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General Map Instructions #8: Toolsets

The new Toolsets tab found in the function bar organizes the tools in a logical manner that a user would interact with the map. The tools have been separated into 3 main categories: the default toolset, analytical toolset, and mark-up toolset. All the toolsets include the basic navigational tools required to interact with the map.

The default toolset includes the basic tools one would need to navigate the map and perform basic functions. It includes the zoom tools, pan, overview map, add layer, print to PDF, email, save sessions and identify tools. These tools are standard in most Ministry Map Service Applications.

To switch between the toolsets, click the Toolsets tab in the function bar. The list of available toolsets will be displayed in the information panel. Click on the name of a toolset you want to make active. The toolset you select will automatically load in the toobar of the map.

The Markup toolset includes a set of tools used for drawing shapes on the map. The toolset features tools to draw points, lines, rectangles, polygons, text, add a grid, mark an XY location, an erase tool, and a clear all tool. See the Markup tools section for further information.

The Analytical toolset is a set of tools used for making selections and displaying information about the map. This toolset includes the identify visible tool, identify radius, select, buffer, clear selection, measure tools, spatial overlay engine tools, and the upload and extract tools. See the Specific Functions section for more information about the individual tools.


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