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BC Sheep & Lamb Financial Programs

  • Canadian Sheep Identification Program 
    The Canadian Sheep Identification Program is an industry-led initiative to develop a trace back system that will address producer concerns about sheep health and meet consumer expectations for quality assurance and food safety.

  • Sheep Industry Development Trust Funds, Partnership Programs: The programs provides the incentive and opportunity for industry sectors to lead, manage, and finance their own development by providing partial funding for development activities and assists industry in establishing partnerships with other parties who share their development priorities - using available industry funds to optimum.

 Trust Fund


Sheep Industry BC Sheep Federation
  • BSE Recovery Program
    Resources and links to various BSE Recovery programs in Canada

  • Livestock Waste Tissue Initiative
    The Livestock Waste Tissue Initiative envisions all renderers and livestock tissue generators - be they producers, slaughterhouse operators or meat processors - being able to dispose of or use specific risk material and other slaughter plant waste tissue in an efficient, cost-effective manner.

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