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Industry Development Trust Funds


  • Provide the incentive and opportunity for industry sectors to lead, manage, and finance their own development by providing partial funding for development activities.
  • Assist industry in establishing partnerships with other parties who share their development priorities - using available industry funds to optimum.


  • Trust Funds are established for specific sectors to provide partial funding as a catalyst for their industry development initiatives. 
  • The Trust Funds are managed by an independent trustee - not government.
  • Earnings, and capital in some cases, from the Trusts are available for industry projects. 
  • Industry invests in all projects undertaken, i.e. Industry must match the funds flowing from the Trust on a dollar  for dollar basis.
  • All initiatives are approved, managed, and administered by advisory committees made up of producers and other industry members (with producers in majority).
  • All non-government sources of funds can be used for match funding.
  • 10 Trust Funds totaling over $16 million.

Access/Who Can Apply?

  • Industry sets priorities for funding and makes the decisions on projects, - individuals, organizations, etc. make application
  • Criteria of the funds include: viability, profitability, market responsiveness, education, technology development and transfer, environmental management, cost sharing, etc.
  • Projects must benefit industry sector generally, direct financial assistance to a commercial entity is not eligible.
 Trust Fund  Administrator
Beef Cattle Industry Cattle Industry Development Council
Blueberry Industry BC Blueberry Council
Hog Industry BC Pork Producers Association
Peace River Agriculture Development (PRAD) BC Peace River Grain Industry Development Council
Potato Industry BC Potato and Vegetable Growers Association
Processing Vegetable Industry BC Vegetable Marketing Commission
Raspberry Industry Lower Mainland Horticulture Improvement Association
Sheep Industry BC Sheep Federation
Strawberry Industry Fraser Valley Strawberry Growers Association
Tree Fruit Industry BC Fruit Growers Association

For further information contact:

    Tony Kluge
    Senior Manager
    Partnership Programs
    Industry Competitiveness Branch
    Ministry of Agriculture and Lands
    PO Box 9120 Stn Prov Govt
    Victoria, BC  V8W 9E4




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