Public Health

Avian Influenza

Avian influenza is a contagious viral infection that can affect all species of birds (chickens, turkeys, guinea fowl, pet birds and wild birds).

While relatively uncommon, avian influenza viruses can cause illness in humans.

B.C. public health officials continue to work closely with the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) and Health Canada on avian influenza response and monitoring.

Visit the Canadian Food Inspection Agency web site for the latest information.

Public Health Information

Influenza viruses of avian origin may on rare occasions cause disease in humans. Human to human transmission of avian influenza is extremely limited.

Health Canada has an Avian flu toll-free information line: 1 800 454-8302

BC NurseLine

You can consult a registered nurse at the 24-hour BC Nurseline:

Call BC NurseLine Toll-free in BC

1 866 215-4700

Call in Greater Vancouver

604 215-4700

Deaf/Hearing-impaired Toll-free in BC (TTY)

1 866 889-4700

When you call, you will be asked for your
Personal Health Number on your BC CareCard.

What about influenza prevention?

Prevention is always the best defence against influenza. Everyone should protect themselves and each other by:

  • getting a flu shot;
  • washing their hands frequently; and
  • staying home if they are sick.

Learn More on the Internet