 Copy
    Please organize and Paperclip the Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment with the Construction Plans into 3 packages.


      Cover Letter on each consultation package - 2 Copies
      Application for Crown Land (Short-term tenure & Long-term tenure) - 2 Copies
      Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment - 1 Copy
      Construction Plan - 1 Copy
      1:50,000 Project Map - 1 Copy
      1:250,000 Access Map (with trapline boundaries plotted) - 1 Copy
      Additional information submitted in support of the application (i.e.: photos, geotechnical reports, environmental impact assessments etc.) - 1 Copy
    AAIF (Archaeological Assessment Information Form) - 1 Copy
    Archaeological Reports (when available) - 1 Copy

    NOTE: All archaeological reports that are submitted subsequent to the application must be submitted with an OGC number. Reports without an OGC reference number will be returned.

Last Revised: 10/11/2006        Table of Contents       Printable Version

Printable Version             
Please use this guideline to assist in a timely review of each application.

OGC Number:  Oil Company: 
Land Agent: Phone Number: 
Project Name/Location: 

       Use this guideline for all applications on Crown land unless a specific guideline exists for your application type.

       Sections 1 to 3 inclusive and section 5 apply to all applications.

       Section 4 is not required if the area being applied for is located fully within an existing clearing.

Zone: For a map of OGC zones, click here.
North Central East Central West South

      Application for Crown Land (Section 14 Permit) - 1 Copy
      Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment (if applicable) or
    Geophysical Application and Field Assessment - 1 Copy
      Application for Changes in and About a Stream, Section 9 Water Act (should only be submitted if there are stream crossings and a Forestry Technical Review Package is not submitted) - 1 Copy
      Construction/Site Plan - 1 Copy
      Stream Crossing Profiles (if applicable) - 1 Copy
      1:20,000 BCGS Sketch - 1 Copy
      1:250,000 Access Map (with trapline boundaries plotted) - 1 Copy
      Approval from Ministry of Transportation for linear applications paralleling the SYD Road - 1 Copy
      Additional information submitted in support of the application (i.e.: photos, geotechnical reports, environmental impact assessments etc.) - 1 Copy
      Crown Land Act Lease/License tenure holder crossing agreement signed by both parties (if applicable) - 1 Copy
    AAIF (Archaeological Assessment Information Form) - 1 Copy
    Archaeological Reports (when available) - 2 Copies

    NOTE: All archaeological reports that are submitted subsequent to the application must be submitted with an OGC number. Reports without an OGC reference number will be returned.

    1. Campsite Applications Only:

        Campsite Questionnaire - 1 Copy
        Site Plan Indicating Lay-out of the Camp (location of trailers, sumps, fuel storage etc.) - 1 Copy

    2. Land Farm Applications Only:

        Application for Special Waste Permit (original to be submitted to the Waste Management Branch of MWLAP in Prince George, BC) - 1 Certified Copy

    3. Long-term Tenure Only:

        Application for Crown Land (Statutory Right of Way or Licence of Occupation) - 1 Copy


    Companies are encouraged to complete stakeholder involvement consultation/notification prior to making program application. Proponents are encouraged to keep records of their stakeholder involvement process. Documentation is not required to be submitted after completion of the stakeholder involvement process if there are no unresolved concerns. However, companies are encouraged to keep the documentation as it may be requested at any time. Please refer to the Guideline for Stakeholder Involvement for additional information on recommended best practices and record requirements.


    NOTE: This package is only required if the project being applied for is located within the Fort Nelson First Nation, Prophet River First Nation traditional use areas, and any area outside the Fort Nelson and Peace Forest Districts of Northeast BC.

    Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment (if applicable) or
    Geophysical Application and Field Assessment - 1 Copy
      Construction/Site Plan - 1 Copy
      1:50,000 Project Map - 1 Copy
      1:250,000 Access Map (with trapline boundaries plotted) - 1 Copy


      Forestry Review Sheet - 1 Copy
    Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment (if applicable) or
    Geophysical Application and Field Assessment - 3 Copies
      Construction/Site Plan - 3 Copies
      Stream Crossing Profiles (if applicable) - 3 Copies
      1:20,000 BCGS Sketch - 1 Copy
      1:50,000 Project Map - 1 Copy
      1:250,000 Access Map (with trapline boundaries plotted) - 1 Copy
      Major Licensee Comment sheet (if applicable) - 1 Copy
      Application for Road Use Permit (if applicable) - 1 Copy
      Timber Cruise Report (only required if over 2000 cubic meters of merchantable timber) - 2 Copies
    Please organize and paperclip the Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment with the Construction/Site Plans into 3 packages.


      Cover Letter on each consultation package - 2 Copies
      First Nations Consultation Pre-Assessment form (if located within an existing clearing) - 1 Copy
      Application for Crown Land (include 2 copies if long-term tenure is required)
    Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment (if applicable) or
    Geophysical Application and Field Assessment - 1 Copy
      Campsite Questionnaire (if applicable) - 1 Copy
      Construction/Site Plan - 1 Copy
      Stream Crossing Profiles (if applicable) - 1 Copy
      1:50,000 Project Map - 1 Copy
      1:250,000 Access Map (with trapline boundaries plotted) - 1 Copy
      Additional information submitted in support of the application (i.e.: photos, geotechnical reports, environmental impact assessments etc.) - 1 Copy
    AAIF (Archaeological Assessment Information Form) - 1 Copy
    Archaeological Reports (when available) - 1 Copy

    NOTE: All archaeological reports that are submitted subsequent to the application must be submitted with an OGC number. Reports without an OGC reference number will be returned.

Last Revised: 3/14/2005        Table of Contents       Printable Version

Printable Version             
Please use this guideline to assist in a timely review of each application.

Land Agent:  

       For facilities on private property - see Sections 1 to 3 inclusive

       For facilities on Crown land - see Sections 1 to 7 inclusive

Zone: For a map of OGC zones, click here.
North Central East Central West South

      Construction Plan - 1 Copy
      1:20,000 BCGS Sketch - 1 Copy
    AAIF (Archaeological Assessment Information Form) - 1 Copy
    Archaeological Reports (when available) - 2 Copies

    NOTE: All archaeological reports that are submitted subsequent to the application must be submitted with an OGC number. Reports without an OGC reference number will be returned.
    Public Engagement Report - 1 Copy
      Compressors only - 1 Copy of PL103

    1. Compressors Over 3000 Kilowatts:

        Application for Special Waste Permit (original to be submitted to the Waste Management Branch of MWLAP in Prince George, BC) - 1 Certified Copy

    2. Crown Land Only:

        Application for Crown Land (Section 14 Permit and Statutory Right of Way) - 2 Copies
        Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment - 1 Copy
        1:250,000 Access Map (with trapline boundaries plotted) - 1 Copy
        Crown Land Act Lease/License tenure holder crossing agreement signed by both parties (if applicable) - 1 Copy
        Additional information submitted in support of the application (i.e.: photos, geotechnical reports, environmental impact assessments etc.) - 1 Copy
        Schedule A Pre-construction Site Assessment Report (recommended only for facilities on Crown land within the ALR) - 1 Copy
        Application letter to the Land Reserve Commission (recommended only for pipelines longer than 5 kilometers) - 1 Copy

    3. Private Property Only:

        State of Title Certificate - 1 Copy
        Letter from respective Ministry of Forests District Office (should only be submitted if there is a timber reservation on the State of Title Certificate) - 1 Copy
      Schedule A Pre-construction Site Assessment Report (should only be submitted for facilities on Private land within the ALR) - 1 Copy
        Application for Changes in and About a Stream, Section 9 Water Act (if applicable) - 1 Copy
      Note: The registered landowner must sign this form, or a copy of the signed "Form C" must be attached.


    Companies are required to complete public engagement consultation/notification prior to making program application. Proponents are encouraged to keep records of their public engagement process. Documentation is not required to be submitted after completion of this process if there are no unresolved concerns. However, companies are encouraged to keep the documentation as it may be requested at any time. Please refer to the Guide to Public Engagement and Appropriate Dispute Resolution for additional information on recommended best practices and record requirements.


      Cover Letter and Project Description - 1 Copy
      BC-20, and Attachments - 1 Copy
      BC-21 - 1 Copy


    Note: this package is only requested if the facility includes a compressor.

      Cover Letter including project overview - 3 Copies
      PL103 - 3 Copies
      Layout and Details of aboveground piping including tie-ins - 3 Copies
      Process and Instrumentation diagrams (P&ID;'s) - 3 Copies
      Plot Plans showing facility layout and distance to nearest public roads and residential buildings - 3 Copies
      Storage tank layouts - 3 Copies
      Flow diagrams - 3 Copies


    NOTE: This package is only required if the project being applied for is located within the Fort Nelson First Nation, Prophet River First Nation traditional use areas, and any area outside the Fort Nelson and Peace Forest Districts of Northeast BC.

      Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment (if applicable) - 1 Copy
      Construction Plan - 1 Copy
      1:50,000 Project Map - 1 Copy
      1:250,000 Access Map (with trapline boundaries plotted) - 1 Copy


    Note: this package should only be submitted if there is new cut on Crown land

      Forestry Review Sheet - 1 Copy
      Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment - 3 Copies
      Construction Plan - 3 Copies
      1:20,000 BCGS Sketch - 1 Copy
      1:50,000 Project Map - 1 Copy
      1:250,000 Access Map (with trapline boundaries plotted) - 1 Copy
      Major Licensee Comment sheet (if applicable) - 1 Copy
      Application for Road Use Permit (if applicable) - 1 Copy
    Please 0rganize and paperclip the Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment with the Construction Plans into 3 packages.


      Cover Letter on each consultation package - 2 Copies
      Application for Crown Land (Section 14 Permit and Statutory Right of Way) - 2 Copies
      Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment - 1 Copy
      Construction Plan - 1 Copy
      Stream Crossing Profiles (if applicable) - 1 Copy
      1:50,000 Project Map - 1 Copy
      1:250,000 Access Map (with trapline boundaries plotted) - 1 Copy
      Additional information submitted in support of the application (i.e.: photos, geotechnical reports, environmental impact assessments etc.) - 1 Copy
    AAIF (Archaeological Assessment Information Form) - 1 Copy
    Archaeological Reports (when available) - 1 Copy

    NOTE: All archaeological reports that are submitted subsequent to the application must be submitted with an OGC number. Reports without an OGC reference number will be returned.

Last Revised: 10/11/2006        Table of Contents       Printable Version

Printable Version             
Please use this guideline to assist in a timely review of each application.>

Land Agent:  

       For revisions and amendments on Private Property - see Sections 1 to 4 inclusive

       For revisions and amendments on Crown land - see Sections 1 to 7 inclusive

Zone: For a map of OGC zones, click here.
North Central East Central West South

    1. Revisions Only:

        Letter of explanation regarding the nature of the revision - 1 Copy
        Construction Plan - 1 Copy
        1:20,000 BCGS Sketch - 1 Copy
      AAIF (Archaeological Assessment Information Form) - 1 Copy
      Archaeological Reports (when available) - 2 Copies

      NOTE: All archaeological reports that are submitted subsequent to the application must be submitted with an OGC number. Reports without an OGC reference number will be returned.
      Public Engagement Report - 1 Copy

      1. Crown Land Only:

          Application for Crown Land (Section 14 Permit and Statutory Right of Way) - 2 Copies
          Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment - 1 Copy
          1:50,000 Project Map - 1 Copy
          Crown Land Act Lease/License tenure holder crossing agreement signed by both parties (if applicable) - 1 Copy

    2. Amendments Only:

        Letter of explanation regarding the nature of the amendment, indicating the increase and/or decrease in the total disturbed and new cut areas on Crown land. - 1 Copy
        Construction Plan - 1 Copy
        1:20,000 BCGS Sketch - 1 Copy
      AAIF (Archaeological Assessment Information Form) - 1 Copy
      Archaeological Reports (when available) - 2 Copies

      NOTE: All archaeological reports that are submitted subsequent to the application must be submitted with an OGC number. Reports without an OGC reference number will be returned.

      1. Crown Land Only:

        Application for Crown Land (Section 14 Permit and Statutory Right of Way) - 2 Copies
        1:50,000 Project Map - 1 Copy
        Crown Land Act Lease/License tenure holder crossing agreement signed by both parties (if applicable) - 1 Copy

    3. Private Property Only:

        State of Title Certificate (only requested if facility is to be located on a different parcel than originally proposed) - 1 Copy
        Letter from respective Ministry of Forests District Office (should only be submitted if there is a timber reservation on the State of Title Certificate; not be re-submitted if previously submitted) - 1 Copy


    Companies are required to complete public engagement consultation/notification prior to making program application. Proponents are encouraged to keep records of their public engagement process. Documentation is not required to be submitted after completion of this process if there are no unresolved concerns. However, companies are encouraged to keep the documentation as it may be requested at any time. Please refer to the Guide to Public Engagement and Appropriate Dispute Resolution for additional information on recommended best practices and record requirements.


    Note: only requested if there is a change to the original submission.

      Cover Letter and Project Description - 1 Copy
      BC-20 and Attachments - 1 Copy
      BC-21 - 1 Copy


    1. Revisions Only:

        Forestry Review Sheet - 1 Copy
        Letter of explanation regarding the nature of the revision - 1 Copy
        Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment - 3 Copies
        Construction Plan - 3 Copies
        1:20,000 BCGS Sketch - 1 Copy
        1:50,000 Project Map - 1 Copy
        Major Licensee Comment sheet (if applicable; should not be re-submitted if previously submitted) - 1 Copy
        Application for Road Use Permit (if applicable; should not be re-submitted if previously submitted) - 1 Copy
      * Please organize and paperclip the Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment and the Construction Plan into 3 packages.

    2. Amendments Only:

      Note: this package is not requested if the amended area is located fully within an existing clearing.

        Forestry Review Sheet - 1 Copy
        Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment Approval Sheet - "Amendment" - 1 Copy
        Letter of explanation regarding the nature of the amendment, indicating the increase and/or decrease in the total disturbed and new cut areas on Crown land. - 1 Copy
        Construction Plan - 3 Copies
        1:20,000 BCGS Sketch - 1 Copy
        1:50,000 Project Map - 1 Copy
        Major Licensee Comment sheet (if applicable; should not be re-submitted if previously submitted) - 1 Copy
        Application for Road Use Permit (if applicable; should not be re-submitted if previously submitted) - 1 Copy


      Cover Letter including project overview - 3 Copies
      PL103 form - 3 Copies
      Layout and Details of aboveground piping including tie-ins - 3 Copies
      Process and Instrumentation diagrams (P&ID;'s) - 3 Copies
      Plot Plans showing facility layout and distance to nearest public roads and residential buildings - 3 Copies
      Storage tank layouts - 3 Copies
      Flow diagrams - 3 Copies


  7. NOTE: This package is only required if the project being applied for is located within the Fort Nelson First Nation, Prophet River First Nation traditional use areas, and any area outside the Fort Nelson and Peace Forest Districts of Northeast BC.

    1. Revisions Only:

        Letter of explanation regarding the nature of the revision - 1 Copy
        Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment - 1 Copy
        Construction Plan - 1 Copy
        1:50,000 Project Map - 1 Copy
        1:250,000 Access Map (with trapline boundaries plotted) - 1 Copy

    2. Amendments Only:

        Letter of explanation regarding the nature of the amendment, indicating the increase and/or decrease in the total disturbed and new cut areas on Crown land. - 1 Copy
        Construction Plan - 1 Copy
        1:50,000 Project Map - 1 Copy
        1:250,000 Access Map (with trapline boundaries plotted) - 1 Copy


  9. Note: Include one package for each First Nation Community listed on the consultation cover letter or consultation pre-assessment form.

    1. Revisions Only:

        Cover letter on each consultation package - 2 Copies
        First Nations Consultation Pre-Assessment form (requested only if the revision is minor and consultation has been completed on the original application) - 1 Copy
        Letter of explanation regarding the nature of the revision - 1 Copy
        Application for Crown Land (Section 14 Permit and Statutory Right of Way) - 2 Copies
        Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment - 1 Copy
        Construction Plan - 1 Copy
        1:50,000 Project Map - 1 Copy
        1:250,000 Access Map (with trapline boundaries plotted) - 1 Copy
      AAIF (Archaeological Assessment Information Form) - 1 Copy
      Archaeological Reports (when available) - 1 Copy

      NOTE: All archaeological reports that are submitted subsequent to the application must be submitted with an OGC number. Reports without an OGC reference number will be returned.

    2. Amendments Only:

        Cover letter on each consultation package - 2 Copies
        First Nations Consultation Pre-Assessment form (requested only if the amendment is minor and consultation has been completed on the original application) - 1 Copy
        Letter of explanation regarding the nature of the amendment, indicating the increase and/or decrease in the total disturbed and new cut areas on Crown land. - 1 Copy
        Application for Crown Land (Section 14 Permit and Statutory Right of Way) - 2 Copies
        Construction Plan - 1 Copy
        1:50,000 Project Map - 1 Copy
        1:250,000 Access Map (with trapline boundaries plotted) - 1 Copy
      AAIF (Archaeological Assessment Information Form) - 1 Copy
      Archaeological Reports (when available) - 1 Copy

      NOTE: All archaeological reports that are submitted subsequent to the application must be submitted with an OGC number. Reports without an OGC reference number will be returned.

Last Revised: 10/11/2006        Table of Contents       Printable Version

Printable Version             
Please use this guideline to assist in a timely review of each application.

OGC Number:  Oil Company: 
Land Agent: Phone Number: 
Project Name/Location: 

       Sections 1 to 3 inclusive apply to all applications.

Zone: For a map of OGC zones, click here.
North Central East Central West South

      Cover Letter and Project Description - 1 Copy
      BC-20 and Attachments - 1 Copy
      BC-21 - 1 Copy

    1. Compressors Over 3000 Kilowatts:

        Application for Special Waste Permit (original to be submitted to the Waste Management Branch of MWLAP in Prince George, BC) - 1 Certified Copy


    Note: this package is only requested if the facility includes a compressor.

      Cover Letter including project overview - 3 Copies
      PL103 - 3 Copies
      Layout and Details of aboveground piping including tie-ins - 3 Copies
      Process and Instrumentation diagrams (P&ID;'s) - 3 Copies
      Plot Plans showing facility layout and distance to nearest public roads and residential buildings - 3 Copies
      Storage tank layouts - 3 Copies
      Flow diagrams - 3 Copies


    Companies are encouraged to complete stakeholder involvement consultation/notification prior to making program application. Proponents are encouraged to keep records of their stakeholder involvement process. Documentation is not required to be submitted after completion of the stakeholder involvement process if there are no unresolved concerns. However, companies are encouraged to keep the documentation as it may be requested at any time. Please refer to the Guideline for Stakeholder Involvement for additional information on recommended best practices and record requirements.

Last Revised: 3/23/2004        Table of Contents       Printable Version

Printable Version             
NOTE: This section of the ARB no longer applies for new pipeline applications submitted after October 12, 2004. It will continue to apply for amendments to applications submitted prior to October 12, 2004. For details on the new Pipeline application process, please click here.

Please use this guideline to assist in a timely review of each application.

