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Fisheries and Aquaculture Contacts

The Ministry of Agriculture and Lands has various publications available to the public free of charge. See the links to various fisheries and aquaculture reports for publications on the web.

Important: All requests for information are responded to within the guidelines of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Although every effort will be made to fully respond to requests for information there will be some instances where certain pieces or types of information are protected and can not be released. In these instances partial data, aggregate data, or occasionally no data may be provided.

For some types of "Information Gathering Services" requests a fee will be charged, subject to the nature of the request. Please see the Request for Information form for details.

Statistical Information

If you would like to request statistical information on British Columbia's aquaculture, fisheries and seafood processing sectors that is not available on our web site, please contact:

Ministry of Environment
Oceans and Marine Fisheries Branch
PO Box 9309 Stn Prov Govt
Victoria, B.C. V8W 9N1

Fisheries, Aquaculture & Seafood Statistics email or Victoria & Area fax: 953-3401 or
Toll free fax: 888-356-0358

Licensing Information

Ministry of Agriculture and Lands
Fisheries & Aquaculture Licensing and
     Compliance Branch
2500 Cliffe Avenue
Courtenay BC  V9N 5M6

  • Finfish Aquaculture and Marine Plant Harvesting

Licensing clerk email or phone: 250 897-7553

  • Shellfish Aquaculture

Licensing clerk email or phone: 250 897-7523

  • Commercial Fisheries (seafood processors, buyers, brokers and vendors) and

    Wild Oyster Harvesting

Licensing clerk email or phone: 250 897-7542

For All Other Enquiries

Ministry of Agriculture and Lands Webmaster

If you are not able to get the information you want through the informal routes noted above...

Before you make a request using the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, be sure you have tried other, more informal means to obtain the information. Contact the organization that has the information you are seeking and ask for it directly from them. It is often the case that you can get the information you want in this informal way, without using the Act. This informal route will often be faster for you and less expensive for public bodies to administer.

If you are not able to get the information you want through the informal route, and you still wish to make a request under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, you must do so in writing. 

You can either fill out a Request for Access to Records Form available through any public body or Government Agent's office, or simply make your request in the form of a letter. A written request under the Act can be mailed to or dropped off at any office of the public body to which you are making your request, however, your request may be handled faster if you direct it to the Director or Manager of Information and Privacy (D/MIP) responsible for that public body. Once your request has been received, the public body has 30 days to give you a response

Remember that the Act provides you with a right of access to information only if it is contained in a record.

"record" includes books, documents, maps, drawings, photographs, letters, vouchers, papers and any other thing on which information is recorded or stored by graphic, electronic, mechanical or other means, but does not include a computer program or any other mechanism that produces records;

Links to Fisheries and Aquaculture Reports

Updated: 18 July 2006

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