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First Issued:
July 2002

Site Updated:
Dec. 6, 2006



Application Process Flow Sheet

PDF Version: 31 KB / 2 pages

Quick Jumps
1. Pre-Application Stage
2. Pre-Application Meeting
3. After Pre-Application Meeting
4. Application Form Submitted
5. Authorization Development Stage

For more detailed information on how to proceed with these steps, see Introduction, Application Forms and Guidance Documents.

1. Pre-Application Stage
  • Applicant reviews ministry process documents on internet website.
  • Applicant completed a draft application form.
  • Applicant arranges a pre-application meeting with the Ministry of Environment.
2. Pre-Application Meeting
  • Applicant reviews project technical issues and draft application with the ministry. Extensive changes to forms may require a follow-up meeting.
  • Ministry advises applicant on need for a technical assessment report and content requirements. Complex project terms of reference will likely require a follow-up meeting with ministry impact assessment staff.
  • Ministry identifies the applicant’s agency referral and notification (newspaper and BC Gazette) requirements.
  • Applicant and ministry review and discuss applicant's consultation plan (activities already completed and those still to be conducted).
3. After Pre-Application Meeting
  • If required, applicant finalizes technical assessment Terms of Reference as necessary and prepares a technical assessment report.
  • Applicant modifies application form as necessary.
  • Applicant circulates application to agencies identified by ministry.
  • Applicant posts the application on-site and publishes in the newspaper and BC Gazette as early as possible, once the waste discharge aspects are certain.
  • Applicant completes consultation process, including dealing with feedback and information requests resulting from notification activities and agency referrals.
  • Applicant modifies application form if necessary, recognizing that significant changes may require advertising the application again.
  • If applicant is requesting an approval, applicant determines approval fee.
4. Application Forms Submitted
  • Applicant submits application form along with consultation report, technical assessment report and permit or amendment application fee ($200) or approval fee. It is recognized that consultation process may not always be fully completed at this point.
5. Authorization Development Stage
  • Ministry staff review consultation, technical assessment reports and application form information and draft recommendations for the director.
  • Applicant reviews draft recommendations.
  • Director makes a decision.

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