OGC Number:  Oil Company: 
Land Agent: Phone Number: 
Project Name/Location: GDP X-Ref#:

For pipelines on private property - see Sections 1 to 4 inclusive

For pipelines on Crown land - see Sections 1 to 7 inclusive

Zone: For a map of OGC zones, click here.
North Central East Central West South

      PL 101 with cover letter, plot plans, schematics - 1 Copy
      Construction Plan - 1 Copy
      1:20,000 BCGS Sketch - 1 Copy
      1:250,000 Access Map (with trapline boundaries plotted) - 1 Copy
      Additional information submitted in support of the application (i.e.: photos, geotechnical reports, environmental impact assessments etc.) - 1 Copy
    AAIF (Archaeological Assessment Information Form) - 1 Copy
    Archaeological Reports (when available) - 2 Copies

    NOTE: All archaeological reports that are submitted subsequent to the application must be submitted with an OGC number. Reports without an OGC reference number will be returned.
    Public Engagement Report - 1 Copy

    1. Crown Land Only:

        Application for Crown Land (Section 14 Permit and Statutory Right of Way) - 2 Copies
        Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment - 1 Copy
        Application for Changes in and About a Stream, Section 9 Water Act (should only be submitted if there are stream crossings and a Forestry Technical Review Package is not submitted) - 1 Copy
        Approval from Ministry of Transportation for pipelines paralleling the SYD Road - 1 Copy
        Crown Land Act Lease/License tenure holder crossing agreement signed by both parties (if applicable) - 1 Copy
        Schedule A Pre-construction Site Assessment Report (should only be submitted for pipelines on Crown land within the ALR) - 1 Copy

    2. Private Property Only:

        State of Title Certificate for each parcel being crossed - 1 Copy
        Letter from respective Ministry of Forests District Office (should only be submitted if there is a timber reservation on the State of Title Certificate) - 1 Copy
      Schedule A Pre-construction Site Assessment Report (should only be submitted for pipelines on Private land within the ALR) - 1 Copy
        Application for Changes in and About a Stream, Section 9 Water Act (if applicable) - 1 Copy
      Note: The registered landowner must sign this form, or a copy of the signed "Form C" must be attached


    Companies are encouraged to complete stakeholder involvement consultation/notification prior to making program application. Proponents are encouraged to keep records of their stakeholder involvement process. Documentation is not required to be submitted after completion of the stakeholder involvement process if there are no unresolved concerns. However, companies are encouraged to keep the documentation as it may be requested at any time. Please refer to the Guideline for Stakeholder Involvement for additional information on recommended best practices and record requirements


      Cover Letter and Project Description - 1 Copy
      BC-20 and Attachments - 1 Copy
      BC-21 - 1 Copy


      Cover Letter including project overview - 3 Copies
      PL 101 - 3 Copies
      Cover Letter and Project Description - 1 Copy
      Survey/Construction Plan - 3 Copies
      Plan and Profile of pipeline route showing rivers, creeks, roads, railways, foreign pipelines, telephone and power lines, irrigation ditches, buildings; also to include the location of block valves, blow downs, expansion loops, pipe weights, anchors, cathodic protection devices and tank farms - 3 Copies
      Crossing drawings with plan view, profile and location plan - 3 Copies
      Layout and Details of aboveground piping including tie-ins - 3 Copies
      Notification of Intent to cross a highway, private road, irrigation ditch, drain, underground telegraph, telephone or electric power line or a pipeline - 3 Copies
      SOUR Pipelines-gas analysis, emergency response plans, leak detection system description, release rates and release volumes, min/max temperatures of gas or fluids - 3 Copies
      Process and Instrumentation diagrams (P&ID;'s) - 3 Copies
      Plot Plans showing facility layout and distance to nearest public roads and residential buildings - 3 Copies
      Storage tank layouts - 3 Copies
      Flow diagrams - 3 Copies


    NOTE: This package is only required if the project being applied for is located within the Fort Nelson First Nation, Prophet River First Nation traditional use areas, and any area outside the Fort Nelson and Peace Forest Districts of Northeast BC.

      Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment - 1 Copy
    Construction Plan - 1 Copy
    1:50,000 Project Map - 1 Copy
    1:250,000 Access Map (with trapline boundaries plotted) - 1 Copy


      Forestry Review Sheet - 1 Copy
      Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment - 3 Copies
      Construction Plan - 3 Copies
      Stream Crossing Profiles (if applicable) - 3 Copies
      1:20,000 BCGS Sketch - 1 Copy
      1:50,000 Project Map - 1 Copy
      1:250,000 Access Map (with trapline boundaries plotted) - 1 Copy
      Major Licensee Comment sheet (if applicable) - 1 Copy
      Application for Road Use Permit (if applicable) - 1 Copy
      Timber Cruise Report (if over 2,000 cubic meters of merchantable timber) - 2 Copies
    * Please organize and paperclip the Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment with the Construction Plans and Stream Crossing Profiles into 3 packages


    Note: Include one package for each First Nation Community listed on the consultation cover letter.

      Cover letter on each consultation package - 2 Copies
      Application for Crown Land ( Section 14 Permit and Statutory Right of Way) - 2 Copies
      Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment (if applicable) - 1 Copy
      Construction Plan - 1 Copy
      Stream Crossing Profiles (if applicable) - 1 Copy
      1:50,000 Project Map - 1 Copy
      1:250,000 Access Map (with trapline boundaries plotted) - 1 Copy
      Additional information submitted in support of the application (i.e.: photos, geotechnical reports, environmental impact assessments etc.) - 1 Copy
    AAIF (Archaeological Assessment Information Form) - 1 Copy
    Archaeological Reports (when available) - 1 Copy

    NOTE: All archaeological reports that are submitted subsequent to the application must be submitted with an OGC number. Reports without an OGC reference number will be returned.

Last Revised: 10/11/2006        Table of Contents       Printable Version

Printable Version             
NOTE: This Guideline no longer applies for pipeline applications submitted after October 12, 2004. Please also apply the new process when submitting Amendments or Revisions to pipeline applications submitted prior to October 12, 2004. If you require assistance with this please contact Shelley Calder at 250-261-5717 or email Shelley For details on the new pipeline application process, please click here.

Please use this guideline to assist in a timely review of each application.

Land Agent:  

For revisions and amendments on Private Property - see Sections 1 to 4 inclusive

For revisions and amendments on Crown land - see Sections 1 to 7 inclusive

Zone: For a map of OGC zones, click here.
North Central East Central West South

    1. Revisions Only:

        Letter of explanation regarding the nature of the revision - 1 Copy
        PL101, with cover letter, plot plans, schematics (should only be submitted if there is a change to the original submission) - 1 Copy
        Construction Plan - 1 Copy
        Stream Crossing Profiles (if applicable; should not be re-submitted if previously submitted) - 1 Copy
        1:20,000 BCGS Sketch - 1 Copy
        1:50,000 Project Map - 1 Copy
      AAIF (Archaeological Assessment Information Form) - 1 Copy
      Archaeological Reports (when available) - 2 Copies

      NOTE: All archaeological reports that are submitted subsequent to the application must be submitted with an OGC number. Reports without an OGC reference number will be returned.
      Public Engagement Report - 1 Copy

      1. (a) Crown Land Only:

          Application for Crown Land (Section 14 Permit and Statutory Right of Way) - 2 Copies
          Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment - 1 Copy
          Crown Land Act Lease/License tenure holder crossing agreement signed by both parties (if applicable; should not be re-submitted if previously submitted) - 1 Copy

    2. Amendments Only:

        Letter of explanation regarding the nature of the amendment, indicating the increase and/or decrease in the total disturbed and new cut areas on Crown land
        PL101, with cover letter, plot plans, schematics (should only be submitted if there is a change to the original submission) - 1 Copy
        Construction Plan - 1 Copy
        1:20,000 BCGS Sketch - 1 Copy
        1:50,000 Project Map - 1 Copy
      AAIF (Archaeological Assessment Information Form) - 1 Copy
      Archaeological Reports (when available) - 2 Copies

      NOTE: All archaeological reports that are submitted subsequent to the application must be submitted with an OGC number. Reports without an OGC reference number will be returned.

      1. (a) Crown Land Only:

          Application for Crown Land (Section 14 Permit and Statutory Right of Way) - 2 Copies
          Crown Land Act Lease/License tenure holder crossing agreement signed by both parties (if applicable; should not be re-submitted if previously submitted) - 1 Copy

      2. (b) Additional Stream Crossings Only:

          Stream Crossing Profiles - 1 Copy
          Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment - 1 Copy

    3. Private Property Only:

        State of Title Certificate for each parcel being crossed (only requested if there are different parcels are being crossed than as originally proposed) - 1 Copy
        Letter from respective Ministry of Forests District Office (only requested if there is a timber reservation on the State of Title Certificate; not requested if previously submitted) - 1 Copy
        Application for Changes in and About a Stream Section 9, Water Act (if applicable) - 1 Copy
      Note: The registered landowner must sign this form, or a copy of the signed "Form C" must be attached.


    Companies are encouraged to complete stakeholder involvement consultation/notification prior to making program application. Proponents are encouraged to keep records of their stakeholder involvement process. Documentation is not required to be submitted after completion of the stakeholder involvement process if there are no unresolved concerns. However, companies are encouraged keep the documentation as it may be requested at any time. Please refer to the Guideline for Stakeholder Involvement for additional information on recommended best practices and record requirements.


    Note: only recommended if there is a change to the original submission.

      Cover Letter and Project Description - 1 Copy
      BC-20 and Attachments - 1 Copy
      BC-21 - 1 Copy


    Note: only requested if there is a change to the original submission

      Cover Letter including project overview - 3 Copies
      PL101 - 3 Copies
      Survey/Construction Plan - 3 Copies
      Plan and Profile of pipeline route showing rivers, creeks, roads, railways, foreign pipelines, telephone and power lines, irrigation ditches, buildings; also to include the location of block valves, blow downs, expansion loops, pipe weights, anchors, cathodic protection devices and tank farms - 3 Copies
      Crossing drawings with plan view, profile and location plan - 3 Copies
      Layout and Details of aboveground piping including tie-ins - 3 Copies
      Notification of Intent to cross a highway, private road, irrigation ditch, drain, underground telegraph, telephone or electric power line or a pipeline - 3 Copies
      SOUR Pipelines-gas analysis, emergency response plans, leak detection system description, release rates and release volumes, min/max temperatures of gas or fluids - 3 Copies
      Process and Instrumentation diagrams (P&ID;'s) - 3 Copies
      Plot Plans showing facility layout and distance to nearest public roads and residential buildings - 3 Copies
      Storage tank layouts - 3 Copies
      Flow diagrams - 3 Copies


    NOTE: This package is only required if the project being applied for is located within the Fort Nelson First Nation, Prophet River First Nation traditional use areas, and any area outside the Fort Nelson and Peace Forest Districts of Northeast BC.

    1. Revisions Only:

        Letter of explanation regarding the nature of the revision - 1 Copy
        Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment - 1 Copy
        Construction Plan - 1 Copy
        1:50,000 Project Map - 1 Copy
        1:250,000 Access Map (with trapline boundaries plotted) - 1 Copy

    2. Amendments Only:

        Letter of explanation regarding the nature of the amendment (must indicate the increase and/or decrease in the total disturbed and new cut areas on Crown land) - 1 Copy
        Construction Plan - 1 Copy
        1:50,000 Project Map - 1 Copy
        1:250,000 Access Map (with trapline boundaries plotted) - 1 Copy

      1. (a) Additional Stream Crossings Only:

          Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment - 1 Copy


    1. Revisions Only:

        Forestry Review Sheet - 1 Copy
        Letter of explanation regarding the nature of the revision - 1 Copy
        Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment - 3 Copies
        Construction Plan - 3 Copies
        Stream Crossing Profiles (if applicable; should not be re-submitted if previously submitted) - 3 Copies
        1:20,000 BCGS Sketch - 1 Copy
        1:50,000 Project Map - 1 Copy
        Major Licensee Comment sheet (if applicable; should not be re-submitted if previously submitted) - 1 Copy
        Application for Road Use Permit (if applicable; should not be re-submitted if previously submitted) - 1 Copy
      * Organize and Paperclip the Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment and the Construction Plan into 3 packages

    2. Amendments Only:

      Note: this package is not requested if the amended area is located fully within an existing clearing.

        Forestry Review Sheet - 1 Copy
        Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment Approval Sheet - "Amendment" - 1 Copy
        Letter of explanation regarding the nature of the amendment, indicating the increase and/or decrease in the total disturbed and new cut areas on Crown land. - 1 Copy
        Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment - 3 Copies
        Construction Plan - 3 Copies
        1:20,000 BCGS Sketch - 1 Copy
        1:50,000 Project Map - 1 Copy
        Major Licensee Comment sheet (if applicable; should not be re-submitted if previously submitted) - 1 Copy
        Application for Road Use Permit (if applicable; should not be re-submitted if previously submitted) - 1 Copy

      1. (a) Additional Stream Crossings Only:

          Stream Crossing Profiles - 3 Copies
          Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment - 3 Copies


  8. Note: Include one package for each First Nation Community listed on the consultation cover letter or consultation pre-assessment form.

    1. Revisions Only:

        Cover letter on each consultation package - 2 Copies
        First Nations Consultation Pre-Assessment form (should only be submitted if the revision is minor and consultation has been completed on the original application) - 1 Copy
        Letter of explanation regarding the nature of the revision - 1 Copy
        Application for Crown Land (Section 14 Permit and Statutory Right of Way) - 2 Copies
        Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment - 1 Copy
        Construction Plan - 1 Copy
        Stream Crossing Profiles (if applicable; not requested if previously submitted) - 1 Copy
        1:50,000 Project Map - 1 Copy
        1:250,000 Access Map (with trapline boundaries plotted) - 1 Copy
      AAIF (Archaeological Assessment Information Form) - 1 Copy
      Archaeological Reports (when available) - 1 Copy

      NOTE: All archaeological reports that are submitted subsequent to the application must be submitted with an OGC number. Reports without an OGC reference number will be returned.

    2. Amendments Only:

        Cover letter on each consultation package - 2 Copies
        First Nations Consultation Pre-Assessment form (should only be submitted if the amendment is minor) - 1 Copy
        etter of explanation regarding the nature of the amendment, indicating the increase and/or decrease in the total disturbed and new cut areas on Crown land. - 1 Copy
        Application for Crown Land (Section 14 Permit and Statutory Right of Way) - 2 Copies
        Construction Plan - 1 Copy
        1:50,000 Project Map - 1 Copy
        1:250,000 Access Map (with trapline boundaries plotted) - 1 Copy
      AAIF (Archaeological Assessment Information Form) - 1 Copy
      Archaeological Reports (when available) - 1 Copy

      NOTE: All archaeological reports that are submitted subsequent to the application must be submitted with an OGC number. Reports without an OGC reference number will be returned.

      1. (a) Additional Stream Crossings Only:

          Stream Crossing Profiles - 1 Copy
          Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment - 1 Copy

Last Revised: 10/11/2006        Table of Contents       Printable Version

Printable Version             
The following sets out the Minimum Mapping Criteria that should be shown on the Schedule A that is submitted with the Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment form. The requirements have minor changes to the original requirements (pre 2001/10/15).

General Requirements

Actual Schedule A (small scale detail site plan, preferred 1:5000 or 1:10 000))
  • traverse table
  • title block
  • owner/operator
  • program name
  • location (NTS and BCGS)
  • scale and north arrow
  • surveyors field notes (condensed version, with highlights)
  • existing and new disturbances
  • areas of merchantable timber, as well skid direction
  • landing/decking sites, and brush disposal sites
  • helipads and staging areas
  • borrow pits and sumps
  • date and revision number
BCGS Sketch plan (1:20 000)
  • NTS and BCGS grid
  • riparian features (streams, lakes)
  • seismic lines
  • scale and north arrow
  • existing disturbances (Wells, Facilities)
  • northing and easting locator
  • access route
  • slope/elevation/topography (if applicable)
Access Detail map (1:50 000)
  • Access road
  • Surface location, as well as a small scale (e.g., 1:2500) drawing showing surveyed elevations (for Wells)
  • NTS units
  • forestry tenures with owner and reference number
  • identified wildlife features (whether in the field or set out as “Identified Resource Features”
  • existing disturbances (Wells, Facilities)
  • scale and north arrow
  • slope/elevation/topography (if applicable)

Last Revised: 9/25/2003        Table of Contents       Printable Version

The Microsoft Word Document containing the Application to use land in an Agricultural Land Reserve for Oil and Gas Purposes is available here.

Last Revised: 4/7/2004        Table of Contents      

The Microsoft Word document containing the Maximum Planning and Construction Guide is available here.

Last Revised: 10/7/2004        Table of Contents      

Printable Version             

Time of Year:
  • Cattle-guards may be required
  • Immediate fence repairs if stock in area
  • Gates and fences monitored during activity

Location of Access:
  • Use existing access where possible
  • Minimize vehicle access points and routes

Natural Barrier:
  • Elimination of natural barriers, i.e. timber removal during seismic, pipeline or road construction, may require permanent fencing to contain livestock.

  • Tenure holder may have a preference for piles rather than windrows
  • A 3 meter break every 200-400 meter to assist livestock and wildlife movement.
  • Handcut lines - stump cut horizontal and close to ground to avoid livestock injury.
  • Slash - buck flat to ground

RANGE IMPROVEMENT DAMAGERates to be removed or revised.
  • Prices listed include material and labour - assuming reasonable access
  • 4 wire fence cut - $250.00
  • Line posts - $50.00/post
  • Gate post, corner post, brace post or brace - $100.00/post
  • Wire gate replacement $250.00
  • Cattle-guard cleanout and/or repair may be required
  • Cultivated pasture damage
    • temporary (pipeline and soil disturbance on seismic) $250.00/acre
    • permanent loss (wellsites, roads, plant sites) $500.00/acre
  • No compensation for native pasture areas
  • Dugout damage - must be repaired or replaced

  • Wellsites, sumps or camps to be fenced prior to livestock turnout
  • Install cattle-guards where required
  • Following reclamation and seed establishment fence to be removed from sumps and camp
  • Permanent structure around well head to be negotiated, i.e. fence or panels

  • Tenure holder time and expenses
  • Extra charges if access to damaged improvements is difficult


Last Revised: 10/1/1998        Table of Contents       Printable Version

Printable Version             
Ministry of Forests designated Forest Service Roads

The following will assist the Oil and Gas Proponent or Designate in accurately completing the Oil and Gas Commission (OGC) Application for Road Use Permit Form (RUP). A Road Use Permit is required to utilize Ministry of Forests (MoF) designated Forest Service Roads (FSR’s) in British Columbia.
  1. The applicant must obtain the name of the FSR along with the name of the Primary User (if one exists) in order to complete the RUP application. This can be accomplished by contacting the appropriate MoF District office.

    Note: The MoF is an information source for forest tenured roads and should only be contacted as such regarding RUP applications. General information regarding RUP applications must come from the OGC.

  2. The applicant is required to:

    • Research the area of interest for oil and gas exploration and/or development activities.
    • Identify if they will be using any MoF designated FSR’s.
    • Identify all tenured roads that will require a Road Use Agreement (e.g., Forest Licensee roads, PDR’s).
    • Check the existing OGC Master Road Use Permit to verify the FSR is not already permitted.
    • Fill out the OGC Application for Road Use Permit with the correct FSR name, section number and kilometres. These details may be found on Forest Development Plans or at the MoF District Offices.
    • Submit the completed Application For Road Use Permit to the OGC.

    Note: The use of MoF tenured roads including FSR’s requires a Road Use Agreement with the Primary User prior to project commencement. If a Primary User does not exist, the MoF will designate the applicant as the Primary User. Refer to Section 2.1 of the Forest Road Regulation regarding costs associated with routine road maintenance.

  3. The applicant will indicate:

    • If the application is a new application or an amendment to an existing RUP.
    • The Forest District in which the FSR is located.
    • The name of the Proponent (holder of the Master Licence to Cut) and current mailing address.
    • The name of the company contact that will have responsibility for the application.
    • The Primary User’s contact name and address.
    • The FSR name, sections/branches and kilometres that the proponent is applying to use.

  4. The Proponent or Designate must sign the application in the space provided.

  5. The Primary User of the FSR should sign the application in the space provided.

    Note: In the event the Primary User does not wish to sign the RUP application form or if a Road Use Agreement has already been initiated, the applicant should include comments in the space provided.

    If the assigned Primary User of the FSR refuses to sign this form or a Road Use Agreement cannot be reached within a reasonable time frame, the OGC may issue the RUP upon review of the application.

  6. The Primary User of the road shall stipulate a termination date of the Road Use Agreement on the application in the space provided. This termination date does not cancel the applicant’s Road Use Permit.

  7. The Local Representative will print their name, company name and phone number on the application form.

  8. The OGC will check the box referring to District Manager (DM) Consultation sent by the OGC. The OGC will then forward the application to the appropriate DM as its requirement to consult with the DM prior to issuance of the RUP. MoF will notify the OGC if they have any reason for the RUP not to be issued.

Last Revised: 3/23/2004        Table of Contents       Printable Version

Printable Version             

May 2003


Species% in Mix
(by seed)
ALPINE TIMOTHY (Phleum commutatum) 10%
   - NOT COMMON TIMOTHY (Phleum prantense)  
JUNE GRASS (Koeleria macrantha) 10%
NODDING BROME (Bromus anomalus) 5%
   - NOT SMOOTH BROME (Bromus inermis)  
SPIKE TRISETUM (Trisetum spicatum) 5%
HAIRY WILD RYE (Elymus innovatus) 10%
ALPINE BLUEGRASS (Poa alpine) 10%
SHEEP FESCUE (Festuca saximontana) 15%
CICER MILKVETCH (Astragalus cicer) 10%
SPRING OR FALL RYE (depending on season of planting) 0-5%


SLENDER WHEATGRASS (Elymus trachycaulus) 20%
AWNED WHEATGRASS (Elymus trachycaulus subsp. Subsecundus) 20%


FOWL BLUEGRASS (Poa palustris) 20%
CICER MILKVETCH (Astragalus cicer) 20%
SHEEP FESCUE (Festuca saximontana) 15%
SPING OR FALL RYE (depending on the season of planting) 0-5%


SLENDER WHEATGRASS (Elymus trachycaulus) 20%
AWNED WHEATGRASS (Elymus trachycaulus subsp. Subsecundus) 20%


FRINGED BROME (Bromus ciliolatus) 20%
   - NOT SMOOTH BROME (Bromus inermis)  
FOWL BLUEGRASS (Poa palustris) 20%
TUFTED HAIR GRASS (Deschampsia caespitose) 20%
TICKLE GRASS (Agrostis scabra) 20%
MARSH REED GRASS (Calamagrostis canadensis) 20%


It is suggested that all those involved in this project review the "Native Plant Re-vegetation Guidelines for Alberta, February 2001". This document is a great resource, and is ahead of what is being done in BC. This document can be viewed at:

  1. The above seed mixes were developed from the lists presented in the Rationale Document.

  2. Ideally many of the species listed would be included in the mixes. However, most have limited availability and are cost prohibitive. Species were selected based on physiology, physiognomy, availability, and cost.

