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Finfish Aquaculture

Application Documents

The following documents should be reviewed prior to submitting your application:

Finfish Aquaculture: What Options are Available?

Aquaculture is now the fourth largest agribusiness industry, based on farm-gate value, in British Columbia. Only dairy, floriculture & nursery, and poultry produce more income province-wide.

Our farm production of salmon is the fourth largest in the world after Norway, Chile, and the United Kingdom.

Finfish aquaculture initiatives provide opportunities for many local communities and First Nations to diversify their economies, create new employment opportunities and achieve community socio-economic goals.

Who May Apply?

To develop aquaculture production on Crown land, individuals must seek authorization, even if they own the adjacent property (upland).

The Province of British Columbia provides tenures for the cultivation of finfish in both freshwater and marine aquatic Crown land by application and through public competition.

At present, applications will be accepted under the following conditions:

  • where a current salmon farm tenure holder has been notified by the province that their current tenure requires relocation due to environmental, social or economic reasons; or
  • for new tenures.

If you or your company meet the above criteria then you may apply, provided you also meet the following basic application criteria:

  • Canadian citizens or permanent residents who are at least 19 years of age; or
  • registered partnerships or corporations that are registered in the Province of British Columbia or incorporated under the laws of Canada.
What Tenures are Available?

The Finfish program provides two types of aquatic land tenures for the cultivation of finfish in fresh and salt waters: lease or licence of occupation:

  • A five-year licence of occupation is issued initially until the site is determined by the province to be viable. At this time, a 20-year licence or 30-year lease will be offered.
  • Annual rent is set at 7.5% of land value for a licence and 8% of land value for a lease.
  • Land value is based on five zones with values ranging between $324 per hectare to $563 per hectare. Minimum annual rent is $500. There is a rental discount of 60% for new farms during the first three years of tenure to encourage new development. This discount does not apply to the relocation of a tenure.

For more details on the concepts governing the aquaculture program, see the Aquaculture Policy (569kb).

What Special Requirements Must be Met?
  • A management plan for aquaculture must be submitted with each application for a licence of occupation or lease.
  • The applicant may be required to advertise a finfish application in a newspaper serving the area in which the Crown land is located and in the B.C. Gazette.
  • Applicants for licence or lease must notify, in writing, all landowners and tenure holders within 1 kilometre in either direction and, as a guideline, 300 metres inland of the proposed site of their intent to apply for Crown land use for aquaculture.
  • The upland owner's consent is required for foreshore tenures where the planned improvements may affect access of the upland owner to deep water along his/her property line.
  • A program of environmental monitoring is required for a licence of occupation or lease. The monitoring must be conducted according to the specified regulations of the Environmental Management Act and will be monitored by the Ministry of Environment.
  • For licence or lease applications there will be specific siting criteria. For details, please refer to the appropriate management plan.
  • Leasees or licensees must maintain minimum $1 million of public liability insurance during the term of the tenure arrangement.
How is Aquatic Crown Land Protected?

The province's environment is protected by assessing potential environmental impacts of every application for Crown land.

Download Documents

The most common reason for delay is submission of an incomplete application, which is then returned to the applicant. To ensure an application is processed as quickly as possible, be sure to complete all the required documents identified in the Requirements Checklist (132kb) and submit the required Application Fee.

If your application is accepted, you will be notified if Advertising (147kb) is required. Please wait for confirmation before advertising.

Please use the management plan outlines and the checklists to correctly complete and include all the required documents for the application.

If you have questions regarding any aspect of the application process or any of the land tenure programs, contact



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