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Sea Lice

The federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) is responsible for wild salmon.  The province has jurisdiction over salmon farms.

The ministry and DFO are working together to monitor and manage sea lice levels on the coast. Sea lice are native to the Pacific coast.  They are found on both wild and farmed salmon. 

They graze on the mucous and skin of fish, and usually have little impact on their health and survival.

Sea lice affect wild and farmed fish. In British Columbia, lice from wild salmon returning from the ocean to spawn can result in an increase in the levels of lice on fish farms in the fall and early winter.  Veterinarians treat these fish to reduce lice levels.

In response to concerns about the possible spread of lice from fish farms the ministry monitors the occurrence and control of lice in farmed stocks.


Updated:  April 5, 2005

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