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Specific Functions #7: Upload Shapefile and Extract to Excel

Use the Upload Shapefile function to add a shapefile (layer) from your computer to the map. In order to successfully add a layer, you must have a shapefile (*.shp) and database file (*.dbf). You can upload a layer to the map as long as it is under 1 MB.

Click the upload shapefile tool found in the analytical toolset. From the menu in the information panel, use the Browse button to locate the database file on your computer. Next, locate the shapefile on your computer. Make sure you have selected the proper file extenion for each box - attribute file as *.dbf and spatial file as *.shp.

Enter a descriptive title for your layer. This title will be displayed in the layer list and legend so make sure it makes sense and does not repeat an existing layer name already on the map. Choose a symbol colour from the pull-down menu. Finally, choose the layer position from the bottom pull-down menu. The layer position will reflect how your new shapefile will be drawn on the map in conjunction with the other layers. Click OK to start the upload.

Use the Extract to Excel function to output a listing of layer information into an Excel file.

Clicking the Extract to Excel tool will allow you to select the layer from which you would like to download, the extent of the data and whether you are only interested in downloading selected features. Once you have specified the Extract Layer parameters, click OK. You are able to download the extracted information as a zip file, or open the Excel file directly by clicking on the appropriate hyperlinks found in the Information Panel.

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