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IM/IT Privacy and Legislation Branch

The Privacy and Legislation Branch (PLB) is part of the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer. PLB is responsible for the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, the Electronic Transactions Act, the Document Disposal Act, the Personal Information Protection Act (Private Sector Privacy) and all policy, standards and directives that flow from these pieces of legislation. In addition, PLB provides leadership, support and services to ministries and other public bodies to assist them in complying with their privacy and access obligations. PLB also provides central agency comment and direction on information management and privacy matters in legislative, program and systems development initiatives and co-ordinates systems designed to manage and facilitate FOI requests and privacy responsibilities.

The Privacy and Legislation Branch also monitors all other legislation that is the responsibility of the Ministry of Labour and Citizens' Services.

Conference Alert Upcoming Privacy and Security Conference
"Identity Management and Information Protection in the Digital World - Can We Meet the Challenge?"
February 15-16, 2007
Victoria Conference Centre
Victoria, BC

What's New
Bill 30 amendments in brief   Adobe Acrobat reader required (PDF 43KB)

Detailed data (by applicant and disposition type) on the processing of FOI requests received by B.C. government ministries is now available on a quarterly, annual and 10-year basis. Click here for a summary of the 10-year trend.

Statistical trend lines
of access requests received by B.C. government ministries are now available on a routine basis - CRTS statistics.

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This page was last updated December 5, 2006

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