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2006 Biographies
- Beverley Ann Busson
- Dr. Wallace Bakfu Chung
- Janet Nita Connolly
- Thomas Anthony Dohm

- Dr. S. Larry Goldenberg
- Joy Kogawa
- Chief Clarence Louie
- Wendy Burdon McDonald
- Gerald A.B. McGavin
- Stephen John Nash
- Dr. Murray A. Newman
- Chief Alver Tait
- Dr. Erich W. Vogt


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Dr. Murray A. Newman - West Vancouver

Click on image for full-size versionDr. Murray Newman has been a leader of great vision and dedication for the citizens of British Columbia. He is the founding director of the Vancouver Public Aquarium, where he served as director for 37 years. During his tenure, he built the Aquarium into one of the most prestigious marine facilities in the world, without the assistance of public subsidies. The Aquarium became not only a major tourist attraction, but also an important educational centre for students, starting as a small park facility, and culminating as the large, multi-faceted Vancouver Public Aquarium.

Dr. Newman has made major contributions to the prestige of the province by building a marine institution that will continue to provide leadership and world recognition for British Columbia. His vision for the format and design of the aquarium, and his perception of the need for research and conservation, have made the Vancouver Aquarium into a world-class centre, whose format is now imitated by other aquariums worldwide.

Due to Dr. Newman's dedication and effort throughout his career, the Vancouver Aquarium has drawn over 33 million visitors since 1956. After his retirement in 1993, the Murray Newman Awards for Excellence in Conservation and Research were established. He remains Director Emeritus of the Vancouver Aquarium.

Dr. Newman received the Order of Canada in 1979, and the Canadian Centennial Medal in 1967. He has been featured in the Canadian Who's Who, and Who's Who in America.



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