  3. Cicer Milkvetch has been prescribed because it is the least aggressive of introduced legume species. It’s value as a legume offsets its persistence, but it should only be included as less than 20% of the mix.

  4. Seed must originate from the region or a comparable natural region. Use of cultivars of native species in any mix, must be confirmed by the Forest District for suitability.

  5. If the any of the listed species are not available, the Forest District Office should be contacted for advice before altering the prescribed mixes.

  6. Percentages in the mix are by PLS (pure live seed). Seeding rate for broadcast will be 20-25 kg/ha.

Last Revised: 5/5/2002        Table of Contents       Printable Version

Printable Version             

May 2003
SpeciesRecommended Varieties% in Mix
(by seed)
Seeding Rate
kg/ha or lbs/acre
ALFALFAAC Grazeland BR, Anik Heinrichs, Peace,
Rangelander, Spredor 2
RED CLOVERAltaswede, Norlac12%3.5
BIRDSFOOT TREFOILCree, Leo, Upstart15%3
TIMOTHYClimax, Glenmor, Toukka, Alma, Farol23%1.5
CRESTED WHEATGRASSFairway, Parkway10%4

  1. The above forage mix is intended for most reclamation applications within the Peace Forest District. For more site specific recommendations consult range staff in Dawson Creek

  2. Native grass seed may be prescribed for some sites, especially at high elevations. Native seed should originate from the Peace region. (More research into regional native seed availability, quality and performance is required before general native seed mix recommendations can be made).

  3. Seeding should occur as soon as possible after disturbance. If possible, avoid seeding in August & September as the new seedlings will likely not become established well enough to survive winter. Seeding after October 1st is generally safe as seeds will normally remain dormant until spring. Seeding on top of snow over exposed mineral soil is acceptable.

  4. Seed quality standards must meet or exceed Canada Certified No. 1 for all components including purity & germination. Seed Tags & Analysis Certificates must be retained by the proponent and submitted to the Ministry of Forests upon request.

  5. Legume seed must be inoculated with the appropriate rhizobium. If not pre-inoculated or if the pre-inoculant has expired, new rhizobium must be applied with a sticker at seeding.

  6. Prevent spread of noxious weeds by cleaning all equipment before and after entry onto site and re-vegetating quickly with high quality, weed-free seed. None of the following weed seeds shall be present in the forage mix:
Canada thistle
Sow thistle
Scentless chamomile
Russian thistle
Tansy ragwort
Oxeye daisy
Green foxtail

Last Revised: 10/7/2003        Table of Contents       Printable Version

Printable Version             
File: 19720-10 PRWA, Woodlot Licensees

December 05, 2000

To: Woodlot Licensees in the Fort St. John Forest District

From: Ministry of Forests, Fort St. John Forest District

Re: Seismic and Pipeline Referrals on Woodlot License Areas

As many of you are aware, any oil and gas activities being proposed on your woodlot are referred to you by a company or industry representative for your information and comments. As multiple forest tenures cannot be issued over a woodlot area, the License to Cut cutting permit issued by the Oil and Gas Commission (OGC) does not apply over your woodlot area. Thus to legally encompass the cutting of trees associated with these oil and gas activities within your woodlot, the Ministry of Forests has been issuing a Cutting Permit “Z” (CP Z) in the name of the Woodlot Licensee.

What does this mean to you? Since the CP “Z” is issued in your name, this also makes you legally responsible for the harvesting activities associated with the oil and gas activities occurring under your tenure. What this means is that any infractions, as determined under the Forest Practices Code of British Columbia Act or the Forest Act, as a result of their activities under the CP “Z” apply firstly to the Woodlot Licensee. Please be well aware of this fact when completing a referral with an oil and gas company representative discussing proposed operations within your woodlot. The company responsible for the operation is ultimately working under your tenure, so careful consideration should be given when deciding what the desired end result should be. Whether the program is for seismic or pipeline, ensure that the contract entered into details your expectations clearly, and that both parties understand these expectations. Should there be an infraction the standard of care you have exercised with the company in detailing your expectations of their activities under your cutting permit will be determined by evaluating the circumstances on a case by case basis.

The CP “Z” also allows for the accurate recording of the amount of timber harvested on your woodlot area due to these oil and gas activities. All of this timber is recorded against your five year cut control commitment which may allow for future adjustments. Your Allowable Annual Cut (AAC) as determined for your woodlot is based on the utilization of all merchantable timber within the woodlot. Therefore, any timber that is cut through the use of low impact seismic operations, which is left behind and not utilized, would still contribute to your cut control position and in addition, the Woodlot Licensee may be billed for residual waste. If the program is large, or a 3D seismic, this can result in a significant loss of volume in the cut control period if the timber is wasted.

Should you require any further clarification on any of the above information, please do not hesitate to contact the Fort St. John Forest District at 787-5600.

Last Revised: 12/18/2000        Table of Contents       Printable Version

Printable Version             
The Microsoft Word document containing the Stream Crossing Planning Guide is available here.

Last Revised: 6/1/2001        Table of Contents       Printable Version

Printable Version             
The Adobe Acrobat file containing the Surface Equipment Spacing Guideline is available here.

Last Revised: 8/21/2003        Table of Contents       Printable Version

Printable Version             
This document will assist proponents in completing the Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment form (THFA), which is required for all activities on Crown land within British Columbia, with the exception of seismic operations.

1.0Application Information
1.1Project LocationP. & N.G. or D.L.S. Legal Description
1.2 BCGS Mapsheets Self-explanatory
1.3 Type of Development Indicate the type of development proposed. If ‘other’ – specify what the development is (i.e. campsite, access road, etc.).
1.4 Application Type Indicate if the application is new, a revision or an amendment. A change made to an application prior to approval of the original application is a revision. A change made to an application after the original application has been approved is an amendment.
1.5 Site Reconnaissance Indicate what type of reconnaissance was conducted.


Aerial – field scouts by air
Ground – ground assessment
Photogrammetry – review of maps and aerial photos
Third party surveyor – information collected from surveyor’s field notes may be condensed and added to the survey/construction plan.
1.6 Land Status Indicate if project is exclusively on Crown land or a combination of Crown land and private property. If the project is on both Crown and private, boundaries must be clearly outlined/defined in colour on the survey/construction plan.

Note: Where works are proposed on private property with a Timber Reservation, the Ministry of Forests and Range must be contacted and will issue the Cutting Authority and Timber Mark or advise the OGC that no Cutting Authority is required.
1.7 Agricultural Land Reserve Self-explanatory
1.8 Forest District Identify the Forest District in which the project is proposed.
1.9 Ground Conditions Identify if the project is proposed for frozen, non-frozen or multi-season ground conditions. If applicable, identify the type of matting proposed.
1.10 Project Timelines Identify the proposed time frame for project construction.
1.11 UTM Coordinates Provide UTM coordinates for the following locations: commencement and termination points of pipelines, well centers, and all ancillary features that cannot functionally be represented on the construction/survey plan. Ancillary features include campsites, remote sumps, borrow pits, temporary workspaces, decking sites and any other temporary disturbances required to carry out the project. Where coordinates are shown on the construction/survey plan they need not be duplicated in this section.

2.0Contact Information
2.1 Master Licence Holder Identify the Master Licence holder. Indicate the current active Master Licence number. State the name, title, current address, phone number, cell number and email address of the company designate who is responsible for the application.
2.2 Aboriginal Liaison If applicable, indicate the aboriginal liaison representing the company, their phone number and email address.
2.3 Land Agent State the name of the land agent and company submitting the application, with a direct phone number and email address.
2.4 Field Rep. State the name of the person(s) responsible for field data collection, and the number at which they can be readily contacted (cellular number, satellite number or other).
3.0Surface Disturbances
3.1 Existing Disturbances Check one box indicating the extent of existing seismic lines or openings being utilized for the project. Provide a detailed rationale as to why existing seismic lines or other disturbances in the area are not being utilized.
3.2 Condition of Disturbances Provide information describing re-growth within each disturbed area being utilized. Include width of seismic lines, size of clearings, species identification and height of woody vegetation density (see Definitions). This information must be included for each clearing being utilized, for each corridor diversion, and when there are significant changes in the vegetative state of a clearing.


Very Dense – no visibility beyond wall of vegetation
Dense – visibility limited to ~20 meters beyond wall of vegetation
Moderate – visibility limited to ~50 meters through vegetative re-growth
Somewhat Sparse – visibility somewhat limited by vegetation growth
Sparse – some re-growth but does not limit visibility
None – no re-growth
3.3 Temporary Workspaces Describe the vegetation growth within temporary workspaces if clearing is proposed within FPC Riparian Management Areas.
3.4 PCG If the project does not conform to the Planning and Construction Guide, indicate where the project deviates and provide rationale. Check the box if the entire project conforms to the PCG.
3.5 Preliminary Overview If the project has been discussed with OGC review staff at a pre-application meeting, provide the date(s) of the meeting, OGC staff members involved in the overview and indicate if the project reflects the preliminary plan. If no, state what changes have been made and provide a detailed rationale for the changes.
4.0Crown Timber
4.1 Merchantable Timber Identify the total “new cut” area disturbed, even if the area is of non-merchantable type timber.

Note: Timber that is stored in decks or piles must be marked with the correct timber mark before transportation or at the end of every working day. The marking must be applied to one end of at least 10% of the timber pieces in each deck or pile, using a hammer indentation or paint. Marking must be kept concurrent with decking.

Note: Fire Hazard Abatement must be carried out in compliance with the Wildfire Act and Wildfire Regulation. The Ministry of Forests and Range must be contacted for a burning reference number prior to burning. For more information see Oil and Gas Activities are considered Category 3 in the WR.
4.2 Timber Volume Where merchantable timber is to be harvested, indicate the volume separating species by coniferous and deciduous. The proponent’s ‘Master License to Cut’ document describes the obligatory and optional timber utilization requirements.

Pipeline Timber Volumes

For pipeline rights-of-way a stumpage rate may be determined by using the rates in section 6.8 of the Interior Appraisal Manual for cutting authorities containing less than 2 000 m3, of merchantable volume. For cutting authorities of 2 000 m3 and over see section 6.2.

Note: Timber cruise must be signed and sealed by a member of the Association of British Columbia Forest Professionals (ABCFP).
4.3 Silvicultural Openings Activities proposed within cut-blocks must be included in the new cut area total.

If a Silvicultural opening or cut-block is impacted by the project, the licensee name and opening number must be identified. A signed Major Licensee Comment Sheet (MLC) must be submitted prior to application approval. Concerns or issues identified by the Major Licensee in regards to positioning of activities should be incorporated into the application submission where appropriate. A rationale must be provided where Major Licensee comments were not addressed. The OGC may be contacted for assistance in resolving conflicts.
4.4 Visual Quality If any portion of the project is within a Scenic Area with a Visual Sensitivity Rating (VSR) or with Visual Quality Objectives (VQO), indicate the VSR and/or VQO and the rating of retention. An assessment must be conducted to the standards in the FPC Visual Impact Assessment Guidebook . Visual Impact Assessments must be submitted with the application.
5.0Land Information
Forestry Tenures
5.1 Range Tenures If the project impacts any range tenures, the range tenure holder must be notified prior to commencement of construction.
5.2 Woodlots If any woodlots are impacted, a Woodlot Holder Agreement must be obtained prior to commencement of construction.

Note: Within woodlots, the authority to harvest timber will be under the cutting permit of the Woodlot Holder, issued by the Ministry of Forests.
5.3 Project Elevation Indicate if the elevation of any portion of the project is 1400 meters or greater.

Note: Motor Vehicle Restrictions occur within some Management Units within various Resource Management Regions
5.4 LRMP Self-explanatory

Click on the following link for additional information:

Regional Land Use Plans and Land and
Resource Management Plans
5.5 M-K Management Area If any portion of the project is located within the Muskwa-Kechika Management Area, indicate which Pre-tenure Planning Area(s) the project falls within.
Topography and Slope Stability
5.6 Slope, Terrain Stability, Reclamation, and Erosion and Sediment Control The proponent must identify the greatest slope percentage on which operations are proposed.

For construction locations where:
(a) existing terrain stability mapping indicates that the project is located on terrain that is unstable or potentially unstable or,
(b) in areas where the mapping referred to in (a) has not been done, and the project is located on terrain with slopes greater than 60%, or
(c) the project is located on terrain where indicators of slope instability exists, or
(d) except for crossings, the project is proposed to be located within a riparian management area or,
(e) the project is proposed to be located in a community watershed and within 100 m upslope of a known licensed community water supply intake, or
(f) during and after construction, as a result of the construction practices employed, the likelihood of a landslide occurring is greater than low on terrain that impacts or is impacted by that project, then

operators must ensure a Terrain Stability Assessment is carried out by a terrain stability professional (registered member of the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of British Columbia) with the appropriate level of education, training, and experience to complete the assessment. Assessments must be submitted with your OGC application.

The OGC may request a site-specific reclamation plan in areas of steep and/or unstable terrain. Special management area such as the MKMA require the mandatory submission of a reclamation plan.
Indicate if a Erosion and Sediment Control Plan has been prepared. If no state why. Plans must be made available to the Commission upon request.

Note: Where post-construction archaeological site assessments are required, they must be completed prior to reclamation activities.
5.7 Sierra Yoyo Desan Road Self-explanatory
5.8 Approved Access Self-explanatory
5.9 Forest Service Roads If a Ministry of Forests, Forest Service Road is being utilized for the project, the proponent must obtain a Road Use Permit. If a permit has previously been acquired, indicate the OGC Road Use file number.

Note: Approval will not be granted until all Road Use Permits have been obtained.
6.0Water Information
6.1 Community Watersheds If any portion of the project is within a proposed or approved Community Watershed, provide the watershed name.
6.2 Short-Term Use of Water If a water source is required, an Application for Short-Term Use of Water must be supplied or if approval has already been issued, provide the OGC file number.
7.0Stream Crossing Data Form
Proponents should have a familiarity with the Stream Crossing Planning Guide and the Best Management Practices found within the guideline. If the proposed crossings are not consistent with the guide, a rationale and description of the variance being requested must be appended.

Crossing numbers and UTM locations are required for all stream crossing encountered within the project. Clearly indicate all crossing locations and numbers on the survey plan/construction plan. For wellsite applications where stream crossings do not show on the survey plan, crossing locations and numbers must be clearly indicated on the 1:50,000 access map.

The following is applicable only to those crossing methods proposed as open-cut, closed bottom structures, open bottom structures where in-stream works are proposed or clear-span bridges that will be in place over multi-seasons:
  • Consult the Forest Practices Code of British Columbia and all relevant Guidebooks for accepted methods for data collection i.e. riparian classification and stream width.

  • Stream gradient is only required for crossings where a closed bottom structure is proposed.

  • For projects proposed for construction under multi-season ground conditions, applicable crossing methods must be included for both frozen and non-frozen ground conditions.

Additional Stream Crossing Information:

Refer to the least risk windows found in Fish and Wildlife Timing Windows For Selected Species - Peace Region, and the Forest Practices Code Fish-stream Crossing Guidebook (2002) for crossings proposed for construction under non-frozen ground conditions.

Photos, habitat assessments, and fish inventory data are encouraged to support applications for in-stream activities. Only those individuals with an appropriate background and experience should conduct fisheries habitat and inventory assessment work.

Proponents are encouraged to include information pertaining to monitoring, mitigation measures, reclamation, crossing selection and deactivation.

The Oil and Gas Commission will request additional habitat and geotechnical evaluations where it is perceived crossings may incur a risk to the aquatic environment. Proponents are advised to complete this work prior to application submission.

Signing Authority

The person signing the THFA must have signing authority for the licensee and must have a letter on file with the OGC stating this.

Last Revised: 9/25/2003        Table of Contents       Printable Version

       RESERVOIR ENGINEERING The Reservoir Engineering section contains information and guidance for completing application forms for petroleum production and resource evaluation. This section of the Application Resource Book contains the following Reservoir Engineering checklists that have been converted into guidance:

Converted Checklists – Reservoir Engineering
In addition to the converted checklists, the following information and guidance is located within this reference book:

Information and Guidance – Reservoir Engineering
The remaining forms are still located on the Reservoir Engineering business area front page:

Forms – Reservoir Engineering
Additionally, the following Ministry of Energy and Mines form is located on the Reservoir Engineering business area front page for the convenience of production engineers and operators. Please note that these forms must be submitted to the Oil and Gas Commission Resource Conservation Branch, Victoria.

Form – Ministry of Energy and Mines (Reservoir Engineering)

Table of Contents

The Microsoft Word document containing the Reservoir Engineering Assigned Coordinating Operators for Pool Pressure Surveys is available here.

Last Revised: 1/1/2003        Table of Contents      

Printable Version             
Field Codes

Formation Codes (alphabetic)

Formation Codes (strategraphic)

(last 2 links down)

Last Revised: 3/28/2004        Table of Contents       Printable Version

The Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation containing the Reservoir Engineering BC Off Target Rules, Production Allowables and Reservoir Projects is available here.

Last Revised: 12/28/2001        Table of Contents      

Printable Version             
The following is an example of an acceptable cover letter to be submitted to the OGC when applying for waiver of an off-target production penalty. For further information see the Guideline for Application for Waiver of the Off-Target Production Penalty.

However, the applicant is not limited to the exclusive use of this format.



Oil and Gas Commission
Resource Conservation Branch
PO Box 9329
Stn Prov Gov't
Victoria BC V8W 9N3

Dear Sir:

RE: Application for Waiver of Off-Target Production Penalty Factor
[Well Name and Well Authorization (WA) number]
[Company], as licence holder and operator of the subject well, hereby applies for waiver of the off-target production penalty for [oil/gas] production from the [formation name] formation.

The subject well has been completed in an off-target location due to [reason].

Attached is a map illustrating the title ownership and well location, the wellbore directional survey and letter(s) of no objection to waiver from the affected offsetting lease owners.

Should there be any questions, [Applicant] may be reached at [phone number, fax number and email address].


[Applicant signature and printed name and title]

Last Revised: 10/12/2006        Table of Contents       Printable Version

Printable Version             
The following is an example of an acceptable letter that may be provided to the OGC when applying for a reservoir project (Good Engineering Practice, Waterflood or Gas Injection Pressure Maintenance, Concurrent Production, Salt Water or Acid Gas Disposal), from each of the subsurface tenure holders (as registered with the British Columbia Ministry of Energy and Mines, Titles Branch), within the area and formation of application. Consent letters are not required where the applicant is the designated operator of a Unit Agreement for the zone of application.

This format may also be used when requesting an area amendment to a previously approved project.

However, the consenting tenure holder is not limited to the exclusive use of this format.

[Consenting Company]


Oil and Gas Commission
Resource Conservation Branch
PO Box 9329
Stn Prov Gov’t
Victoria BC V8W 9N3

Dear Sir:

RE: Consent to Application For [Project type, example Good Engineering Practice]

Please be advised that [Consenting Company], as the registered tenure holder of:

Petroleum and Natural Gas Lease(s) # _[Lease number]__

Drilling Licence(s) # _[Licence number]__

hereby consents to the inclusion of those lands in [Company making application]’s application for [Project type, example Good Engineering Practice], dated [date of application], for the [Field and Pool name].


[Signature and printed name and title]
[Phone number]
[FAX number]
[Email address]

Last Revised: 10/12/2006        Table of Contents       Printable Version

Printable Version             
The following is an example of an acceptable letter that may be provided to the OGC when applying for a reservoir project (Good Engineering Practice, Waterflood or Gas Injection Pressure Maintenance, Concurrent Production, Salt Water or Acid Gas Disposal or Commingled Production) from each of the potentially affected well operators within the pool of application.

However, the consenting operator is not limited to the exclusive use of this format.

This letter is not a requirement when making an application to the OGC, however is advisable in cases where objection to approval is anticipated. A notice of application for a reservoir project is normally advertised in the BC Gazette, allowing for objections to be filed with both the OGC and the applicant.

[Consenting Company]


Oil and Gas Commission
Resource Conservation Branch
PO Box 9329
Stn Prov Gov't
Victoria BC V8W 9N3

Dear Sir:

RE: Non-Objection to Application For [Project type, example Salt Water Disposal]

Please be advised that [Consenting Company], as an operator of wells within the same pool, hereby advises that it has no objection to [Company making application]’s application for [Project type, example Salt Water Disposal], dated [date of application], for the [Field and Pool name].


