Québec fournisseur d'émotions depuis 1534Québec fournisseur d'émotions depuis 1534

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Country routes
Explore and be astonished

To truly get a feel for the “authentic” Québec, take one or several of the tourist routes that run alongside the St. Lawrence or criss-cross the countryside not far from the major axial highways. Clearly indicated by a series of blue signs, these routes are designed to showcase the cultural and natural treasures of their respective regions.

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King’s Road
This route, which dates back to the 18th century, links Montréal and Québec City.
Canyon Sainte-Anne, Québec
New France Route
A short trip back in time between Québec City and Cap-Tourmente.

Golfe du Saint-Laurent
Whale Route
Nearly 900 km (560 mi.) running along the cetaceans' playground.
Île du Pot-à-l'Eau-de-Vie, Bas-Saint-Laurent
Navigators' Route
Spectacular panoramas of the high seas off the coast of the Bas-Saint-Laurent.
Wine Route
A fine blend of flavours and scenery in the Eastern Townships.
Saint-Irénée, Charlevoix
St. Lawrence Route
Charlevoix's jagged coastline nestled between river and mountain.
Border Route
Touching on the borders of Maine and New Brunswick.
Agricultural Tour
A tasty tour through the countryside of Southern Québec.
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