Central Coast and North Coast Land and Resource Management Plan

Land Use shockwave video. Provincial land use decisions for the Central Coast and the North Coast will preserve some of the most spectacular ecologically-diverse regions in the world, including critical Spirit Bear habitat, Premier Gordon Campbell announced. Click on the thumbnail graphic left to view the Macromedia Flash video, or read the News Release.

View Maps of the North and Central Coast Land Use Zones

Map of the Central and North Coast Land Resource Management Plan Area

Map of the Central Coast & North Coast Land Use Zones with an insert of North America

Map of the Central Coast & North Coast Land Use Zones with insert of the Kitasoo Spirit Bear Protected Area
Map of the Central Coast & North Coast Land Use Zones with insert of B.C.
More on B.C.'s Spirit Bear.
More on Provincial Symbols.
More on Great Bear Rainforest.
spirit bear video.