Drought Proofing Farm Water Supplies

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 Steps to planning your farm water system | Section A. Dugout water shortages | Section B. Water well supply shortages | Section C. Off-farm options | Summary

The drought of the mid 1980's, early and late 90's reaffirmed the importance and value of water to rural people across the Canadian prairies. Dry wells and dugouts, crop failures and dust storms were all commonplace.

During the drought, farmers scrambled to find sufficient water for their homes and livestock. Water hauling by truck and miles of water pipelines could be seen everywhere. Thousands of larger dugouts and deeper wells were constructed to replace failed water supplies.

The financial, technical and equipment resources of farmers, industry, provincial and federal governments were all stretched to the limit in addressing this problem. The most positive aspect of the drought was people working together and redefining water management.

During the mid '70's to the mid '80's, agricultural water management often meant drain and develop. Thousands of acres of sloughs and wetlands were drained to provide more land for agriculture.

The drought reaffirmed the value of these areas in recharging our groundwater sources and providing back-up surface water supplies and wildlife habitat. In some areas, dams constructed by four-legged engineers (beavers) provided the only source of livestock water for miles. Many traditional sources of livestock water, including sloughs and small dugouts, were dry.

Fortunately, the drought of the mid 1980's is now history. Let us remember it and develop drought proofing strategies and projects, so we do not have to repeat it! Water is essential to all human activity. The way we manage our water resources will determine the future of our prairie economy.

Figure 1. Water is essential
Figure 1. Water is essential

Steps to Planning Your Farm Water System

The following steps are intended to help farmers identify their farm water supply and system requirements and problems. It also provides some short and long-term solutions.

Step 1Determine your farm water supply requirements (see Farm Water Supply Requirements, Agdex 716(C01); and the manual Water Wells That Last Generations)
Step 2Complete an inventory of all water sources, supplies and related problems (see the "Farm Water Supply" worksheet in Water Wells...that last for generations)
Step 3Identify any potential water shortages or water system problems (see Sections A, B, and C of this factsheet)
Step 4Identify solutions to improve water supply or water systems (see Sections A, B, and C of this factsheet)
Step 5Improve water supply and water systems where required (see the "Sizing of Water Systems" worksheet in Water Wells...that last for generations)

Section A. Dugout Water Shortages

Identifying the problems/issues
(Check the appropriate blanks that apply to you)

________ Inadequate water storage
________ Losses in water storage or sedimentation from runoff
________ Insufficient drainage area/runoff
________ Seepage losses
________ Evaporation losses

Possible solutions.

Inadequate water storage
Temporary solution -

  • Truck or pump water from another source. High capacity water pumping equipment is available for rent through AAFRD District Offices.
Long-term solution -
  • Enlarge the dugout to hold a three-year water supply for runoff filled dugouts.
  • Drill a well nearby and pump into a stock tank system and overflow into the dugout.
  • Install an underground pipeline from another water source.

Figure 2. Generator system pumping water for cattle from a well
Figure 2. Generator system pumping water for cattle from a well

Losses in water storage or sedimentation from runoff
In Alberta, losses in water storage volume or sedimentation from runoff generally caused by cattle trampling dugout banks range from 1 to 10 per cent per year, depending on soil conditions and cattle numbers. The average sedimentation loss for a dugout is about 2 to 3 per cent per year.

Temporary solution -
  • Clean out the dugout every 10 to 15 years.
Long-term solution -
  • Install sedimentation traps and grassed waterways (with erosion mats if necessary) to the dugout.
  • Fence the dugout and install a pumping system and/or stock tank for watering livestock (see Pasture Water Systems for Livestock, Agdex 400/716-3)
  • Level all excavated spoil piles and seed to grass.
  • In highly erodible watersheds, grassing the entire area may be necessary. For more information on grassed waterways see Grassed Waterway Construction, Agdex FS573-6 .
Insufficient drainage area/runoff
Temporary solution -
  • Truck in water or pump from another water source.

Figure 3. Water pumping program
Figure 3. Water pumping program

Long-term solution -
  • Enhance runoff area with snow fences or shelterbelts.
  • Construct interceptor ditches to collect more runoff.
  • Drill a well as a supplemental source near the dugout
  • Use an underground pipeline from another source.
  • Dig another dugout that has a larger drainage area to supply the dugout.

Figure 4. Plastic snow fence placed around the perimeter of a dugout
Figure 4. Plastic snow fence placed around the perimeter of a dugout

Dugout seepage losses
The first step is to try to identify the location of the seepage loss and the soil type involved. Test holes and soil samples should be taken around the dugout to determine the problem, such as sand and gravel lenses or fractured clays. Select the most appropriate sealing technique based on the soil type, cost and use of the dugout.

