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2005 Biographies
- Dr. Raghbir S. Bains
- Denny Boyd
- Dr. Felix A. Durity
- Charles W. Elliott
- June E. Goldsmith
- Dr. Edward John Hughes
- Jack Jensen
- Dr. Perry R. W. Kendall
- William Patrick Kinsella
- Bob Lenarduzzi
- E. George MacMinnn
- Drs. Patrick & Edith McGeer
- Dr. Martha C. Piper
- Anthony von Mandl


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Dr. Raghbir Singh Bains - Surrey

Click on image for full-size versionDr. Raghbir Singh Bains immigrated to Canada in 1990, and has since worked tirelessly as a volunteer, community activist and educator for many organizations to promote cultural understanding and mutual respect between the Indo-Canadian and other communities in B.C.

Dr. Bains has presented at seminars and conferences worldwide on the subjects of AIDS awareness, drugs and youth, environmental issues, multiculturalism and world peace. He is the author of the Encyclopedia of Sikhism, an educational reference that covers Sikh religion, history, culture and heritage. Dr. Bains produced and programmed the Multimedia Sikh Museum in India, the first of its kind in the world, using new technology to make it easily accessible and interactive for all.

Dr. Bains has produced many publications on drug and alcohol addiction, its prevention, and treatment. He has also written on many other wide-ranging topics, from HIV/AIDs awareness, to poverty, and world peace. He is an active volunteer and role model in the Indo-Canadian community, acting as an interpreter and assisting new immigrants to become accustomed to Canadian living.

Dr. Bains has won more than 60 local, national and international awards. He was declared Scholar of the 20th Century by the Government of Punjab, and received the Order of Khalsa, the Bhai Gurdas International Award, the Wisdom of Age Mentorship Award, the Good Citizen of the Year Award from the City of Surrey, and the Queen's Golden Jubilee Medal for outstanding community service.



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