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New Insect Pest Introductions to B.C.

In 2001, four new insect pests of ornamental plants were confirmed to occur in British Columbia. This factsheet provides information on the biology, distribution and management of these pests. For further information, please contact Dr. Bob Costello, Entomologist, Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries at 604 556-3031.

Viburnum Leaf Beetle
(Pyrrhalta viburni)

Biology and Symptoms:
Both the adult and larval (Plate 1) stages feed exclusively on Viburnum species. V. opulus, European highbush cranberry, is a preferred host. Heavy infestations can defoliate shrubs, causing die-back and death after repeated infestations. It overwinters as eggs that are inserted into one- or two-year-old branches.

larva Plate 1. Viburnum Leaf Beetle Larva.
Photo courtesy OMAFRA.
skeletonized leaves Plate 2. Viburnum Leaf Beetle.
Larva and adult feeding skeletonizes leaves.
egg-laying sites Plate 3. Viburnum Leaf Beetle.
Overwintering egg-laying sites.
Known Distribution:
Southern Vancouver Island and the Fraser Valley

Prune out and destroy twigs infested with eggs (Plate 3). Control larvae and adults with registered insecticides.

European Chafer
(Rhizotrogus majalis)

Biology and Symptoms:
The adult is a large, brown, leaf-feeding beetle (similar to the June beetle). The larvae or grubs (Plate 5) feed mainly on the roots of grasses, and are most damaging in the fall and spring. There is one generation a year. Skunks and birds damage turf when searching for grubs (Plate 4). This is a very serious pest of turf in Ontario.

dead turf Plate 4. European Chafer.
Wilted or dead turf that may be pulled up by skunks or other animals.
larvae Plate 5. European Chafer.
Larvae (white grubs).

Known Distribution:
New Westminster area

Direct insecticide treatments against the grubs.

Hemerocallis Gall Midge
(Contarinia quinquenotata)

Biology and Symptoms:
The adult is a small, seldom seen fly that lays its eggs in daylily blooms. The maggots feed on unopened flower buds and cause them to become distorted and unable to open. Infested buds will contain numerous white maggots that are around 3 mm in length (Plate 7). This has the potential to become a serious problem for daylily producers.

infested buds Plate 6. Hemerocallis Gall Midge.
Normal bud above; two infested and swollen buds below.
Photo courtesy Jay Rowland c/o Pam Erikson.
infested bud with maggot Plate 7. Hemerocallis Gall Midge.
Infested bud with maggot indicated by arrow (maggot magnified in top right inset).
Photo courtesy Jay Rowland c/o Pam Erikson.

Known Distribution:
Lower Mainland and Bowen Island

Remove and destroy distorted buds (Plate 6). No registered chemical control but systemic insecticides are effective.

Andromeda Lacebug
(Stephanitis takeyai)

Biology and Symptoms:
Nymphs and adults (Plate 9) feed on the undersurface of Pieris japonica leaves, and may also attack rhododendrons and azaleas. Leaf upper surfaces develop a yellow-speckled or mottled appearance (Plate 8). Damage seems to be mainly cosmetic and plant health is largely unaffected.

yellow-speckled damage on foliage Plate 8. Andromeda Lacebug.
Yellow-speckled damage on foliage.
adult lacebug Plate 9. Andromeda Lacebug.

Known Distribution:
Vancouver and Victoria

Wash off pests with water spray. Lacebugs are susceptible to most insecticides.

Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries
1767 Angus Campbell Road
Abbotsford BC V3G 2M3
Telephone: 604 556-3001

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