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Welcome to the Web site for the
Administrative Justice Office

The Administrative Justice Office (AJO) researches and advises government, ministries and administrative tribunals on administrative justice reform initiatives and opportunities for on-going improvements to British Columbia's administrative justice system.

British Columbia's administrative tribunals serve thousands of British Columbians annually, affecting both individuals and the broader community. Those tribunals are extraordinarily diverse in mandate, scope, composition and size. BC's tribunals resolve disputes between private parties and also between individuals and government; they may decide questions ranging from individual liberty to property values, regulate complex economic activities or resolve disputes about issues affecting the environment, public safety and other matters. The scope of powers they exercise range from investigative, adjudicative, policy making to regulatory. Some have only part-time members, supported by a small registry, while others require large agencies with extensive administrative supports. Yet as diverse as they are, BC's administrative tribunals share substantial common elements, and form a cohesive system that lends itself to comprehensive review and improvements through systemic administrative justice reform. For a list of those entities comprising BC’s administrative justice system see: Entities Comprising BC’s Administrative Justice System

This Web site provides information and looks to generate thoughtful consideration and debate about administrative justice processes and possibilities for reform, to ensure that BC's administrative justice system provides the best possible service to the people who use and rely on it. The information on this Web site is intended to assist individuals who are interested in BC's administrative justice system, including members of the public who look to the administrative justice system for decisions and dispute resolution, BC's independent administrative tribunals, the ministries that work with and fund BC's administrative tribunals and the lawyers both within government and in private practice who appear before administrative tribunals.

In its research and other activities, the Administrative Justice Office shares and supports the vision, mission, culture and values of the Ministry of Attorney General. (The following is from the Administrative Justice Office 2004/2005 Strategic Plan.) Adobe Acrobat Required. (PDF - 723KB)

Ministry Vision
A province governed by the rule of law with an effective justice system serving all British Columbians.

Ministry Mission
We are responsible in government for law reform, for the administration of justice, and for seeing that public affairs are administered in accordance with the law.

Ministry Culture and Values
We are dynamic and innovative leaders in justice and public administration with the following values and operating principles:

1. To be performance and service focused.

2. To honour members of the Ministry and support them in their learning and development.

3. To act with professional integrity, independent from interference.

4. To be forthright and strategic.

5. To be collaborative and inclusive within the justice system and with the public that we serve.

6. To adhere to the core values of the British Columbia Public Service, namely integrity, accountability, responsibility, respect and fostering innovation in providing services.

If you have any questions for the AJO about its work and activities or would like to share your thoughts and ideas about administrative justice reform or how this Web site could be improved, you are encouraged to use the Feedback option on this page, or to contact us by telephone, email or regular mail at AJO Contact Information.

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