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Public Incident Report....

Please use this form to report any public incident where a suspicious activity or concern is observed.  Please record all relevant information including photographs if possible, a description of the individual(s), vehicle(s) including licence plate #, approximate location of the incident and what was observed. Staff can be called at the district office during regular office hours, or by submitting this completed report form. 

 Print this form

Date Reported:
Reported By:

(Anonymous reports are acceptable)

If you would like a response, please tell us how to get in touch with you:

Email :
Phone #:

Details of Incident

Date (s) of Occurrence:

 Time (s) of Occurrence:  

Name of Alleged Offender (if known):

Physical Description of person(s)

Male or Female:




Hair colour: 


Vehicle Description (s)



Licence Plate #:

Particulars of the incident:

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