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Note: A focus on interactive consultations, coupled with limited time and resources rendered a comprehensive literature review difficult. The following is a list of the more relevant references, legal precedents, and legislation reviewed in the course of preparing this report. Further research in the context of preservation and conservation legislation, and precedents from jurisdictions of similarly limited productive land resources, such as Great Britain and Japan, may be of interest in future.


A. Literature

Alberta Ministry of Agriculture. Public Involvement in Local Land Use Decision-Making; Food and Rural Development; (1997).

Auditor General of BC. Value for Money Audit, Provincial Agricultural Land Commission. (Victoria, 1994).

Barbolet, Herb. Food Stuff : A Baseline for Food Policy in BC. Country Life in BC (August 1997).

Bellet, G. Tsawwassen's Devotion to Farms Tested by Greenhouse Projects . The Vancouver Sun. (May 11, 1998).

Bernow, S., Biewald, B. and Marron, D. Environmental Externalities Measurement: (Tellus Institute, Boston, 19 ).

Berry , Wendell. The Unsettling of America: Culture and Agriculture. (Sierra Club, San Francisco; 1997)

Berry, Wendell. Another Turn of the Crank. (Counterpoint, Washington, D.C.; 1995).

Berry, Wendell. Agrarianism. IFA Conference, UBC. (Vancouver, B.C., 1997)

BC Agricultural Land Commission. 1997. Agricultural Land Reserve Statistics. Burnaby.

BC Agricultural Land Commission. 1998. Planning for Agriculture - Resource Materials. Burnaby.

BC Agricultural Land Commission. 1996. Agricultural Land Commission Handbook. Burnaby.

BC Agricultural Land Commission. . Agricultural Land Commission Annual Reports: March 31, 1997 and March 31 1998. Burnaby.

BC Agricultural Land Commission. 1997. Summary Report on Pagebrook Inc. - ALC Reconsideration Package; Nov. 1997. Burnaby.

BC Agricultural Land Commission. 1998. The Countryside and You, Understanding Farming. Burnaby.

BC Government Employees Union. 1998. Submission on Six Mile Ranch Report Proposal to David Perry, Commissioner.

BC Land Commission. Keeping the Options Open. (Vancouver. 1973)

BC Land Use Coordination Office. 1998. About LUCO.

BC Legislative Debates, Hansard (March, 1973 pp 1197-1816; July 12, 1993, pp 8512-8521; May 30, 1994 pp 1185-).)

BC; Ministry of Agriculture and Food. 1998. Working Together: Towards in Agri-Food Policy for BC. Victoria.

BC; Ministry of Agriculture and Food. 1998. Technology in Agriculture, Fisheries and Food - BC.

BC; Ministry of Agriculture and Food. 1998. Regional Profiles - What's Happening Where I Live?

BC; Ministry of Agriculture and Food. BC Farms Statistics - Farms in BC.

BC; Ministry of Agriculture and Food. 1998. Industry Profile - Agriculture.

BC; Ministry of Agriculture and Food. 1998. Industry Significance - Some Facts.

BC; Ministry of Agriculture and Food. 1998. Six Mile Ranch Kamloops on the Lake Resort Report; prepared by M. Rankin for Catharine Read, Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food; December 12, 1997.

BC; Ministry of Agriculture and Food. 1998. History of BC Agriculture.

BC Ministry of Forests. Renewing Forests and Protecting the Environment in BC. (1998).

BC Utilities Commission, Integrated Resource Guidelines, (1993)

Brown, L.R. Renner, M. Flavin, C. Vital Signs 1997, The Environmental Trends

City of Kelowna,, BC.  Draft Agriculture Plan, (July 1998).

Daniels, T., Bowers, D. Holding our Ground, Protecting America's Farms and Farmland. (Island Press, Washington, D.C., 1997).

Dawson, R.L.M. Trade, Development and Sustainability. AIC Conference. (Vancouver, 1997)

Eng, R. B.C. Organic Industry Urged to Grow; Business in Vancouver; July21-27 1998.

Environmental Regeneration Series. 1989. Public Interest in the Use of Private Lands. ed. BC Dysart III and Marion Clawson. (Praeger, New York; 1989).

Evans, Corky. (Ab)using Power: "The Canadian Experience". Simon Fraser University Conference. (Vancouver, B.C, 1997).

Gale, E. Developer's farmland sale plan leaves Pitt residents wary of uses; The Vancouver Sun, May 20, 1998.

Gall, Peter, Grant, John, and Rankin, Murray. The Cabinet and the Agencies: Towards Accountability in BC, A report of the Canadian Bar Association, BC Branch. (Vancouver, 1981)

Hammer, C., and Richert, J. Sustainable Design Resources . Green Clips 97.

