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AL > Fisheries & Aquaculture > Licensing, Compliance & Enforcement > Investigation of Escape Incidents

Investigation of Escape Incidents

Government staff will conduct in-depth investigations of possible licence or regulatory violations. For all of these activities, the goal is to foster and secure a high state of industry compliance with statutory and regulatory requirements, and where appropriate, pursue necessary enforcement sanctions.

With regard to finfish escapes, the province places a high priority on investigating every incident. Protocols are in place to respond to and investigate suspected or known escape incidents and where deemed necessary, Ministry of Agriculture and Lands Inspectors attempt to attend sites within 72 hours of discovery.

The Aquaculture Regulation requires that operators verbally report a suspected or known escape incident within 24 hours of discovery and all operators have been provided with an Escape Incident Report Form that outlines information that must be provided in reporting the incident and for the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands and the Ministry of Environment (MoE) staff to initiate an investigation.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Lands now has a 24 hour toll-free escape reporting line to ensure that appropriate staff are notified immediately of any escape events. The number for the 24 hour toll-free escapes reporting line is 1 877 223-4673.

Under provincial legislation, MAL Inspectors or MoE Conservation Officers have six months from the date of the event to investigate and, if appropriate, pursue enforcement sanctions. Investigations are considered highly confidential until concluded.

Results of investigations may lead to one of the following outcomes:

  • determination that the incident (i.e., escape) or possible violation does not warrant any enforcement sanction;
  • issuance of a written warning;
  • issuance of one or more violation tickets;
  • submission of a Report to Crown Counsel with recommended charges; or,
  • recommendation to the licensing authority for Aquaculture Licence suspension or revocation.

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Updated:  20 October 2006

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