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Step By Step Instructions
Tutorial - web-based
Tutorial - video-based
Tutorial - downloadable pdf for offline use (1Mb)
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Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management
Internet Mapping Help and Tutorial System

iMAPBC Tutorial Videos

Download Instructions

These modules should be downloaded to the user's desktop computer before playback. Windows users should right click on the links listed to the right, then select "Save target as...". If the modules are played back by left clicking on the links directly from this website, decreased performance may result.

Playback Instructions

To play a module, double click on the module's .exe file. The module will launch and begin to play. The controls in the navigation bar will allow users to play, fast-forward, rewind and stop the module. Before viewing the next module, close the current module's window by clicking the "X" in the uppermost right-hand corner. Open the next module as described above.

NOTE: For optimum viewing quality, modules should not be viewed full-screen (whether by "maximizing" the window or by choosing "full-screen" from the Flash Player menu). Because modules are sound and graphics intensive, the user is also encouraged to close all unnecessary applications on their computer before playback.

Module Contents

iMapBC Version 1.0

iMapBC Version 1.1

  • Module 5-1 - General Interface Changes - 10Mb
  • Module 5-2 - New Tools and Printing Templates - 15Mb
  • Module 5-3 - Changes to Markup Tools - 7Mb
  • Module 5-4 - Query and Filter Builder Tools - 5Mb
  • Module 5-5 - Uploading GPS Data and Changes to Upload Shape Tool - 7Mb



Start the Web-based Tutorial

Select a Tutorial Video
(see download instructions first)


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