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West Nile Update

It has been demonstrated that the identification of the West Nile Virus (WNV) in the crow family, which includes ravens, magpies, blue jays, and Steller's jays (Corvids), usually precedes the first human case by two to six weeks.

From late April 2003 to August 2006  the Animal Health Centre worked in close cooperation with the BC Centre for Disease Control and Local Health Authorities to monitor for the presence of the WNV.

The public was requested to notify their local health authority should they come across a dead crow or any of the above mentioned species. The health authority decided if the crow should be forwarded to the Animal Health Centre for testing.

Within the Animal Health Centre a dedicated WNV testing area was set aside for rapid testing and between May 2003 and August 2006 sixteen local health authorities have submitted 5,015 corvids. Rapid testing was negative on all birds. Confirmatory negative testing by Molecular Diagnostic techniques (PCR) was also performed on every 20th submission for quality control. In addition, no positive mosquitoes, or horses have yet been identified in BC.

Although there were 12 confirmed human cases in BC, all were found to have contracted their infections outside of the province.

Links for Additional Information on West Nile Virus:

News Release - Funding to assist West Nile Virus Program Planning

Health Canada - West Nile Virus Surveillance:
BC Centre for Disease Control - West Nile Information Page:
US Centre for Disease Control and Prevention:
Canadian Cooperative Wildlife Health Centre:

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