[Signature and printed name and title]
[Phone number]
[FAX Number]
[Email address]

Last Revised: 10/12/2006        Table of Contents       Printable Version

Printable Version             
The following is an example of an acceptable letter that may be provided to the OGC when applying for waiver of an off-target production penalty, from each of the affected subsurface tenure holders (as registered with the British Columbia Ministry of Energy and Mines, Titles Branch), for the formation and spacing area adjoining an off-target well’s spacing area. The consent of the tenure holder in only the off-target direction need be considered. Please be aware that the offsetting rights must be held under a valid Petroleum and Natural Gas Lease, not a Drilling Licence. Waiver of the off-target penalty will be conditional upon the ongoing consent of the current tenure holder.

However, the consenting tenure holder is not limited to the exclusive use of this format.

This consent letter is not required where the applicant applying for waiver is the holder of the affected offsetting title, unless there is more than one registered owner.

[Consenting Company]


Oil and Gas Commission
Resource Conservation Branch
PO Box 9329
Stn Prov Gov't
Victoria BC V8W 9N3

Dear Sir:

RE: Non-objection to Waiver of Off-Target Production Penalty Factor
[Well Name and Well Authorization (WA) number]
Please be advised that [Consenting Company], as tenure holder of:

Petroleum and Natural Gas Lease(s) # _[Lease number]__

hereby has no objection to the waiver of the off-target production penalty factor for the subject well, for [oil or gas] production from the [name of formation] formation.


[Signature and printed name and title]
[Phone number]
[FAX Number]
[Email address]

[Consenting Company]

Last Revised: 10/12/2006        Table of Contents       Printable Version

Printable Version             
The Petroleum and Natural Gas Act applies to all storage projects. Part 14 of the Petroleum and Natural Gas Act was enacted to regulate the exploration and development of underground storage areas.

An application for approval of an underground hydrocarbon storage scheme in the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin of Northeast British Columbia under the Petroleum and Natural Gas Act may contain, when applicable:

  • a discussion of the need for the storage project;

  • a description of the land proposed for the storage area including title holders within the area;

  • geological and engineering data concerning the proposed storage area with particular reference to:

    • the nature and size of the trap
    • the nature and efficiency of the cap-rock
    • expected range of reservoir pressures at the beginning and end of a withdrawal season
    • proposed development program;

  • where appropriate, a discussion of the choice of the proposed storage reservoir including reference to its location and possible alternatives, if any;

  • supporting statements from other parties affected by the proposed project, such as anticipated users and linked transmission companies;

  • information regarding the supply of and market for the hydrocarbons proposed for storage in the reservoir;

  • a discussion of the proposed method of operation, including a monitoring program for detection of leakage;

  • a description of the surface facilities and metering equipment.

Additional information may be supplied for underground storage in an aquifer consisting of:
  • the maximum inventory of hydrocarbons to be stored in the reservoir at any one time, and the fraction of this that will be ultimately recovered.

Additional information may be supplied for underground storage in a depleted or partially depleted hydrocarbon reservoir consisting of:
  • the maximum inventory of hydrocarbons to be stored in the reservoir at any one time, and its effect, if any, on further recovery of original hydrocarbons.

Three copies of the application are to be submitted to the Director of the Resource Conservation Branch of the Oil and Gas Commission in Victoria at the address noted above. A fourth copy is to be forwarded to the Manager, Operations Engineering of the Oil and Gas Commission in Fort St. John (200 10003 110 Ave, Fort St. John BC V1J 6M7). Notice of an application may be published in The British Columbia Gazette. A fee of $5,000.00 is payable for the processing of an application for a storage license.

Last Revised: 9/2/2002        Table of Contents       Printable Version

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An application for approval of a Good Engineering Practice (GEP) area under Section 101 of the Drilling and Production Regulation may contain, when applicable:

  • a legal description of the area and the designation of the pool for which the application is made;

  • a map showing the area referred to in the application, together with the title holders within this area and in adjacent title-holdings;

  • a map showing the status and completion intervals for all wells in the pool;

  • a general discussion of the history and development of the area, including a tabulation of completion details, initial potentials and latest data for all wells in the area;

  • a discussion of the geology of the pool, including relevant cross-sections, structural contour and isopach maps, together with details of top and base porosity and fluid-interface elevations;

  • a discussion of reservoir rock and fluid properties, together with estimates of original hydrocarbon volumes in place;

  • a discussion of the pressure production history of the pool, including isobaric maps and a graphic history, showing production rates and cumulative volumes, together with appropriate gas-liquid and water-oil ratios;

  • graphical presentation of the production histories for all wells in the area, showing production rates and cumulative volumes, together with appropriate gas-liquid and water-oil ratios;

  • a discussion of the proposed method of producing the area, including a prediction of rate-time performance and ultimate recovery of hydrocarbons;

  • a prediction of rate-time performance and ultimate recovery of hydrocarbons under present conditions;

  • a request for approval of a proposed GEP area allowable;

  • written statements from other interested parties, indicating their reaction to the application. Examples of such statements are provided here and here.

Two copies of the application are to be submitted to the Director of the Resource Conservation Branch of the Oil and Gas Commission in Victoria at the address noted above. Additional copies may be made available to owners directly affected, upon request. Notice of an application may be published in The British Columbia Gazette.

Last Revised: 9/2/2002        Table of Contents       Printable Version

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An application for concurrent production of oil and gas under Section 97 of the Petroleum and Natural Gas Act may contain, when applicable:

  • the legal description of the area and description of the pool for which the application is made; the locations of all wells in the area

  • a map showing the area referred to in the application, together with the title holders within this area and in adjacent title-holdings

  • a map showing the status and completion zone for all wells within 3 kilometres of the area referred to in the application

  • a general discussion of the history and development of the pool, including a tabulation of completion details, initial potential, and latest test data for all wells completed in the pool

  • a discussion of the geology of the pool, including relevant cross sections, structural contour and isopach maps, together with details of top and base porosity and fluid-interface elevations

  • a discussion of reservoir rock and fluid properties, together with estimates of original hydrocarbon volumes in place

  • a discussion of the pressure-production history of the pool, including isobaric maps and a graphic reservoir history showing oil and gas production rates and cumulative volumes, together with appropriate gas-oil and water-oil ratios

  • graphical presentation of the production histories for all wells in the area, showing oil and gas production rates and cumulative volume, together with gas-liquid and oil-water ratios; graphs for representative wells may be presented where the number of wells is large

  • details of any compositional and volumetric material-balance calculations

  • a discussion of the proposed method of producing the pool and conserving gas, including a prediction of the rate-time performance and ultimate recovery of oil and gas

  • a discussion of the effects of the proposed production method on the rates of pressure depletion in the oil and gas-bearing sections of the reservoir

  • a discussion of the feasibility of alternative methods for producing the pool, such as pressure maintenance or enhanced oil-recovery schemes, and continued production under existing conditions; predictions of rate-time performance and ultimate recovery should be included for at least the continued production case

  • a request for approval of proposed oil and gas allowables

  • written statements from other interested parties, indicating their reaction to the application. Examples of such statements are provided here and here.

Two copies of the application are to be submitted to the Director of the Resource Conservation Branch of the Oil and Gas Commission in Victoria at the address noted above. Additional copies may be made available to owners directly affected, upon request. Notice of an application may be published in The British Columbia Gazette.

Last Revised: 9/2/2002        Table of Contents       Printable Version

Printable Version             
An application for approval of a pressure maintenance or improved recovery scheme under Section 100 of the Petroleum and Natural Gas Act may contain, when applicable:

  • a map showing the scheme area, together with the title holders within this area and in adjacent title-holdings;

  • a general discussion of the history and development of the pool for which the scheme is proposed, including a tabulation of completion details, initial potential and latest test data for all wells completed in the pool;

  • a discussion of the geology of the pool, including relevant cross-sections or fence diagrams, together with contour maps showing structure on top of the formation and top and base of porosity;

  • a discussion of the reservoir rock properties, including isopach maps of net pay, together with details of the estimations of average net pay, porosity, permeability, water saturation and fluid-interface elevations; net pay values should be based on cut-offs accepted by the Oil and Gas Commission after discussion with the operator;

  • a discussion of the reservoir fluid properties, such as saturation pressure, oil and gas formation volume factors, oil and gas viscosities, solution gas-oil ratio, and relevant fluid analyses; details of the variation of these properties with pressure should be included;

  • an estimate of the volume of hydrocarbons originally in place in the pool;

  • a discussion of the pressure-production history of the pool including isobaric maps and a graphic reservoir history showing oil-production rates and cumulative volumes, together with appropriate gas-oil and water-oil ratios;

  • a discussion of the primary producing mechanism in the pool and details of estimations of the rate-time performance and ultimate recovery under continued primary depletion;

  • a general discussion of the need for an improved recovery scheme in the pool and the reasons for selecting the method being proposed;

  • a prediction of the pool’s rate-time performance and ultimate recovery under the proposed scheme; this should include the results obtained from relevant laboratory experiments, together with a discussion of the methods used in calculating areal, vertical, and displacement sweep efficiencies, and in predicting injection and production rates;

  • a discussion of the optimization of injection pattern and the scheduling of injection start-up, together with details of the proposed level of reservoir withdrawal balance to be maintained under the improved recovery scheme;

  • details of the completion of the injection-fluid source and injection wells, including diagrams showing existing and proposed completion intervals, casing and tubing details, depths of packers and nature of the inhibited fluid to be used in annuli;

  • a discussion of the source of injection fluid and its compatibility with existing reservoir fluids;

  • details of the surface injection-fluid handling, distribution and metering facilities, including flow diagrams;

  • written statements from other interested parties indicating their reaction to the proposed improved recovery scheme. Examples of such statements are provided here and here.

Two copies of the application are to be submitted to the Director of the Resource Conservation Branch of the Oil and Gas Commission in Victoria at the address noted above. Additional copies may be made available to owners directly affected upon request. Notice of an application may be published in The British Columbia Gazette.

Last Revised: 9/2/2002        Table of Contents       Printable Version

Printable Version             
An application to dispose of non-special waste generated by the upstream oil and gas industry under the Petroleum and Natural Gas Act may contain, when applicable:

  • the location and coordinates of the proposed disposal well and justification for the selected location;

  • a map showing title holders within a 3-kilometre radius of the proposed disposal well;

  • a map showing the status and completion zone for all wells within 3-kilometre of the disposal well;

  • a structure map and a gross-isopach map of the pool into which disposal is proposed;

  • geological cross-section through the pool, including the disposal well, and showing all gas-oil, gas-water, and oil-water contacts and upper and lower bounding formations;

  • a general discussion of the geology of the proposed disposal zone, including details of stratigraphic traps, dip and strike;

  • a discussion of the reservoir rock properties including continuity and thickness of base and caprock, evidence of fracturing and comments on the effectiveness of the pool boundaries;

  • a discussion of the results of a cement bond log in the proposed disposal well;

  • the producing history, if any, of the proposed disposal well, and of the first two rows of wells off-setting it;

  • the results of calculations made to estimate drive indices, interface movements in the pool, and injectivity performance of the disposal well;

  • a description of the non-special waste to be disposed of, together with an analysis of the formation water in the proposed disposal pool and the results of compatibility studies;

  • an estimate of the daily volume of non-special waste to be disposed of, and its effect, if any, on the recovery of oil or gas from the pool;

  • a diagram of the proposed disposal well completion showing existing and proposed completion intervals, casing and tubing details, depth of packers and nature of the inhibited fluid to be used in the annulus;

  • a diagram of the surface non-special waste handling and metering facilities;

  • a general discussion and justification of the need for disposal of non-special waste in the proposed well, and an economic comparison of the options investigated;

  • written statements from other parties who may be affected, indicating their reaction to the proposed non-special waste disposal scheme. An example of such a statements is provided here.

Two copies of the application are to be submitted to the Director of the Resource Conservation Branch of the Oil and Gas Commission in Victoria at the address noted above. A third copy, together with a copy of the Application to Alter form is to be forwarded to the Director of the Operations Engineering Branch of the Oil and Gas Commission in Fort St. John (200 10003 110 Ave, Fort St. John BC V1J 6M7). Additional copies may be made available to owners directly affected, upon request. Notice of the application may be published in The British Columbia Gazette.

In addition, an application is to be made to the Waste Management Specialist of the Operations Engineering Branch of the Oil and Gas Commission in Fort St. John.

Last Revised: 9/2/2002        Table of Contents       Printable Version

Printable Version             
Unitization Agreements are approved according to Section 114 of the Petroleum and Natural Gas Act. The purpose of unitization is generally to allow enhanced exploration of pool hydrocarbon resources underlying leases operated by a diversity of leaseholders. The following additional features are present:
  • the pool underlies freehold and Crown lands or may extend into neighbouring jurisdictions;

  • the pool contains distinct economic substances (oil, gas);

  • there is a need for centrally-located facilities operated on behalf of, and for the benefit of, all interest holders (including the Crown);

  • there is a need for certain drilling locations to be used for non-production purposes (injection, water disposal, etc.).

The Crown will need to provide assurances of title continuation and will need assurances of safeguarding the royalty share. The Unitization Agreement must therefore be submitted to the Crown in accordance with Section 105 of the Drilling and Production Regulation. If the unitized operation includes a scheme for repressuring, recycling or pressure maintenance operations, Oil and Gas Commission approval will be required under Section 100 of the Petroleum and Natural Gas Act.

Unitization proposals are to be submitted to the Director, Petroleum Lands Branch of the Ministry of Energy and Mines in Victoria, which will refer technical submissions and requests to the Resource Conservation Branch of the Oil and Gas Commission at the address noted above. Four copies of technical submissions are required.

Last Revised: 9/2/2002        Table of Contents       Printable Version

Printable Version             
Recommended to be supplied with each application submitted (1 copy)

"Non-Annual" testing of a pool may be granted, under section 95.2 of the Drilling and Production Regulation (the Regulation) in cases where an adequate pressure history exists, wells have low productivity, and/or there are few remaining reserves. The testing requirement may be modified to an interval of two or more years, or a total exemption may be granted in some cases. For a listing of pools with non annual testing approvals, please see Table 1–Pools With Non-Annual Pressure Survey Approval, posted on our website.

The application for modification of the annual pool pressure testing requirement should contain, when applicable:

  • A reference location map;

  • A tabular pressure history for each well in the pool;

  • A graphical pressure history for the pool;

  • A production rate history by well/pool;

  • The reserves and cumulative production for the pool;

  • Letters of support from other pool operators;

  • The requested testing extension.
This application should be submitted to the Sr. Reservoir Engineering Technician of the Resource Conservation Branch of the Oil and Gas Commission in Victoria at the address noted above.

Last Revised: 1/28/2002        Table of Contents       Printable Version

Printable Version             
An application for waiver of off-target production penalty under Section 9 (oil) or 10 (gas) of the Drilling and Production Regulation may contain, when applicable:

  • a cover letter request for waiver, clearly identifying the;
    • company making the application
    • well name,
    • well authorization number
    • productive formation(s) and product type (oil or gas)
    • reason why well is completed in an off-target location;
  • a map showing the title holders of the affected spacing areas and the well location (both surface and subsurface) with distances to the nearest spacing boundaries;
  • a wellbore directional survey;
  • letter(s) of no objection to waiver from the affected off-setting lease owners, as registered with the British Columbia Ministry of Energy and Mines, Titles Branch.

The consent of the tenure holder in only the off-target direction need be considered; see the example letter - No Objection to Waiver of Off-Target Production Penalty. A consent letter is not required where the applicant for waiver is the holder of the affected offsetting title, unless there is more than one registered owner.

Please be aware that the offsetting rights must be held under a valid Petroleum and Natural Gas Lease, not a Drilling Licence, in order for waiver to be granted. Waiver of the off-target penalty will be conditional upon the ongoing consent of the current tenure holder.

Note: the off-target production penalty does not apply to a well recognized by the OGC as the "discovery well" of a new pool.

One copy of the application is to be submitted to the Director of the Resource Conservation Branch of the Oil and Gas Commission in Victoria at the address noted above.

Last Revised: 4/8/2004        Table of Contents       Printable Version

Printable Version             
An application for a scheme to dispose of produced acid gas under Section 100 of the Petroleum and Natural Gas Act may contain, when applicable:

  • a diagram of the proposed disposal well completion showing existing and proposed completion intervals, casing and tubing details, depth of packers and nature of the inhibited fluid to be used in the annulus;

  • the location of all wells within the scheme area and status of each zone in which the wells have been completed;

  • casing, completion intervals, tubing and bridge plug data for each well in the scheme;

  • a map showing the locations of surface rights owners within a 2-kilometre radius of the proposed disposal well;

  • a map showing title holders within a 3-kilometre radius, as well as any underlying and overlying the disposal zone;

  • a map showing the status and completion zone for all wells within 3 kilometres of the proposed disposal well;

  • a structure map and a net pay map of the pool into which disposal is proposed;

  • geological cross-sections through the pool, including the disposal well, and showing all gas-oil, gas-water, oil-water contacts and upper and lower bounding formations;

  • a general discussion of the geology of the pool, including details of stratigraphic traps, dip and strike;

  • a discussion of the reservoir rock properties including continuity and thickness of base and caprock, evidence of fracturing and comments on the effectiveness of pool boundaries;

  • the analysis of the native reservoir fluid and composition of the acid gas stream, including phase behavior for the expected range of pressures and temperatures;

  • a discussion and analysis of laboratory testing for determining injected fluid interaction with reservoir matrix, caprock matrix and native fluids;

  • the results of migration calculations made to estimate radius of influence, interface movements in the pool, and injectivity performance of the disposal well;

  • a discussion on bottom hole injection pressure, maximum sandface pressure, fracture propagation pressure and formation fracture pressure;

  • a description of the expected acid gas disposal rates, the expected life of scheme and backup plans should the well suffer a loss of injectivity;

  • an estimate of the daily volumes of acid gas to be disposed of, and its effect, if any, on the recovery of oil or gas from the pool;

  • a discussion of monitoring of reservoir and top hole pressures, and fluid migration;

  • a diagram of the surface injection facility, pipelines and operating pressures;

  • a diagram showing the measurement facilities for the acid gas stream;

  • written statements of no objection to the proposed scheme from all parties that may be affected. Examples of such statements are provided here and here;

  • a general discussion of the need for acid gas disposal and an economic comparison of the options investigated.

Three copies of the application are to be submitted to the Director of the Resource Conservation Branch of the Oil and Gas Commission in Victoria at the address noted above. A fourth copy is to be forwarded to the Manager, Operation Engineering of the Oil and Gas Commission in Fort St. John (200 10003 110 Ave, Fort St. John BC V1J 6M7). Notice of an application may be published in The British Columbia Gazette.

Last Revised: 9/2/2002        Table of Contents       Printable Version

Printable Version             
An application to commingle production from two or more zones within a well bore, under Section 41 of the Drilling and Production Regulation, may contain, when applicable:

  • the location and coordinates of the proposed commingled well;

  • a map showing title holders of the proposed commingled formations over the pools;

  • a brief geological discussion of the formations to be commingled, including logs showing the current and proposed perforations;

  • the production and reservoir pressure histories for each of the proposed commingled zones, with an estimate of the current reservoir pressures and the initial and remaining reserves;

  • deliverability and AOF test information from each of the proposed commingled zones, if available;

  • a gas analysis from each of the proposed commingled pools;

  • a schematic diagram of the current well bore completion;

  • a schematic diagram of the proposed well bore completion;

  • proposed production allocation factors for each of the commingled zones, giving weight to reserves and production rates.

  • letter of non-objection to commingled production from competitive operator producing from one or more of the proposed pools. Example Letter may be referenced here

Two copies of the application are to be submitted to the Director of the Resource Conservation Branch of the Oil and Gas Commission in Victoria at the address noted above. A copy of the Application to Alter a Well form is to be forwarded to the Manager, Operations Engineering of the Oil and Gas Commission in Fort St. John (200 10003 110 Ave, Fort St. John BC V1J 6M7).

Last Revised: 10/12/2006        Table of Contents       Printable Version

Printable Version             
An application for disposal of produced water under Section 94 of the Drilling and Production Regulation may contain, when applicable:

  • the location and coordinates of proposed disposal well;

  • a map showing title holders within a 3-kilometre radius of the proposed disposal well;

  • a map showing the status and completion zone for all wells within 3 kilometres of the disposal well;

  • a structure map and a gross-isopach map of the pool into which disposal is proposed;

  • geologic cross-sections through the pool, including the disposal well, and showing all gas-oil, gas-water, and oil-water contacts;

  • a general discussion of the geology of the pool, including estimates of the volume and areal extent of the aquifer;

  • a discussion of the reservoir rock properties of both the producing zone and the proposed disposal zone;

  • producing zone reservoir fluid properties and pressure-production history, including isobaric maps;

  • the producing history of the proposed disposal well, and of the first two rows of wells off-setting it;

  • the results of calculations made to estimate drive indices, interface movements in the pool, and injectivity performance of the disposal well;

  • a description of the water to be disposed of, including its analysis, together with an analysis of the formation water in the pool and the results of compatibility studies;

  • an estimate of the daily volume of water to be disposed of, and its effect, if any, on the recovery of oil or gas from the pool;

  • a diagram of the proposed disposal-well completion showing existing and proposed completion intervals, casing and tubing details, the depth of the packer, and the nature of the inhibited fluid to be used in the annulus;

  • a diagram of the surface water handling and metering facilities;

  • written statements from other parties who may be affected, indicating their reaction to the proposed water-disposal scheme. Examples of such statements are provided here and here.

