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BCSFA Sea Lice Monitoring Results

Salmon farms report lice levels on all farms within specific fish health zones/areas as part of the Sea Lice Management Strategy. Monitoring began in October 2003.

In British Columbia, lice from wild salmon returning from the ocean to spawn can result in an increase in the levels of lice on fish farms in the fall and early winter.  Veterinarians treat these fish to reduce lice levels.

The program uses internationally accepted standards for sea lice monitoring.


Atlantic Salmon Farms

For each zone there is a graph for salmon one year or less in seawater (year class 1) and another for salmon two years or more in seawater (year class 2). The graphs and the tables are in format.


Nov. 2005 - Sept.2006

Oct. 2003 - Dec. 2004

2.3 Graphs Graphs
2.4 Graphs Graphs
3.1 Graphs Graphs
3.2 Graphs Graphs
3.3 Graph Graphs
3.4 Graphs Graphs
3.5 Graphs Graphs
All Zones Monthly Summary Tables Monthly Summary Tables



Nov. 2004 - Oct.2005


2.3 Graphs Graphs
2.4 Graphs Graphs
3.1 Graphs Graphs
3.2 Graphs Graphs
3.3 Graphs Graphs
3.4 Graphs Graphs
3.5 Graphs Graphs
All Zones Monthly Summary Tables Monthly Summary Tables

Pacific Salmon Farms

Sea lice on Pacific salmon are reported quarterly. The graphs and the tables are in format.

Zone Quarter 4, 2003 - Quarter 3, 2004
2 Graphs
3 Graphs
All Zones Quarterly Summary Tables

Updated: November 22, 2005

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