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AL > Fisheries & Aquaculture > Finfish Aquaculture > Research & Development

Research and Development

Research and development is essential to the ongoing improvement of British Columbia’s finfish and shellfish aquaculture industries.  It is recognized that good science-based information will provide industry with the knowledge and capacity to continually improve and become world leaders in the areas of environmental, economic and social performance.

The lifting of the moratorium on new finfish aquaculture sites combined with the provincial Shellfish Development Initiative has increased the level of interest in research and development work in British Columbia. 

Both the provincial and federal governments, through various agencies, have committed funding to independent research and development activities that will address existing and emerging issues of concern to British Columbians. Through new research, the production opportunities provided by our coastline can be developed in a sustainable manner.

Recent research and development initiatives include: 

More information is found in the September 12, 2002 News Release  - New Standards Allow Sustainable Growth in Aquaculture and associated Backgrounders.

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BC Aquaculture Research and Development Committee

The BC Aquaculture Research and Development Committee (BCARDC) was established in 2001 under the aegis of the Science Council of BC (now the BC Innovation Council).  This is a committee that has, through its membership, developed partnerships and alliances among scientific research institutions, industry, federal and provincial governments, First Nations and representatives of the environmental and commercial industry sectors.  A key part of the Committee’s mandate is to identify the research priorities that cover the environmental, social and production performance issues and opportunities for both the finfish and shellfish aquaculture industries. 

More about the BCARDC can be found on the BC Innovation Council's web site.

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BCARDC -  Aquaculture and Environment Fund

The BC Aquaculture and Environment Fund (the Aqua E Fund) will be managed by the BCARDC.  The Fund was established in 2002 with $3.75 million in funding from the Province of BC.   The purpose of the Fund is to provide support for research on the environmental aspects of finfish and shellfish aquaculture that have been identified to be of concern to British Columbians.  Research will enable the adoption of sustainable management and operational practices and will address questions of public interest and policy.

Key research areas have been established by the Committee and a call for proposals will be issued for each defined research topic.  All proposals will be evaluated by a scientific peer review panel established by the Science Council of BC.

Information on the Aqua E Fund research priorities and request for proposal information will be made available on the Science Council of BC web site.

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Fisheries & Oceans Canada (DFO) - University of British Columbia (UBC) Centre for Aquaculture & Environmental Research

In the spring of 2002, UBC and Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) entered into a collaborative agreement to develop a national Centre for Aquaculture and the Environment at DFO’s West Vancouver Laboratory.  The mission for the Centre is to conduct leading edge research and education, and to pursue critical environmental protection and sustainable aquaculture.

The province has provided funding of $1.25 million to support the establishment of a Research Chair in Aquaculture and the Environment.  Matching funds have been contributed by the University of British Columbia.  A Research Chair will provide a scientific focus and contribution towards moving the industry forward and establishing British Columbia as a leader in sustainable aquaculture.

More information on Centre for Aquaculture & Environmental Research

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Malaspina University College Centre for Shellfish Research

The Centre for Shellfish Research (CSR) is part of the Institute for Coastal Studies that was established in 2001 by Malaspina University College in Nanaimo.   Its objective is to address the scientific and technical issues of the shellfish industry in BC as well as the social and economic concerns facing the coastal communities in which the industry is being developed.  A web site is currently under development for the CSR; however, the BC Shellfish Growers Association web site has information on CSR and its projects.

In 2002, the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands provided a grant of $100,000 to the CSR to support the development of research and training capacity.  The intent is to enable the shellfish aquaculture industry to access provincial and national research programs on a more equitable basis with other aquaculture sectors and regions.

More information on the Malaspina University College Fisheries and Aquaculture Program

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Aquaculture Collaborative Research and Development Program

The Aquaculture Collaborative Research and Development Program (ACRDP) is a Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) initiative to increase the level of collaborative research and development activity between the aquaculture industry and the department, and may also involve other key funding partners.  ACRDP is an industry-driven program that pairs industry with DFO researchers.  Projects will be conducted at DFO research facilities or industry partner facilities.  The program will allocate funds to collaborative research projects that are proposed and jointly funded by aquaculture producer partners.  Research funding remains within DFO.  ACRDP funding is approximately $4.5 million per year, distributed regionally.

The key goals of the program are to:

  • Improve the competitiveness of the Canadian aquaculture industry;

  • Increase collaboration between the department and industry on scientific research and development that will enhance aquaculture in Canada;

  • Facilitate and accelerate the process of technology transfer and research commercialization through closer collaboration with the Canadian aquaculture industry, and

  • Increase scientific capacity for essential aquaculture research and development in the aquaculture sector.

More information on ACRDP

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AquaNet is a federally funded program that supports aquaculture research initiatives across Canada in conjunction with university and industry partners.  The overall research goal of AquaNet is to provide research in the natural, applied and social sciences capable of supporting an aquaculture industry that is productive, environmentally sound and acceptable within the context of social, cultural and political values of Canadian society.

AquaNet home page

Updated: January 27, 2006

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