Two copies of the application are to be submitted to the Director of the Resource Conservation Branch of the Oil and Gas Commission in Victoria at the address noted above. A third copy, together with a copy of the Application to Alter form is to be forwarded to the Manager, Operations Engineering of the Oil and Gas Commission in Fort St. John (200 10003 110 Ave, Fort St. John BC V1J 6M7). Additional copies may be made available to owners directly affected, upon request. Notice of an application may be published in The British Columbia Gazette.

Last Revised: 9/2/2002        Table of Contents       Printable Version

Printable Version             
The normal spacing area for oil wells is one unit or 1/4 section (approximately 65 hectares), with the unadjusted oil allowable calculation based on a ten-year depletion rate for reserves underlying that tract. Gas wells have a spacing area of four units or one section; however, for most gas wells, there is no allowable restriction.

Approval of a Good Engineering Practice project status for an approved area or conclusion of a Unitization Agreement allows the Oil and Gas Commission to release the operator(s) from some of the detailed spacing and allowable regulations under Sections 101 or 105 of the Drilling and Production Regulation, thus permitting greater operational flexibility.

Where an individual well bore, such as that of a horizontal well, contacts a pool in more than one normal spacing area, and is not within a project, an application may be made to create a larger spacing area under section 65.1 of the Petroleum and Natural Gas Act. Provided that only one well is productive from the pool within the spacing area, the assigned area is increased accordingly.

An application will not normally be processed by Commission staff until the prospective well has been successfully completed, as experience has shown that well bore trajectories and lengths will vary from those planned prior to drilling.

Notice of application may be published in The British Columbia Gazette.

An application for other than normal spacing under section 65.1 may contain, when applicable:

    the surface and bottom-hole locations and coordinates of the well, and the name of the productive formation

  • a map showing title holders of the productive formation over the pool area

  • a schematic diagram of the well bore completion

  • a general discussion of the need for other than normal spacing

  • written statements of no objection to the increased spacing from parties that may be affected. An example of such a statement is provided here.

Two copies of the application are to be submitted to the Director of the Resource Conservation Branch of the Oil and Gas Commission in Victoria at the address noted above.

Last Revised: 5/24/2005        Table of Contents       Printable Version

The Microsoft Word Document containing the Reservoir Engineering NTS Unit Dimensions for Off-Target Penalty Calculations is available here.

Last Revised: 8/17/2001        Table of Contents      

The Microsoft Word document containing the Pools with Non-Annual Pressure Testing Approval is available here.

Last Revised: 2/26/2004        Table of Contents      

Printable Version             
The form “Production Allowable Report—Crude Oil” (Form OGC_032_PROD_RPT) is required for each producing oil well or project in British Columbia under section 83.2 of the Drilling and Production Regulation (unless otherwise approved). Regulations pertinent to this Report can be found in sections 76 to 85, inclusive. The form must be submitted monthly and received by the 16th of the month following the reported production. The following are some notes to assist in the proper completion of the Production Allowable Report. These notes accompany two sample forms of a fictitious well from the time of initial oil production into the successive production period.

  1. Test Period Allowable
    “Test Period” — means 90 producing days (not necessarily consecutive) or the number of days required to produce the test period allowable, commencing with the date of initial oil production, whichever comes first. During an oil well’s test period, the oil production allowable for that well is always the sum of 500 m3 plus 90 days multiplied by the DOA (Daily Oil Allowable) measured in cubic meters, and there is no daily production limit. During the test period, GOR penalties are not applied so that operators may determine the well’s unrestricted flow capability and reservoir characteristics.

    In Example #1, the well has been assigned a DOA of 10.0 m3. The test period allowable for this well would be:
    (90 days) (10.0 m3/day) + 500 m3 = 1400 m3

    The initial production date for the well is December 15th. The period from December 15th to March 14th (90 producing days) is the test period for this well. The test period could have been less than 90 days had the well been able to produce its test period allowable sooner, or longer than 90 calendar days, had the well produced on non-consecutive dates. The test period dates should be indicated on the form. A convenient place for this entry is the blank area beneath the words “Producing zone” in the upper left portion of the form.

  2. Continuous Production
    In Example #1, after March 14th, production from the well is limited to the Allowable Production for the month which is entered in Column 9. To determine the value for Column 9, the GOR Factor in Column 6 must be determined first. The formula for the Gas-Oil Ratio Adjustment Factor (FGOR) is in Schedule 2 at the end of the Drilling and Production Regulation. The formula is as follows:
    FGOR = 177.3 / [GOR + (0.0257) (S)]
    where S = average separator pressure (kPa)

    To determine the GOR Factor, use the production values for the previous month. In Example #1, use the production values from February (from Columns 2 & 3) to determine the Allowable Production for the remainder of March. If gas injection volumes are reported under Column 4, “Approved Gas Credit for Month”, use “Net Gas Production for Month” from Column 5 in place of Gross Gas Production in the GOR calculation. (Note: Conservation of gas does not normally entitle a well to Gas Credits; Gas Credits usually only apply to gas volumes reinjected into a reservoir.) The calculation is as follows:
    GOR = Gross Gas Prod. for Month / Oil Prod. for Month
    GOR = 179,000 m3/ 483.4 m3 = 370.29

    Using a separator pressure of S = 400 kPa (section 76.13)
    FGOR = 177.3 / [370.29 + (0.0257) (400)] = 0.47
    This number is placed in Column 6 in the row which contains February production.
    (Note: FGOR is always rounded to 2 decimal places)

    The Test Period ended March 14th. This leaves 17 days in March for which we must calculate the Allowable Production (Column 9). In this case, Column 8 for March would be:
    (17 days) (10.0 m3/day) = 170.0 m3

    The Allowable Production (Column 9) for the remainder of March would be:
    (Column 6) (Column 8) = (.47) (170.0) = 79.9 m3

    The Production Target from the Start of the Period (Column 10) is:
    Test Period Allowable +
    Allowable Production for the Remainder of March =
    1400 + 79.9 = 1479.9
    This value is placed in Column 10.

    The Cumulative Production (Column 11) is the sum of Column 2. In Example #1, the production for March is 321.7 m3. The sum of the production from December to the end of March is 1470.3 m3, which is entered in Column 11.

    The difference between Columns 10 & 11 is entered in Column 12. In this case, the Cumulative Production (Column 11) is less than the Production Target (Column 10) so the well is an underproduction situation (9.6 m3).

    NOTE: Underproduction may be made up at any time within a production period (November 1 to October 31 of the following year) at a rate not exceeding the daily production limit (a volume equal to 125% of the daily allowable).

    A large amount of underproduction is not the bonanza that it may at first appear to be. When the next production period commences, all underproduction is lost.

    If the result in Column 12 is negative, the well is in an overproduction situation and the overproduction must be retired in accordance with section 85.

    The remainder of the form is completed in the same manner. The Gas-Oil Ratio Adjustment Factor used to determine the Allowable Production for April is calculated using the production values for March as follows:
    FGOR = 177.3 / [(124,600/321.7) + (0.0257) (400)] = 0.45
    This value is entered in Column 6 in the row which contains March production.

    The Allowable Production for April is:
    (0.45) (300.0) = 135.0 m3 [i.e., Column 6 x Column 8]

    The 135.0 m3 allowable production for April is added to the 1479.9 m3 in Column 10 to give a Production Target from the Start of the Period of 1614.9 m3.

    Production of 136.5 m3 in April is added to the 1470.3 m3 in Column 11 to give a Cumulative Production of 1606.8 m3.

    The Production Target (1614.9) minus the Cumulative Production (1606.8) equals 8.1 m3 of underproduction at the end of April (Column 12).

    The values on the rest of the form are derived using the same method as described above.

  3. New Production Period (Example #2)

    Two values are carried forward from the previous production period:

    • the Gas-Oil Ratio Adjustment Factor

    • any overproduction at the end of October.

    The FGOR from the bottom of Column 6 of the previous report is entered at the top of Column 6 on the new report.

    Overproduction is carried forward from the previous report and entered in the top right portion of the new report in the following manner:

    • When overproduction at the end of the previous production period is less than or equal to 25% of the monthly oil allowable for October (Column 9), it is carried forward to the new report.

    • When overproduction at the end of a production period is greater than 25% of the monthly oil allowable for October (Column 9), it is carried forward and the operator must shut in the well on or before November 16 and keep it shut in until the overproduction is completely retired.

    • Overproduction is carried forward and entered as a negative number in the blank space after the phrase “Less Overproduction at the end of October (-).”

    In Example #2, overproduction in the amount of 5.7 m3 is carried over.

    The “Calculated value from November” (Column 9) is found in the usual manner by multiplying the FGOR in Column 6 by the value in Column 8 on the form:
    (0.56) (300.0) = 168.0 m3
    This value is entered in the top right blank on the report.

    The overproduction that was carried forward is subtracted from the Allowable Production for November to give us the Production Target from the Start of the Period (Column 10).

    The reporting process is continued in the manner previously described.

    In Example #2, the amount of overproduction at the end of April exceeds the Allowable Production for the month of May (-144.0 m3 vs 136.4 m3). At this point, the well must be shut in to retire the overproduction, as stated in section 85.1 of the Regulation:
    “If overproduction at the beginning of any month exceeds the monthly oil allowable, adjusted for any penalties, for that month, the operator must shut in the oil well on or before the 16th day of the month, and must keep it shut in until the overproduction is completely retired.”

    Thus, when the overproduction value in Column 12 exceeds the value in Column 9 for the following month, a shut-in period is required. During the time the well is shut in the FGOR calculated for the last producing month is used in Column 6.

    The shut-in period is calculated based on the the following formula:
    Shut-in Period = Overproduction/ [(DOA) (FGOR)]

    The FGOR used is the value from the last calculated month. This Shut-in Period is rounded up to the nearest whole number of days.

    The form should be submitted to:
    Ron Stefik
    Sr. Reservoir Engineering Technician
    Resource Conservation Branch
    Oil and Gas Commission
    PO Box 9329 Stn Prov Gov’t
    Victoria BC V8W 9N3

    TEL: (250) 952-0310
    FAX: (250) 952-0291

    Should you have any questions concerning the Production Allowable Report (Form 32), please contact Ron Stefik.

Last Revised: 7/24/2003        Table of Contents       Printable Version

The Reservoir Engineering Production Allowable Report- Crude Oil (Instructions) Example 1 is available here.

Last Revised: 4/9/1998        Table of Contents      

The Reservoir Engineering Production Allowable Report- Crude Oil (Instructions) Example 2 is available here.

Last Revised: 4/9/1998        Table of Contents      

Printable Version             
This form is supplementary to the test report and does not replace it. All test data and applicable analysis must still be submitted, as per the requirements of Section 95 of the Drilling and Production Regulation. Well testing requirements are further detailed in Section 6.7 of the British Columbia Oil and Gas Handbook. Oil and Gas Commission (Commission) staff will continue to input values to the provincial database and make corrections to common pool datum depths.

Report Filing

PST reports are due within 60 days of the completion of the test. Test reports, with the form attached to the front, are to be sent to the Victoria office of the Commission.

Dual Guages Where dual gauges are used during testing, the data from only one gauge should be included on the form. The gauge that best meets the following criteria should be used:
  • reading at wellhead best matches independent dead weight reading;
  • most recent calibration;
  • highest bottom-hole reading;
  • least anomalous behaviour.

Pressures are to be reported to the nearest kPa. The Commission accepted correction factor for gauge to absolute is 101 kPa. Gas wells are to be reported in absolute pressure, oil and gas-cap wells in gauge.

Build-up & Fall-off Tests

The test date is the date of the last recorded pressure. For build-up or fall-off tests, the Commission records not only the extrapolated pressure at stable reservoir conditions but also the last measured pressure (LMP) at the end of the test. The comparison of these two values aids in quality assessment and planning of future tests. The extrapolated pressure must be noted as either a P* value or Pr, averaged for the drainage area. Care must be taken when reporting the P* or Pr value; they must be reported at the recorder run depth, not corrected to a well datum.

Deviated Wells

Tests on deviated and horizontal wells are problematic in correcting pressures to a common pool datum. Every effort should be made to report the run depth corrected to the true vertical depth (TVD) referenced from the CF. Where this is not possible, the operator must indicate that the run depth is referenced as measured depth (MD) by checking the appropriate box.


Where the fluid in the wellbore differs from that expected from the pay zone of the formation, both the wellbore and formation gradient must be noted. A common example would be a gas well in which a static gradient test encounters a bottom-hole water leg. The form contains a box to note any liquid level indicated in the wellbore.

Well Deliverability Test Report

A PST form is to be submitted with each gas deliverability/AOF test. Where applicable, both the initial static pressure and the reservoir pressure following testing should be reported, on separate forms. The deliverabilty test flow data must be submitted with a Well Deliverability Test Report form.

Test Remarks

Note remarks pertinent to the well or specific test. Please indicate any information that would help in interpreting the test data or in designing future tests on the well. Examples:

  • Insufficient shut-in time.
  • Following AOF test.
  • Interference evident during build-up.
  • Obstruction in tubing, unable to reach MPP.

 WA#  Well Authorization Number   SG  Static gradient 
 CF  casing flange elevation   g  gauge pressure reading 
 KB  kelly bushing elevation   a  absolute pressure value 
 MPP  mid-point of perforations/completion   AWS  Acoustic well sounder 
 TVD  true vertical depth   AWSBU  Acoustic well sounder build-up 
 MD  measured depth   CS  Cullender and Smith (wellhead gauge) 
 LL  liquid level   CSBU  Cullender and Smith build-up (wellhead gauge build-up) 
 LMP  last measured pressure   PG  Bottom-hole pressure gauge 
 WHP  well-head pressure   PGBU  Bottom-hole pressure gauge build-up 
 kPa  kiloPascals   PGFO  Bottom-hole pressure gauge fall-off 
 P*  extrapolated pressure   m  meters 
 Pr  average reservoir pressure      

Last Revised: 8/1/1999        Table of Contents       Printable Version

The Memorandum containing the Road Allowance Consideration for Target Areas is a Microsoft Word Document and available here.

Last Revised: 11/4/2003        Table of Contents      

Printable Version             
Report Filing

A report is required for all:
  • Deliverability type flow tests
  • Clean-up flows
  • Under-balanced drilling operations that result in burnable gas to surface.
Reports are due within 60 days of the completion of the test. Complete test reports, with the form attached to the front, are to be sent to the Victoria office of the Oil and Gas Commission (the Commission).

Test Type

Indicate the appropriate test type by selecting the corresponding check box. Where the sole purpose of the test is a well clean-up, select “CU” as the test type and enter the applicable rate and volume data. However, if a clean-up period is carried out in conjunction with a subsequent deliverability test, select the test type corresponding to the deliverability test and include the clean-up flow rate and production volumes on the same form with the AOF data.

Under-Balanced Drilling

This form is to be submitted for under-balanced drilling operations that result in burnable gas to surface. Reported test type should be “UBD”. Flared gas volumes reported are to be the net volume produced by the target formation (gas produced minus gas injected). Net gas rates should be representative of the burnable gas produced near the end of the UBD operations with the duration being the cumulative time that flaring occurs. A copy of the field notes recorded during drilling must be provided with this report.

Test Date

The test date is the final date the well was flowing during the testing period.

AOF and n Value

The sandface and wellhead AOF values should be calculated at both extended and stabilized conditions. For low productivity wells with test rates less than 20 e3m3/d, the calculation of only wellhead AOF values is permitted. Complete details of all AOF calculations must be included with the test submission. The Commission records the reciprocal slope “n” value as derived from the Simplified Analysis technique. Where the value of “n” is derived from the test data, the assumed flag should be checked as “no”. Single point test is normally checked as “yes”, unless the “n” is derived from an earlier test on the well under similar wellbore and reservoir conditions.


Pressure data is reported for all test types other than “CU” or “UBD”. The “Shut-in Pressure” is defined as the bottomhole pressure as measured prior to each flow rate. The “Final Flow Pressure” is the bottomhole pressure as measured at the end of that flow period. The stabilized reservoir pressure is entered on the form under “Reservoir Pressure”. Pressure is to be reported in absolute, to the nearest kPa. The Commission accepted correction factor for gauge to absolute is 101 kPa.

All tests, other than stand-alone clean up flows and under-balanced drilling operations, also require the submission of a corresponding Reservoir Pressure Survey Test (PST) Report form with the pressure data. If a valid stabilized reservoir pressure recording is made both prior to and following the flow test, then a separate PST form must be submitted for each point.

Test Remarks

Please use the “Comments” section to make remarks pertinent to the well or specific test, indicating any information that would help in interpreting the test data or in designing future tests on the well. Examples:
  • Following frac and acid squeeze.
  • Slugging water throughout test.
  • No bottom-hole gauges run.
  • Predict stabilized conditions in 3 months.
  • Well suspended past 12 years.

WA# Well Authorization Number CU Clean up
CF casing flange elevation UBD Under-balanced Drilling
MPP mid-point of perforations/completion EXT Extended rate
SP single point AOF Absolute Open Flow potential
FPMI Four-point modified isocronal kPaa kiloPascals absolute
MP Multi-point n reciprocal slope of gas rate vs pressure squared plot (Simplified Analysis)
FAF Flow after flow m meters

Last Revised: 2/1/2003        Table of Contents       Printable Version

The Reservoir Engineering Well Testing and Reporting Overview Powerpoint Presentation is available here.

Last Revised: 12/3/2002        Table of Contents      

Printable Version             

Reservoir pressure measurements are required on all producing oil and gas pools in British Columbia, in accordance with section 95 of the Drilling and Production Regulation (the Regulation). The Commission reserves the right to order additional tests other than the outlined minimum requirement.

       Initial Pressure Testing: All new wells/completed zones are required to have an initial pressure test prior to any production. A valid DST test meets this requirement. Initial pressures are credited toward the minimum annual testing requirement for a pool.

       Minimum Annual Requirement: The OGC requires adequate pool pressure survey coverage annually. The minimum number of reservoir pressure tests to be conducted annually for each producing pool should be equal in number to:

  • Oil pools – a number equal to 25% of the producing wells within the pool;

  • Gas pools – a number equal to 25% of the total number of wells within the pool or 50% of the producing wells within the pool, whichever is less.
‘Non-Annual’ testing of a pool may be granted, under section 95.2 of the Regulation, in cases where an adequate pressure history exists, wells have low productivity, and/or there are limited remaining reserves. For a listing of pools with non-annual pressure survey approval, or pools where a coordinating operator has been assigned, please see the tables listed on our website.

       Test Methods: The preferred method of determining static bottom-hole pressure is with a bottom-hole recorder. In those cases where the reservoir pressure is calculated from wellhead pressures and fluid level measurements, or pressure build-up or fall-off data, comprehensive details of the data and calculations must be included with the survey report.

       Test Submission: All reservoir pressure tests conducted must be reported. Test reports, accompanied by the Reservoir Pressure Survey Test (PST) Report form (available from our website) must be submitted to the Victoria office of the Commission within 60 days of the completion of the test. Complete reports must include an accurate well shut-in time for each test. Where insufficient shut-in time was allocated during a test to measure or extrapolate a reservoir pressure, the test may be deemed invalid and additional testing ordered.


Every gas well is required to be flow tested with its absolute open-flow (AOF) potential determined before six months have elapsed from the time the well was placed on initial production, as per section 84 of the Regulation. Tests may be completed prior to commercial production, or in-line with gas flow to pipeline. If gas flaring is planned, prior approval is required from the Commission office in Fort St. John.        Test Submission: Detailed reports, accompanied by a Well Deliverability Test Report form, must be submitted to the Victoria office of the Commission within 60 days of the final test date. Complete reports should include the pressure data, flow rates, produced volumes, and fluid sample analyses. Specific analysis of the data should include the calculations of the wellhead and sandface AOF values at both stabilized and extended rate conditions.

       Low Deliverability Wells: A calculation of only the wellhead AOF may be acceptable for low productivity wells with test rates typically less than 20 e3m3/d.

       Clean-Up Flows: Reports must also be filed for any clean-up flows, indicating the flow rates and total produced volumes. For clean-up flows immediately preceding an AOF test, a separate report is not required but the clean-up data should be included on the Deliverability Test Report in the appropriate fields.