Do not allow cattle direct access for watering, or they will destroy the type of lining used for sealing the dugout. (See Seepage Control in Dugouts, Agdex 716(B32). Use a pumping system to deliver water to the cattle.

Evaporation losses
Long-term solution -
  • Construct shelterbelts on the prevailing wind side of the dugout.
  • Installing plastic covers may be worth considering in southern Alberta where evaporation losses are typically 3 to 4 feet per year.

Figure 5. Plastic cover to reduce dugout evaporation losses
Figure 5. Plastic cover to reduce dugout evaporation losses

Section B. Water Well Supply Shortages

To start with, check the well pump as it may be the problem. Wherever possible, locate and review the information on the Water Well Drillers Report provided at the time of drilling. The Alberta Groundwater Information Centre in Edmonton may be able to help you with this. Their toll free phone number is 310-0000, then dial 427-2770.

The Water Well Drillers Report will generally show the static water level (non-pumping water level), the recommended pumping rate, plus the construction of the well. A comparison of static water levels at the time of drilling will help to identify if the groundwater source is depleting (i.e., dropping static water level). If this is the situation, deepening the well or drilling a new, deeper well may be necessary.

For wells where the static water level has not changed, the aquifer is still okay, and the problem may be that the perforated casing or area around the well is plugged. Initially, try a shock chlorination treatment of the well. If this does not restore well production, hire a well driller to assist with sediment or mineral plugging problems. He/she may provide a well level recorder to measure the static water level.

Low producing wells
Cisterns are a good option for low producing wells that do not keep up to the peak demands of the farm, but will eventually supply all the daily water requirements. For farmstead supplies, an underground cistern that holds from a ½ to 1 day water storage is recommended. The cistern will allow the well to be pumped at a rate lower than the well can safely produce. A second pump and pressure system can then be used to supply the water at a faster rate to meet the peak water demands of the system. If you need to haul water, make sure that the cistern will hold at least 1 tanker load of water.

Slow producing wells used for pasture water supplies can be pumped into storage or stock tanks and overflowed into a small dugout where necessary.

Section C. Off-farm Options

Temporary solution:
  • Water pumping and water hauling.
Long-term solution:
  • Develop community projects in water shortage areas. Possible water sources include:
    - high capacity well or springs
    - surface water sources (creeks, rivers, lakes)
    - pipeline or canal systems to distribute water
    - community tank loading facilities
Figure 6. Tank loading facilities
Figure 6. Tank loading facilities

Many farmers have tried unsuccessfully to solve all water supply problems on their own farms. Group projects may be a better alternative.

These group projects also provide an excellent opportunity for municipalities to become involved. For example, when municipalities are upgrading their road infrastructure, some strategic placement of large borrow pits can provide drought proofing for an area. In many areas, municipalities have also been involved in groundwater test drilling programs to locate significant groundwater aquifers in water shortage areas. These higher producing aquifers can become excellent locations for tank loading facilities or regional pipelines.

Figure 7. Test drilling to locate groundwater aquifers
Figure 7. Test drilling to locate groundwater aquifers

Group Projects:
  • Pipelines or canals to carry water to the farm. Possible sources include:
    - high capacity wells or springs
    - surface water sources (creeks or rivers)
    - canal systems
Household water conservation
  • Many water saving devices can be used to cut down water usage in the house:
    - low flush toilets
    - toilet damps
    - flow restriction shower heads
Repairing all leaking taps and plumbing fixtures is also important as these faulty fixtures can cause significant losses.

Example: 1 drip = 1/2 ml
@ 2 drips/sec = 86.4 litres/day

As for yard and garden areas around the house, try to select trees, shrubs, etc. that are very resistant to dry prairie conditions. When watering gardens and lawns, apply larger volumes of water rather than a light sprinkling of water. For some types of garden crops, a trickle irrigation system efficiently supplies water directly to the plant.

Another source of plant and garden water is roof runoff from houses and sheds that can be captured into holding tanks.


Individually, these measure may not provide the level of drought protection you need, but when combined, they can provide a high degree of drought preparedness and security.

A good understanding of your water requirements and water source options is a key first step. This factsheet provides information about drought security related to your water source. Other forms of risk management, such as crop insurance, community networks or reducing livestock herds are discussed in other AAFRD publications.

For further information, contact the Agricultural Water Specialists with Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development at the following locations:

Lethbridge (403) 381-5846
Red Deer (403) 340-5324
Grande Prairie (780) 538-5606
Edmonton (780) 427-2963

Source: Agdex 716(A01). July 2000.

  For more information about the content of this document, contact Bob Buchanan.
This document is maintained by Ada Serafinchon.
This information published to the web on July 1, 2000.