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Specific Functions #6: Email Map and Save Session

Instead of creating a high quality PDF output map, saving the PDF document and emailing it to someone, you can quickly email just the map image to someone as a JPG image or PDF document. This is a useful tool to quickly send a map image or to output a stand-alone map image for a written report.

If you want a good quality output map, we strongly recommend you use the Print PDF tool in the toolbar, which includes a legend, title and numerous other features.

Being able to email a map is a great feature, but sometimes you may want to actually save a mapping session and come back to it at a later time. For this reason, the Save Session tool was created and is very useful.

For example, say you have a map with markup text and lines on it. If you click the save sessions tool, your session is automatically saved as a URL (or website address). You can write this address down, or you have the option of emailing the link to yourself or someone else. You can also add the link to your internet browsers favourite/bookmarks list by clicking on the Add to Favourites button. You can now recall your map with the same extent and markup that was there when you saved the map.

Note: your session information (or URL link) will be automatically deleted if the session becomes inactive for more than 90 days. However, as long as you keep using the saved mapping session, it will remain active indefinitely.

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