       Under-Balanced Drilling: If under-balanced drilling operations result in gas being flared, a Well Deliverability Test Report form must be submitted to the Victoria office indicating net gas rates and net gas volume produced (gas produced – gas injected). This information along with a copy of the field notes recorded during drilling must be submitted to the Commission within 60 days of the final drilling date.


Copies of the required reporting forms along with instructions on their completion may be obtained from the Commission web site. Visit and select Reservoir Engineering. Additional information is also available at this site on topics such as Modification of Annual Pool Testing Requirements, Coordinating Operators, and Pools with Non-Annual Testing Approval.

All test data, analysis, and related questions should be directed to:

Chris Grieve, Reservoir Engineering Technician
Resource Conservation Branch
Oil and Gas Commission
PO Box 9329 Stn Prov Gov’t Phone: (250) 952-0318
Victoria, BC V8W 9N3 FAX: (250) 952-0301

Your cooperation in this matter is appreciated and will ensure the maintenance of this valuable database resource.

Last Revised: 11/28/2005        Table of Contents       Printable Version

       WELLS AND TEST HOLES The Wells and Test Holes section contains guidelines and information to assist in completing application forms for the drilling and completion of wells and test holes. Incidental information and guidance for timber clearing and First Nations consultation aspects of wells and test hole programs are also included for ease of reference. This section of the Application Resource Book contains the following Wells and Test Holes checklists that have been converted into guidance:

Converted Checklists – Wells and Test Holes
In addition to the converted checklists, the following information and guidance is located within this reference book:

Incidental Information and Guidance – Wells and Test Holes
The remaining forms are still located on the Wells and Test Holes business area front page:

Forms – Wells and Test Holes

Table of Contents

Printable Version             
 Blueberry River First Nation
 Dene Tha' First Nation
 Doig River First Nation
 Fort Nelson First Nation
 Halfway River First Nation
 McLeod Lake Indian Band
 Prophet River First Nation
 Saulteau First Nation
 West Moberly First Nation
 Other (specify): 
 Other (specify): 
 File #: 
 WA #:  
 Geo #:  
 GDP X-Ref #:
 The Oil and Gas Commission has received an application for a: 
  Geophysical program 


  Other (specify)
  New Application 


 Project Name: 

Attached is a copy of the above-noted application for your review. The purpose of this review is to identify any potential infringments this project may have on your treaty rights to hunt, trap or fish.

We would appreciate receiving any comments you may have about this application within 10 working days. We would also appreciate being informed if you know of any other First Nation that may be affected by this application.

Please be aware that if we have not heard from you within 10 working days, the Oil and Gas Commission will proceed with an evaluation and decision of the application based on available information.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this application, please feel free to contact the Project Assessment Branch at (250) 261-5749, or fax your written reply to (250) 261-5750.
  Application Form
  Timber Harvesting & Field Assessment
  Geophysical Application and Field Assessment
  1:20,000 BCGS Sketch Plan (Pipelines Only)
  1:50 000 Project Map
  1:250 000 Access Map
  Survey/Construction Plan
  Archaeological Assessment Information Form
Attachments checked by:  ____________________  

Last Revised: 3/2/2006        Table of Contents       Printable Version

To view the Environmental Upgrade & Minor Changes to Approved Activities Spreadsheet, please click here.

Last Revised: 10/24/2003        Table of Contents      

Printable Version             
File # _______________________
WA # _______________________
Geo # _______________________
GDP XRef # _______________________
Land Agent _______________________
Company: ____________________

Project:     ____________________

Based on an Application Pre-Assessment, an application package for the above-noted project was NOT sent to the _______________ First Nation(s) for review for the following reasons (explanation of what is being applied for and why):

Application Notes:

Total area required for the project: _______ hectares

Is the area required within an existing cleared area:     Yes     No     Partially

Is this an  Amendment or a  Revision? If this is an amendment, please indicate the difference in the area required from what was originally proposed:     Increase of ____ hectares;     Decrease of ____ hectares;     No change in area required

If this is an amendment, were there any issues identified by First Nations in the original application? Yes     No    If yes, please elaborate:

Trapper notification sent:     Yes     No

Project Assessment Branch First Nation Comments:

Agree     Disagree

________________________________         _________________
Senior Aboriginal Program Specialist      Date

Upon completion return to: _____________________________________
                                                  Project Assessment Branch Program Manager

Last Revised: 3/24/2004        Table of Contents       Printable Version

Printable Version             
File # _____________
WA # _____________
Geo # _____________
GDP XRef # _____________
To: Fort Liard First Nation
Kelly Lake Cree Nations
Kelly Lake First Nation
Kelly Lake Metis Settlement Society

The Oil and Gas Commission has received an application for a:
Geophysical Program Pipeline New Application
Wellsite Other (specify) __________ Revision

Proponent/Company: _________________________

Project Name:             _________________________

For your information, attached is a copy of the application package for the above noted project proposed for development in your area. Any comments can be sent to the attention of the Area Director, Project Assessment Branch at the address below.

Application Form
Timber Harvesting & Field Assessment
 Geophysical Application and Field Assessment
Survey/Construction Plan (if applicable)
1:20,000 BCGS Sketch Plan (Pipelines Only)
1:50 000 Project Map
1:250 000 Access Map
 AAIF (Archaeological Assessment Information Form)
Attachments checked by: _________________________

Last Revised: 11/1/2006        Table of Contents       Printable Version

Printable Version             
Fish and Wildlife Timing Windows for Oil and Gas Exploration and Development in Northeast British Columbia


The purpose of this document is to provide direction with respect to fish and wildlife timing windows for oil and gas operations in northeast British Columbia. When accompanied by appropriate, mitigation measures, adherence to timing windows is a valuable tool in reducing industrial disturbances to fish and wildlife species during sensitive lifecycle stages. Harassment or disruption of wildlife is prohibited at any time under the Wildlife Act of British Columbia; as such, operators are advised to be mindful of potential impacts regardless of the timing of operations. In addition, these windows may require a site-specific review to determine the level of sensitivity to a particular operation. Timing windows may be subject to revision or refinement by the Oil and Gas Commission, as well as other Provincial and Federal agencies.

Throughout the lifecycles of most species, there are critical stages of development during which fish and wildlife are more sensitive to particular types of disturbance. In the Peace Region, it has been observed that many species are most susceptible during early life stages. Some species are also sensitive to disturbance during seasonal migrations, rutting, and while occupying their winter habitat.

The attached table of timing windows considers a selection of species only. This list was reduced to those species that are considered to be: 1) ecosystem indicators, 2) of special management concern, and 3) those that are more susceptible to disturbance. In the event that additional species of concern are detected at a site, an operator should seek direction from the Oil and Gas Commission regarding the appropriateness of added timing considerations.

The type of disturbance is an important factor in planning the timing of oil and gas operations. Typically, on fish bearing watercourses, most in-stream works are subject to timing windows. In comparison, terrestrial wildlife can be particularly sensitive to aerial disruptions; and therefore, timing windows are commonly applied to geophysical operations. Timing windows may also apply to ground based operations where site sensitivities are high. Site sensitivity is primarily determined by the species present, habitat type, abundance of habitat, forest cover type (e.g., open versus closed forest canopy), and the importance of a habitat type to a critical lifecycle stage.

Variances and Mitigation

The Oil and Gas Commission will consider a variance request for an identified timing window, if an application is accompanied by a mitigation plan outlining how potential adverse impacts to wildlife will be minimized. Mitigation plans must clearly identify: 1) rationale for operating outside of a timing window, 2) site specific habitat information (including photos), 3) the species potentially impacted by activities, 4) inventory information available for any species at risk affected, 5) operational modifications to reduce the impacts to wildlife, and 6) project monitoring.

Issues that potentially could be addressed in a mitigation plan include, but are not limited to the following:

Aquatic Ecosystems Aquatic Ecosystems
  • Alternative crossing/routing location
  • Coordination of projects
  • Habitat/inventory assessment
  • Alternative, less disruptive operations and equipment
  • Erosion and sediment control
  • Water quality management
  • Riparian management
  • Restoration activities
  • Project modification
  • Referral to the Department of Fisheries and Oceans
  • Monitoring Plan
  • Alternative routing
  • Coordination of programs
  • Habitat/inventory assessment
  • Alternative, less disruptive operations and equipment
  • Protection of specified habitat features
  • Flight paths
  • Monitoring Plan

Monitoring plays a key role in the development of mitigation strategies, as it permits project modifications to occur as more site-specific information becomes available. Any project monitoring and assessments must be conducted by a qualified environmental technician/biologist, who has experience working with the species and ecosystems of concern. The monitor retained for use on a specific project must be able to issue stop work orders and recommend project modifications, as necessary.

Additional information pertaining to setbacks for specific habitat features can be found in the Planning and Construction Guide (2004) document published by the Oil and Gas Commission. Fisheries work windows and Best Management Practices are further defined in the Forest Practices Code of British Columbia – Fish Stream-crossing Guidebook (March 2002). Also note specific timing requirements in any relevant land use plans, pre-tenure plans and tenure caveats, etc.

Last Revised: 1/4/2004        Table of Contents       Printable Version

The Microsoft Word document containing the Fish and Wildlife Timing Windows Table is available here.

Last Revised: 1/4/2004        Table of Contents      

The Microsoft Word document containing the Fish Stream Identification Risk Management Tool is available here. Please note the file size for this document is 12.6 MB.

Last Revised: 6/1/2001        Table of Contents      

Printable Version             
Please use this guideline to assist in a timely review of each application.

Land Agent:  

       For test holes on private property - see Sections 1 to 2 inclusive

       For test holes on Crown land - see Sections 1 to 5 inclusive

Zone: For a map of OGC zones, click here.
North Central East Central West South

      Cheque for $100.00 payable to the Minister of Finance
      Application For A Test Hole Authorization - 2 Copies
      Survey Plan - 2 Copies
      Sour test holes only - 2 Copies of 1:20,000 Map of area with Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ), residences, and public facilities, places of business and trapline boundaries clearly marked
      1:20,000 BCGS Sketch - 1 Copy
      1:50,000 Project Map - 1 Copy
      1:250,000 Access Map (with trapline boundaries plotted) - 1 Copy
      Additional information submitted in support of the application (i.e.: photos, geotechnical reports, environmental impact assessments etc.) - 1 Copy
    AAIF (Archaeological Assessment Information Form) - 1 Copy
    Archaeological Reports (when available) - 2 Copies

    NOTE: All archaeological reports that are submitted subsequent to the application must be submitted with an OGC number. Reports without an OGC reference number will be returned.
    Public Engagement Report - 1 Copy

    1. Crown Land Only:

      Application for Crown Land - 1 Copy
        Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment (only if new cut is required) - 1 Copy

      1. (a) Agricultural Lease Only:

          Agricultural Lease Holder Consent (Land Title Office Form "C") - 2 Copies

    2. Private Property Only:

        Copy of State of Title Certificate - 1 Copy
        Landowner Agreement - 2 Copies
        Application for Changes in and About a Stream, Section 9 Water Act (if applicable) - 1 Copy

    3. Agricultural Land Reserve Only:

        Schedule A Pre-construction Site Assessment Report - 1 Copy


    Companies are required to complete public engagement consultation/notification prior to making program application. Proponents are encouraged to keep records of their public engagement process. Documentation is not required to be submitted after completion of this process if there are no unresolved concerns. However, companies are encouraged to keep the documentation as it may be requested at any time. Please refer to the Guide to Public Engagement and Appropriate Dispute Resolution for additional information on recommended best practices and record requirements.


    NOTE: This package is only required if the project being applied for is located within the Fort Nelson First Nation, Prophet River First Nation traditional use areas, and any area outside the Fort Nelson and Peace Forest Districts of Northeast BC.

      Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment (if applicable) - 1 Copy
      Survey Plan - 1 Copy
      1:50,000 Project Map - 1 Copy
      1:250,000 Access Map (with trapline boundaries plotted) - 1 Copy


    Note: this package should only be submitted if there is new cut on Crown land

      Forestry Review Sheet - 1 Copy
      Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment - 3 Copies
      Survey Plan - 3 Copies
      1:20,000 BCGS Sketch - 1 Copy
      1:50,000 Project Map - 1 Copy
      1:250,000 Access Map (with trapline boundaries plotted) - 1 Copy
      Major Licensee Comment Sheet (if applicable) - 1 Copy
      Road Use Permit Application (if applicable) - 1 Copy
    * Please organize and paperclip the Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment and the Survey Plan into 3 packages.


      Cover letter on each consultation package - 2 Copies
      First Nations Consultation Pre-Assessment form if the portion on Crown land is minor - 1 Copy
      Application For A Test Hole Authorization - 1 Copy
      Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment - 1 Copy
      Survey Plan - 1 Copy
      1:50,000 Project Map - 1 Copy
      1:250,000 Access Map (with trapline boundaries plotted) - 1 Copy
      Additional information submitted in support of the application (i.e.: photos, geotechnical reports, environmental impact assessments etc.) - 1 Copy
    AAIF (Archaeological Assessment Information Form) - 1 Copy
    Archaeological Reports (when available) - 1 Copy

    NOTE: All archaeological reports that are submitted subsequent to the application must be submitted with an OGC number. Reports without an OGC reference number will be returned.

Last Revised: 10/11/2006        Table of Contents       Printable Version

Printable Version             
Please use this guideline to assist in a timely review of each application.

Land Agent:  

       For revisions and amendments on Private Property - see Sections 1 to 2 inclusive

       For revisions and amendments on Crown land - see Sections 1 to 5 inclusive

Zone: For a map of OGC zones, click here.
North Central East Central West South

    1. Revisions Only:

        Letter of explanation regarding the nature of the revision - 1 Copy
        Application To Amend A Test Hole Authorization (Note: this form is only requested if there is a change to the surface location of the test hole) - 1 Copy
        Survey Plan - 2 Copies
        1:20,000 BCGS Sketch - 1 Copy
        1:50,000 Project Map - 1 Copy
      AAIF (Archaeological Assessment Information Form) - 1 Copy
      Archaeological Reports (when available) - 2 Copies

      NOTE: All archaeological reports that are submitted subsequent to the application must be submitted with an OGC number. Reports without an OGC reference number will be returned.
      Public Engagement Report - 1 Copy

      1. (a) Crown Land Only:

        Application for Crown Land - 1 Copy
          Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment - 1 Copy

      2. Agricultural Land Reserve Only:

        Schedule A Pre-construction Site Assessment Report - 1 Copy

    2. Amendments Only:

        Letter of explanation regarding the nature of the amendment, indicating the increase and/or decrease in the total disturbed and new cut areas on Crown land.
        Application To Amend A Test Hole Authorization (Note: this form is only requested if there is a change to the surface location of the test hole) - 1 Copy
        Survey Plan (should not be submitted if the amended area is too far away to show on the plan) - 2 Copies
        1:20,000 BCGS Sketch - 1 Copy
        1:50,000 Project Map - 1 Copy (include 2 copies if the amended area is too far away to show on the survey plan)
      AAIF (Archaeological Assessment Information Form) - 1 Copy
      Archaeological Reports (when available) - 2 Copies

      NOTE: All archaeological reports that are submitted subsequent to the application must be submitted with an OGC number. Reports without an OGC reference number will be returned.

      1. Private Property Only:

          Landowner Agreement/Consent - 2 Copies

      2. Agricultural Land Reserve Only:

        Schedule A Pre-construction Site Assessment Report - 1 Copy


    Companies are required to complete public engagement consultation/notification prior to making program application. Proponents are encouraged to keep records of their public engagement process. Documentation is not required to be submitted after completion of this process if there are no unresolved concerns. However, companies are encouraged to keep the documentation as it may be requested at any time. Please refer to the Guide to Public Engagement and Appropriate Dispute Resolution for additional information on recommended best practices and record requirements.


    NOTE: This package is only required if the project being applied for is located within the Fort Nelson First Nation, Prophet River First Nation traditional use areas, and any area outside the Fort Nelson and Peace Forest Districts of Northeast BC.

    1. Revisions Only:

        Letter of explanation regarding the nature of the revision - 1 Copy
        Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment - 1 Copy
        Survey Plan - 1 Copy
        1:50,000 Project Map - 1 Copy
        1:250,000 Access Map (with trapline boundaries plotted) - 1 Copy

    2. Amendments Only:

        Letter of explanation regarding the nature of the amendment, indicating the increase and/or decrease in the total disturbed and new cut areas on Crown land. - 1 Copy
        Survey Plan - 1 Copy
        1:50,000 Project Map - 1 Copy
        1:250,000 Access Map (with trapline boundaries plotted) - 1 Copy


    1. Revisions Only:

        Forestry Review Sheet - 1 Copy
        Letter of explanation regarding the nature of the revision - 1 Copy
        Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment - 3 Copies
        Survey Plan - 3 Copies
        1:20,000 BCGS Sketch - 1 Copy
        1:50,000 Project Map - 1 Copy
      * Please organize and Paperclip the Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment and the Survey Plan into 3 packages.

    2. Amendments Only:

      Note: this package is not requested if the amended area is located fully within an existing clearing.

        Forestry Review Sheet - 1 Copy
        Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment Approval Sheet - "Amendment" - 1 Copy
        Letter of explanation regarding the nature of the amendment, indicating the increase and/or decrease in the total disturbed and new cut areas on Crown land. - 1 Copy
        Survey Plan (not requested if the amended area is too far away to show on the plan) - 3 Copies
        1:20,000 BCGS Sketch - 1 Copy
        1:50,000 Project Map - 1 Copy (include 3 copies if the amended area is too far away to show on the survey plan)


  6. Note: Include one package for each First Nation Community listed on the consultation cover letter or consultation pre-assessment form.

    1. Revisions Only:

        Cover letter on each consultation package - 2 Copies
        First Nations Consultation Pre-Assessment form (recommended only if the revision is minor and consultation has been completed on the original application) - 1 Copy
        Letter of explanation regarding the nature of the revision - 1 Copy
        Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment - 1 Copy
        Survey Plan - 1 Copy
        1:50,000 Project Map - 1 Copy
        1:250,000 Access Map (with trapline boundaries plotted) - 1 Copy
      AAIF (Archaeological Assessment Information Form) - 1 Copy
      Archaeological Reports (when available) - 1 Copy

      NOTE: All archaeological reports that are submitted subsequent to the application must be submitted with an OGC number. Reports without an OGC reference number will be returned.

    2. Amendments Only:

        Cover letter on each consultation package - 2 Copies
        First Nations Consultation Pre-Assessment form (should only be submitted if the amendment is minor) - 1 Copy
        Letter of explanation regarding the nature of the amendment, indicating the increase and/or decrease in the total disturbed and new cut areas on Crown land. - 1 Copy
        Survey Plan (not requested if the amended area is too far away to show on the plan) - 1 Copy
        1:50,000 Project Map - 1 Copy
        1:250,000 Access Map (with trapline boundaries plotted) - 1 Copy
      AAIF (Archaeological Assessment Information Form) - 1 Copy
      Archaeological Reports (when available) - 1 Copy

      NOTE: All archaeological reports that are submitted subsequent to the application must be submitted with an OGC number. Reports without an OGC reference number will be returned.

Last Revised: 10/11/2006        Table of Contents       Printable Version

Printable Version             
It is recommended that copies of all well information and reports connected with or derived from the drilling, production or other work performed on a well should be submitted to the Oil and Gas Commission per Part 6 of the Drilling and Production Regulation. It will help with the review turn around time if all submissions are sufficiently legible to permit reproduction by standard processes.


    Oil and Gas Commission
    Well Records
    200 10003 110 Ave
    Fort St. John BC V1J 6M7

           1 Copy of all well information and reports

    (Location: 6th Floor, 1810 Blanshard St)

    Oil and Gas Commission
    Well Records
    PO Box 9329 Stn Prov Gov’t
    Victoria BC V8W 9N3

           1 Copy of all well information and reports


    Pursuant to the Drilling and Production Regulation, s.54, a Well Summary form may be required upon request from the Oil and Gas Commission. If a Well Summary is requested, a copy of the form will be provided with the request.

Last Revised: 9/25/2003        Table of Contents       Printable Version

Printable Version             
Please use this guideline to assist in a timely review of each application.