Hardin, G. Extensions of "The Tragedy of the Commons". American Association for the Advancement of Science; Science, 1998, v. 280 at. 682-683.

Hayter, R. Privatization will not encourage innovation in the Forest Industry. The Vancouver Sun; Aug. 19, 1998.

Holm, W.R. and Assoc. 1998. Agricultural Land Reserve in the Okanagan: Renewing the Public Policy Prescription. Bowen Island, BC

Khor, M. Economic globalization and eroding international cooperation: Implications for agricultural and rural sustainability. Third World Resurgence No. 67. (1996)

Lehman, Tim. Farmland Preservation Policy, Public Values, Private Lands. (University of North Carolina Press. 1995).

Nova Scotia. 1998. Agricultural Land Preservation Links.

Nova Scotia; Department of Housing and Municipal Affairs. 1998. Statements on Provincial Interest; 1996.

Ontario Federation of Agriculture. 1998. Submission of the Ontario Federation of Agriculture to The Standing Committee on Resources Development Regarding Bill 20.

Perry, David G. Perry Commission Report; A Commission of Inquiry. (Government of BC, Victoria; 1998).

Petter, Andrew. Sausage Making in BC's NDP Government: The Creation of the Land Commission Act, August 1972 - April 1973. (BC Studies, no.65, 1985.)

Pringle, Tim. Concept Paper: Trust for BC Public Lands and Trust for BC Lands Foundation, Draft Two. Prepared for the BC Minister of Environment, Lands and Parks. (Vancouver, 1994)

Rees, William E. 1993. Why Preserve Agricultural Land? Prepared for the BC Agricultural Land Commission.

Rosset, P.M., Altieri, M.A. 1997. Agroecology versus Input Substitution: A fundamental Contradiction of Sustainable Agriculture. Society & Natural Resources, 10:283-295.

Sawicki, J. M. 1979. The Agricultural Land Reserve: Preserving Our Foodlands. Provincial Agricultural Land Commission, Burnaby, BC

Smith, Barry E. 1998. Planning for Agriculture, Provincial Agricultural Land Commission. Burnaby.

Specter, M. 1998. Europe, Bucking Trend in U.S, Blocks Genetically Altered Food. The New York Times, Vol. CXLVII, No. 51,225; July 20.

Stockholm Environment Institute. 1992. Polestar: Introduction, Current Status, Future Directions. that are Shaping our Future. WorldWatch Institute. W.W. Norton & Co.

The Agricultural Workforce Policy Board. 1997. Embracing Change; Strategic Plan.

Thrupp, L. Agricultural Biodiversity and Food Security: Predicaments, Pollicies, and Practices; Highlights of a Forthcoming WRI Report. World Resources Institute.

University of Nebraska-Lincoln. 1998. CSAS Newsletter. The Center for Sustainable Agricultural Systems (CSAS) in the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources (IANR); May - June.


B. Legal & Legislative Precedent

This Review was limited in substantial consideration of legal precedents from courts and legislatures. A general overview indicated that the direction of this Review was consistent with such precedent, however more detailed research may be advised in this area for a more thorough documentation of legal and legislative precedent.


R. v. Morales, SCC. [1992] 3 S.C.R. 711 (A discussion of public interest principles generally, applied to the context of a Charter of Rights matter).


Natural Resources Conservation Board Act, S.A. 1990, c. N-5.5

Ross v. Alta Dept Env. Protection Alta Env. App. Board, May 24, 1994

British Columbia

Agricultural Land Commission Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 10

Cabinet Appeals Abolition Act, S.B.C. 1993, c. 73

Forest Land Reserve Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 158

Environmental Assessment Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 119

Farmfolk/Cityfolk Society, B.C.S.C. A980330, June 8, 1998 (a challenge of the Six-Mile Ranch decision and process under the Agricultural Land Commission Act reference in the Provincial interest, s.40.)


Farming and Food Production Protection Act, S.O. 1998, c. 1

Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13

Ontario Planning & Development Act, 1994, S.O. 1994, c. 23

Truck Transportation Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. T.22

536556 Ontario Ltd v. Oakville, [1998] O.J. No. 1350, (March 13, 1998, Ont. G.D.): (Considers s. 2 of the Planning Act, which requires the Minister to consider the provincial interest.)


Farm Bill 1996, Farmland Protection Policy Act (and the Farmland Protection Program)

Loretto v. Teleprompter, 458 U.S. 419 (1982)

Lucas v. So. Carolina Coastal Council, 505 U.S. 1003 (1992)

Oregon State Planning Goals


Friends of Hinchinbrook Society v. Minister of Environment et. al. (1997), 147 A.L.R. 608 (FCAust)

New South Wales State of the Environment Report 1997.

Natural Heritage Trust of Australia Act, 1997, No. 76, 1997


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