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Sustainable Development in British Columbia

B.C.'s mining and mineral exploration sector contributes to the sustainable development of this province by meeting the needs of local communities, First Nations, labour and the industry itself while maintaining a healthy environment and vibrant economy for present and future generations.

Strategy 3 of the BC Mining Plan calls for the development of "a made-in-BC approach" to sustainability. The Ministry is

currently working on a framework that will ultimately maximize the mining and mineral exploration industry's long-term social and economic contributions while protecting the safety of workers, communities and the environment.

Mining and the Environment

British Columbia's breathtaking natural environment attracts tourists from around the world. The Province's commitment to protecting this precious resource is a key part of its broader plan for sustained economic growth.

British Columbia's mining and mineral exploration industry upholds world-class environmental standards. Strict standards for clean air, clean water, worker safety and healthy communities apply throughout each of the phases of mining. Both the Province and industry recognize that minimizing an operation's impacts on the surrounding environment is essential to ensuring the mining and mineral exploration sector's long-term sustainability.

Strategies 5 and 6 of the BC Mining Plan focus on environmental protection.


Last Updated August 17, 2006

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