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AL > Fisheries & Aquaculture > Licensing, Compliance & Enforcement > Inspection of Fish Farms > Details of Inspections Activities

Details of Inspection Activities

Most annual inspections are completed between the months of May to October, although they can occur at any time throughout the year. The objective of these inspections is to assess compliance with regulatory requirements and licence terms and conditions.

During the on-site inspection, inspectors interview company officials and review the farm's operational procedures and maintenance records for completeness and compliance with the regulation. The inspectors perform above-water visual examinations of the site, including a perimeter inspection of each containment pen and infrastructure including anchors, walkways and other associated hardware. Spot dive audits are also conducted at randomly selected sites where a dive team is contracted to review the underwater portion of the containment and anchoring system.

The primary inspection categories for the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands include:

MAL Inspectors will also be responsible to inspect operational categories on behalf of the Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management (MSRM), Integrated Land Management Bureau (ILMB) and the Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection (MWLAP) commencing in the 2002 inspection cycle, with full implementation by the 2003 inspection cycle.


Updated: 20 October 2006

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