OGC Number:  Oil Company: 
Land Agent: Phone Number: 
Project Name/Location: GDP X-Ref#:
Zone: For a map of OGC zones, click here.
 North  Central East  Central West  South

For wellsites on private property - see Sections 1 to 2 inclusive

For wellsites on Crown land - see Sections 1 to 5 inclusive


      Cheque for $8,700.00 payable to the Minister of Finance or cheque for $8,100.00 if application is for an additional well utilizing an existing well pad (for further information, click on the following: WA Application Fee Reduction Diagram)
      Application for Well Authorization - 2 Copies
      Subsurface tenure authorization letter (if applicable) - 1 Copy
      Survey Plan - 2 Copies
      Sour wells only - 2 Copies of 1:20,000 Map of area with Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ), residences, and public facilities, places of business and trapline boundaries clearly marked
      1:20,000 BCGS Sketch - 1 Copy
      1:50,000 Project Map - 1 Copy
      1:250,000 Access Map (with trapline boundaries plotted) - 1 Copy
      Experimental scheme approval (if applicable) - 1 Copy
      Additional information submitted in support of the application (i.e.: photos, geotechnical reports, environmental impact assessments etc.) - 1 Copy
    AAIF (Archaeological Assessment Information Form) - 1 Copy
    Archaeological Reports (when available) - 2 Copies

    NOTE: All archaeological reports that are submitted subsequent to the application must be submitted with an OGC number. Reports without an OGC reference number will be returned.
    Public Engagement Report - 1 Copy

    1. Crown Land Only:

        Application for Crown Land - 1 Copy
        Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment (only if new cut is required) - 1 Copy

      1. a) Agricultural Lease Only:

          Agricultural Lease Holder Consent (Land Title Office Form "C") - 2 Copies

    2. Private Property Only:

        Copy of State of Title Certificate - 1 Copy
        Landowner Agreement - 2 Copies
        Application for Changes in and About a Stream, Section 9 Water Act (if applicable) - 1 Copy

    3. Agricultural Land Reserve Only:

        Schedule A Pre-construction Site Assessment Report - 1 Copy


    Companies are required to complete public engagement consultation/notification prior to making program application. Proponents are encouraged to keep records of their public engagement process. Documentation is not required to be submitted after completion of this process if there are no unresolved concerns. However, companies are encouraged to keep the documentation as it may be requested at any time. Please refer to the Guide to Public Engagement and Appropriate Dispute Resolution for additional information on recommended best practices and record requirements.


    NOTE: This package is only required if the project being applied for is located within the Fort Nelson First Nation, Prophet River First Nation traditional use areas, and any area outside the Fort Nelson and Peace Forest Districts of Northeast BC.

      Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment (if applicable) - 1 Copy
      Survey Plan - 1 Copy
      1:50,000 Project Map - 1 Copy
      1:250,000 Access Map (with trapline boundaries plotted) - 1 Copy


      Forestry Review Sheet - 1 Copy
      Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment - 3 Copies
      Survey Plan - 3 Copies
      1:20,000 BCGS Sketch - 1 Copy
      1:50,000 Project Map - 1 Copy
      1:250,000 Access Map (with trapline boundaries plotted) - 1 Copy
      Major Licensee Comment Sheet (if applicable) - 1 Copy
      Road Use Permit Application (if applicable) - 1 Copy
    *Please organize and paperclip the Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment and the Survey Plan into 3 packages


    Note: Include one package for each First Nation Community listed on the consultation cover letter or consultation pre-assessment form.

      Cover letter on each consultation package - 2 Copies
      First Nations Consultation Pre-Assessment form if the portion on Crown land is minor - 1 Copy
      Application for Well Authorization - 1 Copy
      Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment (if applicable) - 1 Copy
      Survey Plan - 1 Copy
      1:50,000 Project Map - 1 Copy
      1:250,000 Access Map (with trapline boundaries plotted) - 1 Copy
      Additional information submitted in support of the application (i.e.: photos, geotechnical reports, environmental impact assessments etc.) - 1 Copy
    AAIF (Archaeological Assessment Information Form) - 1 Copy
    Archaeological Reports (when available) - 1 Copy

    NOTE: All archaeological reports that are submitted subsequent to the application must be submitted with an OGC number. Reports without an OGC reference number will be returned.

Last Revised: 10/11/2006        Table of Contents       Printable Version

Printable Version             
Please use this guideline to assist in a timely review of each application.

Land Agent:  

       For wellsite re-entry on private property - see Sections 1 to 2 inclusive

       For wellsite re-entry on Crown land - see Sections 1 to 5 inclusive

Zone: For a map of OGC zones, click here.
North Central East Central West South

      Application To Alter A Well - 2 Copies
      Sour wells only - 2 Copies of 1:20,000 Map of area with Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ), residences, and public facilities, places of business and trapline boundaries clearly marked
    Sour wells only - Completed page 3 of Application for a Well Authorization - 1 Copy
      Subsurface tenure authorization letter (if applicable) - 1 Copy
      Survey Plan - 2 Copies
      1:20,000 BCGS Sketch - 1 Copy
      1:50,000 Project Map - 1 Copy
      1:250,000 Access Map (with trapline boundaries plotted) - 1 Copy
    AAIF (Archaeological Assessment Information Form) - 1 Copy
    Archaeological Reports (when available) - 2 Copies

    NOTE: All archaeological reports that are submitted subsequent to the application must be submitted with an OGC number. Reports without an OGC reference number will be returned.

    1. Re-entry of COR Wells Only:

        Cheque for $8,100.00 payable to the Minister of Finance
        Application for Well Authorization - 2 Copies

      1. (a) Crown Land Only:

          Application for Crown Land - 1 Copy
          Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment (only if new cut is required) - 1 Copy

      2. (b) Private Property Only:

          Copy of State of Title Certificate - 1 Copy
          Landowner Agreement - 2 Copies
          Application for Changes in and About a Stream, Section 9 Water Act (if applicable) - 1 Copy

      3. (c) Agricultural Land Reserve Only

          Schedule A Pre-construction Site Assessment Report - 1 Copy

    2. Re-entry of Non-COR Wells Only:

        Application To Transfer A Well Authorization (only requested if the well operator has changed) - 1 Copy
        Application To Change A Well Name (only requested if the well operator has changed) - 1 Copy
        Cheque for $300.00 payable to the Minister of Finance (only requested if an "Application To Transfer A Well Authorization" or an "Application To Change A Well Name" is being submitted)

      1. (a) Crown Land Only:

          Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment - 1 Copy

        Note: the following item is requested only if there is a change in the size of the wellsite lease area or if a Statutory Right of Way has not been issued for the wellsite.

          Application for Crown Land - 1 Copy

      2. (b) Private Property Only:

        Note: the following items need to be submitted only if additional area is required.

          Copy of State of Title Certificate - 1 Copy
          Landowner Agreement - 2 Copies
          Application for Changes in and About a Stream, Section 9 Water Act (if applicable) - 1 Copy


    Companies are encouraged to complete stakeholder involvement consultation/notification prior to making program application. Proponents are encouraged to keep records of their stakeholder involvement process. Documentation is not required to be submitted after completion of the stakeholder involvement process if there are no unresolved concerns. However, companies are encouraged keep the documentation as it may be requested at any time. Please refer to the Guideline for Stakeholder Involvement for additional information on recommended best practices and record requirements.


    NOTE: This package is only required for Re-entry of COR Wells if the project being applied for is located within the Fort Nelson First Nation, Prophet River First Nation traditional use areas, and any area outside the Fort Nelson and Peace Forest Districts of Northeast BC.

      Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment (if applicable) - 1 Copy
      Survey Plan - 1 Copy
      1:50,000 Project Map - 1 Copy
      1:250,000 Access Map (with trapline boundaries plotted) - 1 Copy


    Note: this package is only requested if there is new cut on Crown land

      Forestry Review Sheet - 1 Copy
      Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment - 3 Copies
      Survey Plan - 3 Copies
      1:20,000 BCGS Sketch - 1 Copy
      1:50,000 Project Map - 1 Copy
      1:250,000 Access Map (with trapline boundaries plotted) - 1 Copy
      Major Licensee Comment Sheet (if applicable) - 1 Copy
      Road Use Permit Application (if applicable) - 1 Copy
    * Please organize and Paperclip the Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment and the Survey Plan into 3 packages.


    Note: Include one package for each First Nation Community listed on the consultation cover letter or consultation pre-assessment form. This package is not requested for Non-COR well re-entry if no additional area is required.

      Cover letter on each consultation package - 2 Copies
      First Nations Consultation Pre-Assessment form (if the additional area required is minor) - 1 Copy
      Application for Well Authorization (if applicable) - 1 Copy
      Application To Alter A Well - 1 Copy
      Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment (if applicable) - 1 Copy
      Survey Plan - 1 Copy
      1:50,000 Project Map - 1 Copy
      1:250,000 Access Map (with trapline boundaries plotted) - 1 Copy
    AAIF (Archaeological Assessment Information Form) - 1 Copy
    Archaeological Reports (when available) - 1 Copy

    NOTE: All archaeological reports that are submitted subsequent to the application must be submitted with an OGC number. Reports without an OGC reference number will be returned.

Last Revised: 6/7/2005        Table of Contents       Printable Version

Printable Version             
Please use this guideline to assist in a timely review of each application.

OGC Number: Oil Company:
Land Agent: Phone Number:
Project Name/Location:

For revisions and amendments on Private Property - see Sections 1 to 2 inclusive

For revisions and amendments on Crown land - see Sections 1 to 5 inclusive

Zone: For a map of OGC zones, click here.
North Central East Central West South

    1. Revisions Only:

      Letter of explanation regarding the nature of the revision - 1 Copy
      Application to Amend a Well Authorization (should only be submitted if there is a change to the surface location of the wellsite or a change to the bottom-hole location) - 1 Copy
      Survey Plan - 2 Copies
      1:20,000 BCGS Sketch - 1 Copy
      1:50,000 Project Map - 1 Copy
      AAIF (Archaeological Assessment Information Form) - 1 Copy
      Archaeological Reports (when available) - 2 Copies

      NOTE: All archaeological reports that are submitted subsequent to the application must be submitted with an OGC number. Reports without an OGC reference number will be returned.
      Public Engagement Report - 1 Copy

      1. a) Crown Land Only:

        Application for Crown Land - 1 Copy
        Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment - 1 Copy

      2. Agricultural Land Reserve Only:

        Schedule A Pre-construction Site Assessment Report - 1 Copy

    2. Amendments Only:

      Letter of explanation regarding the nature of the amendment, indicating the increase and/or decrease in the total disturbed and new cut areas on Crown land.
      Application to Amend a Well Authorization (should only be submitted if there is a change to the surface location of the wellsite or a change to the bottom-hole location) - 1 Copy
      Survey Plan (not requested if the amended area is too far away to show on the plan) - 2 Copies
      1:20,000 BCGS Sketch - 1 Copy
      1:50,000 Project Map - 1 Copy (include 2 copies if the amended area is too far away to show on the survey plan)
      AAIF (Archaeological Assessment Information Form) - 1 Copy
      Archaeological Reports (when available) - 2 Copies

      NOTE: All archaeological reports that are submitted subsequent to the application must be submitted with an OGC number. Reports without an OGC reference number will be returned.
      Public Engagement Report - 1 Copy

      1. a) Crown Land Only:

        Note: the following item is should only be submitted if there is a change in the new cut hectares or a change in access which requires additional stream crossings.

        Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment - 1 Copy

      2. b) Crown Land Only:

        Note: the following item should only be submitted if there is a change in the surface location of the wellsite or a change in the size of the wellsite lease area.

        Application for Crown Land - 1 Copy

      3. Agricultural Land Reserve Only:

        Schedule A Pre-construction Site Assessment Report - 1 Copy

    3. Private Property Only:

      Landowner Agreement/Consent - 2 Copies


    Companies are required to complete public engagement consultation/notification prior to making program application. Proponents are encouraged to keep records of their public engagement process. Documentation is not required to be submitted after completion of this process if there are no unresolved concerns. However, companies are encouraged to keep the documentation as it may be requested at any time. Please refer to the Guide to Public Engagement and Appropriate Dispute Resolution for additional information on recommended best practices and record requirements.


    NOTE: This package is only required if the project being applied for is located within the Fort Nelson First Nation, Prophet River First Nation traditional use areas, and any area outside the Fort Nelson and Peace Forest Districts of Northeast BC.

    1. Revisions Only:

      Letter of explanation regarding the nature of the revision - 1 Copy
      Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment - 1 Copy
      Survey Plan - 1 Copy
      1:50,000 Project Map - 1 Copy
      1:250,000 Access Map (with trapline boundaries plotted) - 1 Copy

    2. Amendments Only:

      Letter of explanation regarding the nature of the amendment , indicating the increase and/or decrease in the total disturbed and new cut areas on Crown land. - 1 Copy
      Survey Plan - 1 Copy
      1:50,000 Project Map - 1 Copy
      1:250,000 Access Map (with trapline boundaries plotted) - 1 Copy

      1. (a) Crown Land Only:

        Note: the following item should only be submitted if there is a change in the new cut hectares or a change in access which requires additional stream crossings.

        Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment - 1 Copy


    1. Revisions Only:

      Forestry Review Sheet - 1 Copy
      Letter of explanation regarding the nature of the revision - 1 Copy
      Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment - 3 Copies
      Survey Plan - 3 Copies
      1:20,000 BCGS Sketch - 1 Copy
      1:50,000 Project Map - 1 Copy
      * Please organize and paperclip the Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment and the Survey Plan into 3 packages

    2. Amendments Only:

      Note: this package is not requested if the amended area is located fully within an existing clearing

      Forestry Review Sheet - 1 Copy
      Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment Approval Sheet - "Amendment" - 1 Copy
      Letter of explanation regarding the nature of the, indicating the increase and/or decrease in the total disturbed and new cut areas on Crown land) - 1 Copy
      Survey Plan (not requested if the amended area is too far away to show on the plan) - 3 Copies
      1:20,000 BCGS Sketch - 1 Copy
      1:50,000 Project Map - 1 Copy (include 3 copies if the amended area is too far away to show on the survey plan)

      1. (a) Crown Land Only:

        Note: the following item should only be submitted if there is a change in the new cut hectares or a change in access which requires additional stream crossings.

        Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment - 3 Copies


  6. Note: Include one package for each First Nation Community listed on the consultation cover letter or consultation pre-assessment form.

    1. Revisions Only:

      Cover letter on each consultation package - 2 Copies
      First Nations Consultation Pre-Assessment form (only if the revision is minor and consultation has been completed on the original application, also include Consultation Cover Sheet) - 1 Copy
      Letter of explanation regarding the nature of the revision - 1 Copy
      Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment - 1 Copy
      Survey Plan - 1 Copy
      1:50,000 Project Map - 1 Copy
      1:250,000 Access Map (with trapline boundaries plotted) - 1 Copy
      AAIF (Archaeological Assessment Information Form) - 1 Copy
      Archaeological Reports (when available) - 1 Copy

      NOTE: All archaeological reports that are submitted subsequent to the application must be submitted with an OGC number. Reports without an OGC reference number will be returned.

    2. Amendments Only:

      Cover letter on each consultation package - 2 Copies
      First Nations Consultation Pre-Assessment form (only if the amendment is minor) - 1 Copy
      Letter of explanation regarding the nature of the amendment, indicating the increase and/or decrease in the total disturbed and new cut areas on Crown land. - 1 Copy
      Survey Plan - 1 Copy
      1:50,000 Project Map - 1 Copy
      1:250,000 Access Map (with trapline boundaries plotted) - 1 Copy
      AAIF (Archaeological Assessment Information Form) - 1 Copy
      Archaeological Reports (when available) - 1 Copy

      NOTE: All archaeological reports that are submitted subsequent to the application must be submitted with an OGC number. Reports without an OGC reference number will be returned.

      1. (a) Crown Land Only:

        Note: the following item should only be submitted if there is a change in the new cut hectares or a change in access which requires additional stream crossings.

        Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment - 1 Copy

Last Revised: 10/11/2006        Table of Contents       Printable Version

Printable Version             
The following sets out the Minimum Mapping Criteria that should be shown on the Schedule A that is submitted with the Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment form. The requirements have minor changes to the original requirements (pre 2001/10/15).

General Requirements

Actual Schedule A (small scale detail site plan, preferred 1:5000 or 1:10 000))
  • traverse table
  • title block
  • owner/operator
  • program name
  • location (NTS and BCGS)
  • scale and north arrow
  • surveyors field notes (condensed version, with highlights)
  • existing and new disturbances
  • areas of merchantable timber, as well skid direction
  • landing/decking sites, and brush disposal sites
  • helipads and staging areas
  • borrow pits and sumps
  • date and revision number
BCGS Sketch plan (1:20 000)
  • NTS and BCGS grid
  • riparian features (streams, lakes)
  • seismic lines
  • scale and north arrow
  • existing disturbances (Wells, Facilities)
  • northing and easting locator
  • access route
  • slope/elevation/topography (if applicable)
Access Detail map (1:50 000)
  • Access road
  • Surface location, as well as a small scale (e.g., 1:2500) drawing showing surveyed elevations (for Wells)
  • NTS units
  • forestry tenures with owner and reference number
  • identified wildlife features (whether in the field or set out as “Identified Resource Features”
  • existing disturbances (Wells, Facilities)
  • scale and north arrow
  • slope/elevation/topography (if applicable)

Last Revised: 9/25/2003        Table of Contents       Printable Version

The Microsoft Word Document containing the Application to use land in an Agricultural Land Reserve for Oil and Gas Purposes is available here.

Last Revised: 4/7/2004        Table of Contents      

The Microsoft Word document containing the Maximum Planning and Construction Guide is available here.

Last Revised: 10/7/2004        Table of Contents      

Printable Version             

Time of Year:
  • Cattle-guards may be required
  • Immediate fence repairs if stock in area
  • Gates and fences monitored during activity

Location of Access:
  • Use existing access where possible
  • Minimize vehicle access points and routes

Natural Barrier:
  • Elimination of natural barriers, i.e. timber removal during seismic, pipeline or road construction, may require permanent fencing to contain livestock.

  • Tenure holder may have a preference for piles rather than windrows
  • A 3 meter break every 200-400 meter to assist livestock and wildlife movement.
  • Handcut lines - stump cut horizontal and close to ground to avoid livestock injury.
  • Slash - buck flat to ground

RANGE IMPROVEMENT DAMAGERates to be removed or revised.
  • Prices listed include material and labour - assuming reasonable access
  • 4 wire fence cut - $250.00
  • Line posts - $50.00/post
  • Gate post, corner post, brace post or brace - $100.00/post
  • Wire gate replacement $250.00
  • Cattle-guard cleanout and/or repair may be required
  • Cultivated pasture damage
    • temporary (pipeline and soil disturbance on seismic) $250.00/acre
    • permanent loss (wellsites, roads, plant sites) $500.00/acre
  • No compensation for native pasture areas
  • Dugout damage - must be repaired or replaced

  • Wellsites, sumps or camps to be fenced prior to livestock turnout
  • Install cattle-guards where required
  • Following reclamation and seed establishment fence to be removed from sumps and camp
  • Permanent structure around well head to be negotiated, i.e. fence or panels

  • Tenure holder time and expenses
  • Extra charges if access to damaged improvements is difficult


Last Revised: 10/1/1998        Table of Contents       Printable Version

Printable Version             
Ministry of Forests designated Forest Service Roads

The following will assist the Oil and Gas Proponent or Designate in accurately completing the Oil and Gas Commission (OGC) Application for Road Use Permit Form (RUP). A Road Use Permit is required to utilize Ministry of Forests (MoF) designated Forest Service Roads (FSR’s) in British Columbia.
  1. The applicant must obtain the name of the FSR along with the name of the Primary User (if one exists) in order to complete the RUP application. This can be accomplished by contacting the appropriate MoF District office.

    Note: The MoF is an information source for forest tenured roads and should only be contacted as such regarding RUP applications. General information regarding RUP applications must come from the OGC.

  2. The applicant is required to:

    • Research the area of interest for oil and gas exploration and/or development activities.
    • Identify if they will be using any MoF designated FSR’s.
    • Identify all tenured roads that will require a Road Use Agreement (e.g., Forest Licensee roads, PDR’s).
    • Check the existing OGC Master Road Use Permit to verify the FSR is not already permitted.
    • Fill out the OGC Application for Road Use Permit with the correct FSR name, section number and kilometres. These details may be found on Forest Development Plans or at the MoF District Offices.
    • Submit the completed Application For Road Use Permit to the OGC.

    Note: The use of MoF tenured roads including FSR’s requires a Road Use Agreement with the Primary User prior to project commencement. If a Primary User does not exist, the MoF will designate the applicant as the Primary User. Refer to Section 2.1 of the Forest Road Regulation regarding costs associated with routine road maintenance.

  3. The applicant will indicate:

    • If the application is a new application or an amendment to an existing RUP.
    • The Forest District in which the FSR is located.
    • The name of the Proponent (holder of the Master Licence to Cut) and current mailing address.
    • The name of the company contact that will have responsibility for the application.
    • The Primary User’s contact name and address.
    • The FSR name, sections/branches and kilometres that the proponent is applying to use.

  4. The Proponent or Designate must sign the application in the space provided.

  5. The Primary User of the FSR should sign the application in the space provided.

    Note: In the event the Primary User does not wish to sign the RUP application form or if a Road Use Agreement has already been initiated, the applicant should include comments in the space provided.

    If the assigned Primary User of the FSR refuses to sign this form or a Road Use Agreement cannot be reached within a reasonable time frame, the OGC may issue the RUP upon review of the application.

