Québec fournisseur d'émotions depuis 1534Québec fournisseur d'émotions depuis 1534

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Seasonal getaways
A place for all seasons

Causapscal, Gaspésie

Explore the four corners of Québec from four different perspectives: summer, fall, winter and spring. Bask under the sun’s summer rays, feast your eyes on fall’s vivid hues, revel in the white delight that is winter or get caught up in spring fever. Four spectacular seasons in which to fall in love with Québec!


PhotoIn the summer, nature is at her liveliest, the senses are heightened and the road beckons travellers. Total relaxation under the sun, beneath the cool forest shade or on the water… active outdoor getaways… summer has something for everyone. Balmy nights, endless days… Québec at its best.


Rougemont, MontérégieThe forest trades its verdant cloak for a fiery cape of reds and golds. It’s the ideal time for strolling through orchards and vineyards, and for observing the snow geese as they stop over on the banks of the St. Lawrence. Then, the temperatures rise again and it’s Indian summer. Let’s hear it for autumn!


More info on this photo...Winter is a vast landscape of sparkling snow where sliding sports of all kinds take centre stage: skiing, snowmobiling, skating, dogsledding… Bracing air, red cheeks and good cheer abound! Spending winter under the sun is great… but why not spend it under Québec’s sun?


Rigaud, MontérégieThe buds on the trees burst open and the steam begins to rise from Québec’s sugar shacks: spring is as sweet as warm sugar pie. The rivers swell, much to the delight of rafting enthusiasts. Syrup and taffy pulls are the order of the day. Don’t miss the fun!

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