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Tools and Functions
Step By Step Instructions
Tutorial - web-based
Tutorial - video-based
Tutorial - downloadable pdf for offline use (1Mb)
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Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management
Internet Mapping Help and Tutorial System

Welcome to the Ministry's Online Internet Mapping Help & Tutorial System.

This online help system is designed to show you how to navigate and use the Ministry's interactive maps. After going through this Help & Tutorial System, you should be able to use the interactive maps successfully; even if you have no prior knowledge of a Geographic Information System (GIS).

There are 3 sections to approach the Internet Mapping Help & Tutorial System:

  1. Tools & Functions: This section gives you a quick overview and explanation needed to navigate the interactive maps.
  2. Tutorial: This section discusses basic GIS concepts, general map instructions, and advanced functions. It is designed in a way that a beginner can follow the linear branch, which guides you through the tutorial from start to finish. Web-based or Video-based
  3. Step-by-Step Instructions: This section covers more advanced topics and is laid out in a nonlinear branch where specific topics can be selected from a list of contents.

iMapBC Quick Reference Guide v1.1 (12Mb, 2 page pdf) - Hint: Windows users right click on link to document and select "Save target as..."

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