  6. The Primary User of the road shall stipulate a termination date of the Road Use Agreement on the application in the space provided. This termination date does not cancel the applicant’s Road Use Permit.

  7. The Local Representative will print their name, company name and phone number on the application form.

  8. The OGC will check the box referring to District Manager (DM) Consultation sent by the OGC. The OGC will then forward the application to the appropriate DM as its requirement to consult with the DM prior to issuance of the RUP. MoF will notify the OGC if they have any reason for the RUP not to be issued.

Last Revised: 3/23/2004        Table of Contents       Printable Version

Printable Version             
The following form letter may be used as a guide when preparing a sub-surface tenure authorization letter allowing a company to operate a well on a P&NG; Lease, Drilling Licence, etc. to which they do not hold title.

Oil and Gas Commission
200, 10003 – 110th Avenue
Fort St. John, BC
V1J 6M7

Attention: Project Assessment Branch


Pursuant to Section 85 of the British Columbia Petroleum and Natural Gas Act, please be advised that


as tenure holder(s) of

< INSERT TITLE, e.g., P&NG; Lease 45321 >

hereby authorize


to drill and operate the subject well and produce petroleum and/or natural gas from the subject well.

Notwithstanding this arrangement, the obligation to the Province of British Columbia concerning liabilities will remain with the tenure holder(s).

Yours truly,


Last Revised: 9/25/2003        Table of Contents       Printable Version

Printable Version             

May 2003


Species% in Mix
(by seed)
ALPINE TIMOTHY (Phleum commutatum) 10%
   - NOT COMMON TIMOTHY (Phleum prantense)  
JUNE GRASS (Koeleria macrantha) 10%
NODDING BROME (Bromus anomalus) 5%
   - NOT SMOOTH BROME (Bromus inermis)  
SPIKE TRISETUM (Trisetum spicatum) 5%
HAIRY WILD RYE (Elymus innovatus) 10%
ALPINE BLUEGRASS (Poa alpine) 10%
SHEEP FESCUE (Festuca saximontana) 15%
CICER MILKVETCH (Astragalus cicer) 10%
SPRING OR FALL RYE (depending on season of planting) 0-5%


SLENDER WHEATGRASS (Elymus trachycaulus) 20%
AWNED WHEATGRASS (Elymus trachycaulus subsp. Subsecundus) 20%


FOWL BLUEGRASS (Poa palustris) 20%
CICER MILKVETCH (Astragalus cicer) 20%
SHEEP FESCUE (Festuca saximontana) 15%
SPING OR FALL RYE (depending on the season of planting) 0-5%


SLENDER WHEATGRASS (Elymus trachycaulus) 20%
AWNED WHEATGRASS (Elymus trachycaulus subsp. Subsecundus) 20%


FRINGED BROME (Bromus ciliolatus) 20%
   - NOT SMOOTH BROME (Bromus inermis)  
FOWL BLUEGRASS (Poa palustris) 20%
TUFTED HAIR GRASS (Deschampsia caespitose) 20%
TICKLE GRASS (Agrostis scabra) 20%
MARSH REED GRASS (Calamagrostis canadensis) 20%


It is suggested that all those involved in this project review the "Native Plant Re-vegetation Guidelines for Alberta, February 2001". This document is a great resource, and is ahead of what is being done in BC. This document can be viewed at:

  1. The above seed mixes were developed from the lists presented in the Rationale Document.

  2. Ideally many of the species listed would be included in the mixes. However, most have limited availability and are cost prohibitive. Species were selected based on physiology, physiognomy, availability, and cost.

  3. Cicer Milkvetch has been prescribed because it is the least aggressive of introduced legume species. It’s value as a legume offsets its persistence, but it should only be included as less than 20% of the mix.

  4. Seed must originate from the region or a comparable natural region. Use of cultivars of native species in any mix, must be confirmed by the Forest District for suitability.

  5. If the any of the listed species are not available, the Forest District Office should be contacted for advice before altering the prescribed mixes.

  6. Percentages in the mix are by PLS (pure live seed). Seeding rate for broadcast will be 20-25 kg/ha.

Last Revised: 5/5/2002        Table of Contents       Printable Version

Printable Version             

May 2003
SpeciesRecommended Varieties% in Mix
(by seed)
Seeding Rate
kg/ha or lbs/acre
ALFALFAAC Grazeland BR, Anik Heinrichs, Peace,
Rangelander, Spredor 2
RED CLOVERAltaswede, Norlac12%3.5
BIRDSFOOT TREFOILCree, Leo, Upstart15%3
TIMOTHYClimax, Glenmor, Toukka, Alma, Farol23%1.5
CRESTED WHEATGRASSFairway, Parkway10%4

  1. The above forage mix is intended for most reclamation applications within the Peace Forest District. For more site specific recommendations consult range staff in Dawson Creek

  2. Native grass seed may be prescribed for some sites, especially at high elevations. Native seed should originate from the Peace region. (More research into regional native seed availability, quality and performance is required before general native seed mix recommendations can be made).

  3. Seeding should occur as soon as possible after disturbance. If possible, avoid seeding in August & September as the new seedlings will likely not become established well enough to survive winter. Seeding after October 1st is generally safe as seeds will normally remain dormant until spring. Seeding on top of snow over exposed mineral soil is acceptable.

  4. Seed quality standards must meet or exceed Canada Certified No. 1 for all components including purity & germination. Seed Tags & Analysis Certificates must be retained by the proponent and submitted to the Ministry of Forests upon request.

  5. Legume seed must be inoculated with the appropriate rhizobium. If not pre-inoculated or if the pre-inoculant has expired, new rhizobium must be applied with a sticker at seeding.

  6. Prevent spread of noxious weeds by cleaning all equipment before and after entry onto site and re-vegetating quickly with high quality, weed-free seed. None of the following weed seeds shall be present in the forage mix:
Canada thistle
Sow thistle
Scentless chamomile
Russian thistle
Tansy ragwort
Oxeye daisy
Green foxtail

Last Revised: 10/7/2003        Table of Contents       Printable Version

Printable Version             
Completing the Sour Well Section of the Application for a Well Authorization

Completing the Sour Well Section of the Application for a Well Authorization


If the well being drilled does not have the potential to release H2S at a rate higher than 0.01m3/s, the sour well section does not have to be completed. Otherwise the sour well section must be completed in full, see below for an example.


Sour Wells Only (H2S > 0.01 m3/s)


Expected Sour Zones: Yes No If yes, indicate which zones: Baldonnel, Halfway and Doig

Max H2S content for each zone (%): 3.5%, 5.5%, 12%

Cumulative drilling H2S release rate (m3/S): 1.1

Distance to nearest occupied dwelling (km): > 4.2

Distance to nearest urban centre (km): 17 (Hudson’s Hope)

Emergency Planning Zone radius (km): 2.1

Number of occupied dwellings, public facilities

And/or places of business inside calculated EPZ: 0

Attach a map of area with residences and Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ) and Emergency Awareness Zone (EAZ) clearly marked.

Refer to the British Columbia Oil and Gas Handbook, Section 11—Emergency Planning and Requirements for Sour Wells, for full details of Emergency Response Plan requirements.


The cumulative drilling H2S release rate should represent the highest potential H2S concentration matched with the highest potential release rate for each permeable/porous zone penetrated during drilling. The CAPP “H2S Release Rate Assessment Guidelines” should be referenced when carrying out these calculations.


When indicating the distance to the nearest occupied dwelling, in remote areas, it is acceptable to indicate distance with a greater than sign (i.e. Distance to nearest occupied dwelling: > 4.2 km). The OGC does not expect operators to search a large radius to identify the nearest occupied residence, it is sufficient to ground truth the area out to the edge of the emergency awareness zone (EAZ). An Emergency Awareness Zone is defined as an area with twice the radius of the Emergency Planning Zone.


A suitable planning zone map must also accompany the application for a well authorization. This map should show details within the planning zone and the awareness zone, public facilities and residences (seasonal or otherwise) should be ground truthed to the boundary of the awareness zone.


The map must show:

·        the emergency planning zone;

·        the emergency awareness zone (twice the EPZ radius);

·        public facilities ‑ schools, churches, community halls, hospitals, campgrounds;

·        residences within the zones;

·        location of traplines;

·        wellsite;

·        trails, roads, major highways, railroads, airports, rivers and lakes;

·        all industrial activity sites;

·        other information relevant to an emergency.


Map sheet should be of an appropriate scale, showing sufficient detail to allow Commission staff to make a determination regarding special well classifications. A common scale suitable for most wellsites is 1:20,000 and should not be larger than 76 x 122 cm (30 x 48 inches). Inserts to show necessary detail should be used as needed.


Please note that emergency response plans (ERPs) for special sour wells must be submitted to the OGC and approved prior to receiving approval for a well authorization, companies will be notified by the OGC on a site specific basis of this requirement. Additionally, site specific ERPs are now required when one or more residences, public facilities or places of business are contained within the EPZ, these plans must be approved prior to spudding a well.


The distance to the nearest urban centre information is used to ensure that minimum setback requirements are met and that appropriate special well classifications are assigned. An urban centre is defined as a city, town, village or other incorporated district with not less than 50 dwellings, any First Nation reserve and includes any similar development the OGC may designate as an urban center. The following is a table indicating areas that would be considered urban centres, this list is not meant to be exhaustive rather is intended as a guide.




Map Block

Fort St. John



Dawson Creek



Fort Nelson



Saulteau Indian Reserve 169A



West Moberly Lake Indian Reserve 168A



Beatton River Indian Reserve 204



Blueberry River Indian Reserve 205



Doig River Indian Reserve 206



Fontas Indian Reserve 1



Kahntah Indian Reserve 3



Fort Nelson Indian Reserve 2



Prophet River Indian Reserve 4



Halfway River Indian Reserve 168












Hudson's Hope



Tumbler Ridge




Last Revised: 6/11/2002        Table of Contents       Printable Version

Printable Version             
The Microsoft Word document containing the Stream Crossing Planning Guide is available here.

Last Revised: 6/1/2001        Table of Contents       Printable Version

Printable Version             
The Adobe Acrobat file containing the Surface Equipment Spacing Guideline is available here.

Last Revised: 8/21/2003        Table of Contents       Printable Version

Printable Version             
This document will assist proponents in completing the Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment form (THFA), which is required for all activities on Crown land within British Columbia, with the exception of seismic operations.

1.0Application Information
1.1Project LocationP. & N.G. or D.L.S. Legal Description
1.2 BCGS Mapsheets Self-explanatory
1.3 Type of Development Indicate the type of development proposed. If ‘other’ – specify what the development is (i.e. campsite, access road, etc.).
1.4 Application Type Indicate if the application is new, a revision or an amendment. A change made to an application prior to approval of the original application is a revision. A change made to an application after the original application has been approved is an amendment.
1.5 Site Reconnaissance Indicate what type of reconnaissance was conducted.


Aerial – field scouts by air
Ground – ground assessment
Photogrammetry – review of maps and aerial photos
Third party surveyor – information collected from surveyor’s field notes may be condensed and added to the survey/construction plan.
1.6 Land Status Indicate if project is exclusively on Crown land or a combination of Crown land and private property. If the project is on both Crown and private, boundaries must be clearly outlined/defined in colour on the survey/construction plan.

Note: Where works are proposed on private property with a Timber Reservation, the Ministry of Forests and Range must be contacted and will issue the Cutting Authority and Timber Mark or advise the OGC that no Cutting Authority is required.
1.7 Agricultural Land Reserve Self-explanatory
1.8 Forest District Identify the Forest District in which the project is proposed.
1.9 Ground Conditions Identify if the project is proposed for frozen, non-frozen or multi-season ground conditions. If applicable, identify the type of matting proposed.
1.10 Project Timelines Identify the proposed time frame for project construction.
1.11 UTM Coordinates Provide UTM coordinates for the following locations: commencement and termination points of pipelines, well centers, and all ancillary features that cannot functionally be represented on the construction/survey plan. Ancillary features include campsites, remote sumps, borrow pits, temporary workspaces, decking sites and any other temporary disturbances required to carry out the project. Where coordinates are shown on the construction/survey plan they need not be duplicated in this section.

2.0Contact Information
2.1 Master Licence Holder Identify the Master Licence holder. Indicate the current active Master Licence number. State the name, title, current address, phone number, cell number and email address of the company designate who is responsible for the application.
2.2 Aboriginal Liaison If applicable, indicate the aboriginal liaison representing the company, their phone number and email address.
2.3 Land Agent State the name of the land agent and company submitting the application, with a direct phone number and email address.
2.4 Field Rep. State the name of the person(s) responsible for field data collection, and the number at which they can be readily contacted (cellular number, satellite number or other).
3.0Surface Disturbances
3.1 Existing Disturbances Check one box indicating the extent of existing seismic lines or openings being utilized for the project. Provide a detailed rationale as to why existing seismic lines or other disturbances in the area are not being utilized.
3.2 Condition of Disturbances Provide information describing re-growth within each disturbed area being utilized. Include width of seismic lines, size of clearings, species identification and height of woody vegetation density (see Definitions). This information must be included for each clearing being utilized, for each corridor diversion, and when there are significant changes in the vegetative state of a clearing.


Very Dense – no visibility beyond wall of vegetation
Dense – visibility limited to ~20 meters beyond wall of vegetation
Moderate – visibility limited to ~50 meters through vegetative re-growth
Somewhat Sparse – visibility somewhat limited by vegetation growth
Sparse – some re-growth but does not limit visibility
None – no re-growth
3.3 Temporary Workspaces Describe the vegetation growth within temporary workspaces if clearing is proposed within FPC Riparian Management Areas.
3.4 PCG If the project does not conform to the Planning and Construction Guide, indicate where the project deviates and provide rationale. Check the box if the entire project conforms to the PCG.
3.5 Preliminary Overview If the project has been discussed with OGC review staff at a pre-application meeting, provide the date(s) of the meeting, OGC staff members involved in the overview and indicate if the project reflects the preliminary plan. If no, state what changes have been made and provide a detailed rationale for the changes.
4.0Crown Timber
4.1 Merchantable Timber Identify the total “new cut” area disturbed, even if the area is of non-merchantable type timber.

Note: Timber that is stored in decks or piles must be marked with the correct timber mark before transportation or at the end of every working day. The marking must be applied to one end of at least 10% of the timber pieces in each deck or pile, using a hammer indentation or paint. Marking must be kept concurrent with decking.

Note: Fire Hazard Abatement must be carried out in compliance with the Wildfire Act and Wildfire Regulation. The Ministry of Forests and Range must be contacted for a burning reference number prior to burning. For more information see Oil and Gas Activities are considered Category 3 in the WR.
4.2 Timber Volume Where merchantable timber is to be harvested, indicate the volume separating species by coniferous and deciduous. The proponent’s ‘Master License to Cut’ document describes the obligatory and optional timber utilization requirements.

Pipeline Timber Volumes

For pipeline rights-of-way a stumpage rate may be determined by using the rates in section 6.8 of the Interior Appraisal Manual for cutting authorities containing less than 2 000 m3, of merchantable volume. For cutting authorities of 2 000 m3 and over see section 6.2.

Note: Timber cruise must be signed and sealed by a member of the Association of British Columbia Forest Professionals (ABCFP).
4.3 Silvicultural Openings Activities proposed within cut-blocks must be included in the new cut area total.

If a Silvicultural opening or cut-block is impacted by the project, the licensee name and opening number must be identified. A signed Major Licensee Comment Sheet (MLC) must be submitted prior to application approval. Concerns or issues identified by the Major Licensee in regards to positioning of activities should be incorporated into the application submission where appropriate. A rationale must be provided where Major Licensee comments were not addressed. The OGC may be contacted for assistance in resolving conflicts.
4.4 Visual Quality If any portion of the project is within a Scenic Area with a Visual Sensitivity Rating (VSR) or with Visual Quality Objectives (VQO), indicate the VSR and/or VQO and the rating of retention. An assessment must be conducted to the standards in the FPC Visual Impact Assessment Guidebook . Visual Impact Assessments must be submitted with the application.
5.0Land Information
Forestry Tenures
5.1 Range Tenures If the project impacts any range tenures, the range tenure holder must be notified prior to commencement of construction.
5.2 Woodlots If any woodlots are impacted, a Woodlot Holder Agreement must be obtained prior to commencement of construction.

Note: Within woodlots, the authority to harvest timber will be under the cutting permit of the Woodlot Holder, issued by the Ministry of Forests.
5.3 Project Elevation Indicate if the elevation of any portion of the project is 1400 meters or greater.

Note: Motor Vehicle Restrictions occur within some Management Units within various Resource Management Regions
5.4 LRMP Self-explanatory

Click on the following link for additional information:

Regional Land Use Plans and Land and
Resource Management Plans
5.5 M-K Management Area If any portion of the project is located within the Muskwa-Kechika Management Area, indicate which Pre-tenure Planning Area(s) the project falls within.
Topography and Slope Stability
5.6 Slope, Terrain Stability, Reclamation, and Erosion and Sediment Control The proponent must identify the greatest slope percentage on which operations are proposed.

For construction locations where:
(a) existing terrain stability mapping indicates that the project is located on terrain that is unstable or potentially unstable or,
(b) in areas where the mapping referred to in (a) has not been done, and the project is located on terrain with slopes greater than 60%, or
(c) the project is located on terrain where indicators of slope instability exists, or
(d) except for crossings, the project is proposed to be located within a riparian management area or,
(e) the project is proposed to be located in a community watershed and within 100 m upslope of a known licensed community water supply intake, or
(f) during and after construction, as a result of the construction practices employed, the likelihood of a landslide occurring is greater than low on terrain that impacts or is impacted by that project, then

operators must ensure a Terrain Stability Assessment is carried out by a terrain stability professional (registered member of the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of British Columbia) with the appropriate level of education, training, and experience to complete the assessment. Assessments must be submitted with your OGC application.

The OGC may request a site-specific reclamation plan in areas of steep and/or unstable terrain. Special management area such as the MKMA require the mandatory submission of a reclamation plan.
Indicate if a Erosion and Sediment Control Plan has been prepared. If no state why. Plans must be made available to the Commission upon request.

Note: Where post-construction archaeological site assessments are required, they must be completed prior to reclamation activities.
5.7 Sierra Yoyo Desan Road Self-explanatory
5.8 Approved Access Self-explanatory
5.9 Forest Service Roads If a Ministry of Forests, Forest Service Road is being utilized for the project, the proponent must obtain a Road Use Permit. If a permit has previously been acquired, indicate the OGC Road Use file number.

Note: Approval will not be granted until all Road Use Permits have been obtained.
6.0Water Information
6.1 Community Watersheds If any portion of the project is within a proposed or approved Community Watershed, provide the watershed name.
6.2 Short-Term Use of Water If a water source is required, an Application for Short-Term Use of Water must be supplied or if approval has already been issued, provide the OGC file number.
7.0Stream Crossing Data Form
Proponents should have a familiarity with the Stream Crossing Planning Guide and the Best Management Practices found within the guideline. If the proposed crossings are not consistent with the guide, a rationale and description of the variance being requested must be appended.

Crossing numbers and UTM locations are required for all stream crossing encountered within the project. Clearly indicate all crossing locations and numbers on the survey plan/construction plan. For wellsite applications where stream crossings do not show on the survey plan, crossing locations and numbers must be clearly indicated on the 1:50,000 access map.

The following is applicable only to those crossing methods proposed as open-cut, closed bottom structures, open bottom structures where in-stream works are proposed or clear-span bridges that will be in place over multi-seasons:
  • Consult the Forest Practices Code of British Columbia and all relevant Guidebooks for accepted methods for data collection i.e. riparian classification and stream width.

  • Stream gradient is only required for crossings where a closed bottom structure is proposed.

  • For projects proposed for construction under multi-season ground conditions, applicable crossing methods must be included for both frozen and non-frozen ground conditions.

Additional Stream Crossing Information:

Refer to the least risk windows found in Fish and Wildlife Timing Windows For Selected Species - Peace Region, and the Forest Practices Code Fish-stream Crossing Guidebook (2002) for crossings proposed for construction under non-frozen ground conditions.

Photos, habitat assessments, and fish inventory data are encouraged to support applications for in-stream activities. Only those individuals with an appropriate background and experience should conduct fisheries habitat and inventory assessment work.

Proponents are encouraged to include information pertaining to monitoring, mitigation measures, reclamation, crossing selection and deactivation.

The Oil and Gas Commission will request additional habitat and geotechnical evaluations where it is perceived crossings may incur a risk to the aquatic environment. Proponents are advised to complete this work prior to application submission.

Signing Authority

The person signing the THFA must have signing authority for the licensee and must have a letter on file with the OGC stating this.

Last Revised: 9/25/2003        Table of Contents       Printable Version

The Microsoft Powerpoint presentation containing the Wells and Test Holes WA Application Fee Reduction Diagram is available here.

Last Revised: 1/5/2003        Table of Contents