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AAIF Archaeology Assessment Information Form
AC Advisory Committee
ADR    Alternative Dispute Resolution
AEUB Alberta Energy and Utilities Board
AIA Archaeology Impact Assessment
ALC Agricultural Land Commission
ALR Agricultural Land Reserve
AOF Absolute Open Flow
BPWG Best Practices Working Group
C&E; Compliance and Enforcement
CAPL Canadian Association of Professional Landmen
CAPP Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers
CBG Coal Bed Gas
CBM Coal Bed Methane
CEAA Canadian Environmental Assessment Act
Completion / Completed Well A well in which the productive formation is open to the well bore, with equipment installed in the well and at the wellhead, so that the well is physically able to produce oil or gas.
COR Certificate of Restoration
CLR Crown Land Registry
DGA Daily Gas Allowable
DOA Daily Oil Allowable
DFO Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada
DST Drill Stem Test
EAA Environmental Assessment Act
EAO Environmental Assessment Office
EBA Economic Benefits Agreement
EMD Energy and Minerals Division
EPZ Emergency Planning Zone
ERP Emergency Response Plan
Facility A gas processing plant, production facility or any other surface equipment deemed to be a facility by the Commissioner
FN First Nations
FRPA Forest Range Protection Act
Gas Processing Plant A facility designed primarily for the extraction from natural gas of hydrogen sulphide, carbon dioxide, helium, ethane, natural gas liquids or other substances but does not include a production facility
GDP General Development Plan
GEP Good Engineering Practice
GIS Geographic Information System
GOR Gas to Oil Ratio
GPP Good Production Practice
H2S Hydrogen Sulphide
ILRR Integrated Land  and Resource Registry
IMP Integrity Management Plan
IOGCC Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission
IRIS Integrated Resource Information System
IRP Industry Recommended Practice
LLI Landowner Liaison Inspector
LRMP  Land and Resource Management Plan. The BC government’s sub-regional land use (integrated resource) planning process, which will guide the management of Crown land for ten years.
Logging Plan A legal document required under the Forest Practices Code for all oil and gas applications where Crown timber is to be cut down.
M-K Muskwa - Kechika
MAA Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs
MAB Mediation Arbitration Board
MAR Ministry of Aboriginal Relations
MEMPR Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources
MOE Ministry of Environment
MOFR Ministry of Forests and Range
MOT Ministry of Transportation
MOU Memorandum of Understanding
NEB National Energy Board
O&G Oil and Gas
OGC Oil and Gas Commission
OGRII Oil and Gas Regulatory Improvement Initiative
PA Project Assessment
PAC Project Approval Certificate. The approval under the provincial EAA process.
PAG Practice Advisory Group
PIMS Petroleum Information Management System
Pipeline A pipeline to transport oil, gas, solids or water, including all branches, extensions, tanks, reservoirs, pumps, racks, loading facilities, inter-station communication systems, and related property and works.
PNG Act Petroleum and Natural Gas Act
Production Facility A battery, oil treater, pumping station, compressor station, dehydrator, gas injection station, line heater, waste disposal facility, waste processing facility, water disposal facility, water injection station or, upon designation of the Commissioner, any other system of vessels and equipment designed primarily to accommodate production or disposal, or both production and disposal, of well effluent products and byproducts, but does not include a gas processing plant
PRRD Pease River Regional District
PST Pressure Survey Test
PTAC Petroleum Technology Alliance Canada
RFP Request Form Proposal
R4R Request for Reconsideration
SCEK Science and Community Environmental Knowledge Fund
SEPAC Small Explorers and Producers Association of Canada
SSMP Special Site Management Plan
SRMP Sustainable Resource Management Plan
TAS Tenure Administration System
Tenure/Oil and Gas
Rights or Parcel 
Rights to explore for or produce any oil or gas found beneath a defined geographical surface area or defined subsurface depth interval within that area.
Workover Any operation that has changed the producing interval or producing characteristics of a well by perforating, abandoning a portion of the well, running casing or any major or recently developed stimulation operation. Excludes routine stimulation operations or the changing/replacement of equipment.

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