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Service Plan

The Industry Competitiveness Branch provides an advocacy role to ensure that BC farm interests are considered in government programs, services, regulations and international and inter-provincial trade negotiations and disputes; and that these industries receive a fair share of federal funding. The branch also facilitates industry-led research and market development activities.

Objective: Increased industry self-reliance and reduced dependence on government funding.
Key Strategies

Support, through various roles, a number of public-private partnerships (3Ps), that will address B.C. agri-food industry competitiveness issues through joint funding initiatives.

  1. Investment Agriculture Foundation (IAF): Pathfinder role for industry re: application process. 

  2. Agri-Food Futures Funds (AFFF): Lead/Rep for MAFF on AFFF Advisory Committees. 

  3. Industry Trust Funds: Invited MAFF representative on the boards of industry trusts/councils. 

  4. Feeder Loan Guarantee Program: support the establishment of B.C. Feeder associations. 

Support the establishment and maintenance of industry-managed councils and levy systems, under the Farm & Fisheries Industries Development Act (FFIDA), that allow industry to raise internal funds to address industry competitiveness issues.

Provide youth capacity-building initiatives such as the 4H Partnership to build human resource skills and self-reliance capacity.

Objective: Increased public and industry access to information and expertise
Key Strategies: Provide Electronic Service Delivery (ESD) of all MAFF information & services (e-government) on a 24/7 basis.

Shift away from direct advisory services towards the InfoBasket initiative for all industry sectors.

Provide Industry Profiles: for each industry sector.

Undertake Competitiveness Studies & Strategic Analyses 

  1. Overall Industry

  2. Sector Analyses

Undertake B.C. Agri-food Research Initiatives 

  1. Promote Agriculture Policy Framework (APF) Science & Innovation goals in B.C.

  2. Provide Coordination role for B.C. agri-food research. 

  3 .Represent B.C. interests at Canadian Agriculture Research Council (CARC).

Objective: Reduced negative impacts on the sector from government regulation, taxes and policies.
Key Strategies: Examine all programs to reduce excessive regulation.

Develop a broad agriculture sector strategy in conjunction with Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management to remove impediments to agriculture sector economic growth. 

Work with other government agencies to develop a B.C. Labour Market Adjustment Program for Seasonal Ag. Workers by March 2003.

Undertake Advocacy Role with respect to:

  1. Workers Compensation Board (WCB) Review 

  2. Employment Standards Act (ESA) Review 

  3. Energy costs review/initiative 

 4. Greater Vancouver Regional Development (GVRD) Emissions Review 

  5. Ministry of Forest (MOF) Range Review

Support BCMAL Agriculture Regulatory Reform/Reduction Initiatives 

Ensure that the appropriate authorities, on a timely basis, address complaints of the B.C. agri-food industry.

Organize industry consultations on competitiveness issues. 

  1. Minister’s Advisory Council on the Food Industry


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