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Frequently Asked Questions


Which category should I apply for, Investor or Entrepreneur?
If you have a net worth of at least $800,000, and have business experience as an equity-owner of a qualifying business, you may qualify for immigration in either class. Your decision should be based on what you plan to do in British Columbia. If you do not intend to be involved in the management of your own business, apply as an Investor. If you plan to become actively involved in the management of your own business or in a partnership, apply as an Entrepreneur.  


I have been working at the executive management level for a company for the last 15 years.  Can I apply for the Entrepreneur category?
The new immigration regulations for the Entrepreneur category exclude the employed managers who are not equity owners of the business.  However, if you have a personal net worth of over $800,000, you may qualify for the Investor category.


Should I apply as an Investor just to get an unconditional visa?
A visa with terms and conditions is not an obstacle for an Entrepreneur. Make an exploratory visit, attend the Provincial Government's seminar in Vancouver and undertake some basic market research. You will be able to develop a good business opportunity that will also satisfy the terms and conditions of your visa in British Columbia. If you want to be an entrepreneur but you apply as an Investor, your capital in your immigration-qualifying investment will not be available to you or your new business for at least five years.


How long does it take to process a Business Immigration application?
The time to process varies among different visa offices. Normal processing can be expected to take between 12 and 18 months. In some cases this can be significantly faster or slower. It is sometimes possible to find out the expected processing times from visa offices. It is a good idea to plan for the immigration to take at least one year. We recommend not making any permanent changes to your lifestyle at least until you have received a positive indication from the visa officer at your interview. Be patient. Use the time to increase your knowledge of business and business opportunities in British Columbia and improve your English language skills.


Is there a way to speed up the process?
The best way to make sure your application is not delayed is to be certain you’ve completed all sections of the forms thoroughly, that you have included all the items requested by the visa office, and that you have made an exploratory visit and are knowledgeable about doing business in British Columbia. The Government of British Columbia offers the Immigration and Investment Seminar to help you understand the process and what to expect on arriving in Canada.


Should I visit Canada before I apply?
Making an exploratory trip is one of the best things you can do. While in British Columbia, you should check out the business climate, research the type of business you may want to establish, explore different communities, visit banks, schools and realtors, and contact us so you don't miss our weekly Immigration and Investment Seminar.

Do I need a business plan?
Yes. However, a lengthy and thorough plan won't be necessary. If you are an Entrepreneur, the immigration officer who interviews you will consider your ability to establish yourself successfully in business in Canada. To assess your knowledge and understanding of the business conditions in British Columbia, the officer may ask you to submit additional information. Our Immigration and Investment Seminar in Vancouver will help you greatly in understanding the economic structure, business environment and lifestyle in British Columbia. Once you have arrived permanently in Canada and you have found a business opportunity, develop a business plan for your own use. A well-prepared business plan provides you and other prospective partners in your project with added confidence in your business venture. The Government of British Columbia strongly recommends attending our Business Opportunities and Conditions Removal Seminar to help you identify business opportunities and understand the terms and conditions on your visa.

Should I invest in a business or buy property in British Columbia before I receive an immigrant visa?
No. While you may own land, buildings or businesses in Canada, it will not affect whether you get a visa or how long it takes you to get a visa. Business immigrants are selected for their business background and suitability. Avoid those who promise faster immigration or a visa if you buy a business or property from them.

Can I invest in my friend's business?
An Entrepreneur immigrant may start up a new business or invest in an existing one as a sole owner or an active partner, as long as it meets the terms and conditions. It is very important to be aware of which terms and conditions apply to you. It can be found on your permanent resident document.  Those who have a two-year term must be aware of the British Columbia guidelines for acceptable business investments, while those who have a three-year term must meet the conditions of a "qualifying Canadian business".  In both cases, Entrepreneurs must take an active management role. An Investor immigrant must make the CAN$ 400,000 investment only with the Government of Canada. Investors do not participate in the management of the government fund or in its decisions. The capital remains invested for five years. The investment does not yield any interest, but its repayment is guaranteed by the Canadian government.

How many Entrepreneurs can participate in the same business to meet the conditions?
Each Entrepreneur must invest a minimum of $125,000 and have at least 1/3 equity of the business.  Also, each partner must maintain an active management role.

What procedure is required, and how long does it take to remove terms and conditions?
Once an Entrepreneur’s business has created at least one new job for a Canadian resident and has met the terms and the conditions, he/she can apply to cancel the terms and conditions.  The form (IMM5344) and the guide are available at the Citizenship and Immigration Canada's website.  Entrepreneur Immigrants who have established a business which meets the provincial guidelines for the removal of terms and conditions, do not need to wait until they have been in Canada for two years in order to make a conditions removal application. It takes approximately six months to one year after submitting the removal application, although the amount of time varies with the workload of the Citizenship and Immigration Canada office responsible for the region where the Entrepreneur Immigrant is doing business. The best way to speed an application through the process is to ensure it is complete and thorough and that all important details of the business are clearly explained. It is recommended that you contact us for personal counseling to make sure that your business investment complies with the terms and conditions.

Can I apply for an extension, in case I am unable to fulfill my terms and conditions?
No, extensions cannot be granted by law. However, if you can satisfy immigration officials that you are attempting to fulfill your terms and conditions, they may defer any decision on your case until such time that you can prove that you are actually in business.

Where can I find help in identifying business opportunities?
It is a good idea to explore various sources to identify good business opportunities.  Sources include advertisements in the local newspapers, websites, business brokers, friends, or personal site visits.  Please do a thorough assessment of the business before making any investment.

Why does British Columbia seek Business Immigrants?
Business Immigrants have a direct positive effect on British Columbia’s economic growth and prosperity. During 1990 - 2000, 35,289 Entrepreneurs and 35,653 Investors landed in British Columbia (principal applicants and their dependents). They have invested millions of dollars in the economy and created thousands of jobs. In addition to providing capital for industrial development, they brought expertise in international trade, tourism and advanced technologies and expanded recreational and educational facilities in their new communities. The British Columbia Government would like to optimize the benefits of business immigration to British Columbia. It does so by expanding international awareness of the province’s excellent living conditions and attractive business opportunities in various sectors and regions targeted for development, by counselling Business Immigrants and foreign investors, and also by assisting them to be successful with their projects.

More questions? 
If you would like to ask a question about Business Immigration that is not answered on this website, please contact us directly by e-mail, fax, or phone. Because of limitation of resources available, questions that are not pertaining to Business Immigration and British Columbia Provincial Nominee Program will not be answered.


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