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AL > Fisheries & Aquaculture > Finfish Aquaculture > Salmon Aquaculture Policy

Salmon Aquaculture Policy Framework

On Sept 12, 2002, the government of B.C. announced it would begin accepting applications for new finfish aquaculture sites. The province also announced major investments in Research and Development funding and the finalization of new standards for the aquaculture industry.  This change in the number of salmon farms tenures (from the existing 121) will give the industry the stability it needs to compete in a global market. It will also provide jobs for coastal communities in British Columbia.

Government's decision to allow responsible expansion of the industry is a direct result of work done under the Salmon Aquaculture Policy Framework, introduced in 1999. The framework addressed the outstanding concerns of the Environmental Assessment Office's landmark Salmon Aquaculture Review.

Side View of Typical Salmon Farm Net Cages

Side View of Typical Salmon Farm Net Cages

The B.C. government has approved the expansion of salmon aquaculture based on strong environmental standards, technological development and consultation with communities. As part of its framework review, government has drafted strict new regulations covering:

For an overview of the B.C. Salmon Aquaculture Policy, environmental standards, new applications, historical overview and studies and reports used by the B.C. government to set policy, see the Backgrounder released on January 31, 2002.

Related news:

Updated:  November 24, 2004

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