Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources
 Mineral Exploration and Mining HOME

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British Columbia Mining Plan (2005)


Health, Safety and Reclamation Code
for Mines in British Columbia



Operating Mines & Selected Major Exploration Projects in BC 2005 (PDF)

Chief Inspector of Mines Issues Directive and Hazard Alert

Mineral Exploration and Mining in British Columbia

British Columbia’s $5 billion mineral exploration and mining industry is an integral part of the provincial economy. Competitive taxes, an ample supply of low-cost power, and government's commitment to the industry make this province an ideal place to invest.

The Mining and Minerals Division of the Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources manages British Columbia's substantial mineral resources.  The Division implements policies and programs that encourage the responsible development of these resources and ensures that all mining activities respect the safety of workers, the public and the environment.

Quick Links

bullet 2006 Mining and Sustainability Award
bullet Application Forms for Exploration/Operations
bullet Coal in British Columbia
bullet The Four Cornerstones of the Mining Plan
bullet Six Essential Phases of Mining


Last Updated August 24, 2006

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