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 Grizzly Bear Conservation Strategy


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Components of the Strategy (Projects)

For More Information


To ensure the continued existence of Grizzly Bears and their habitats for future generations.


  1. To maintain in perpetuity the diversity and abundance of Grizzly Bears and the ecosystems on which they depend throughout British Columbia.
  2. To improve the management of Grizzly Bears and their interactions with humans.
  3. To increase public knowledge and involvement in Grizzly Bear management.
  4. To increase international cooperation in management and research of Grizzly Bears.


Grizzly Bear Implementation Committee

  • Administers and directs the implementation of the Grizzly Bear Conservation Strategy.
  • Consists of representatives of the government agencies which are involved with the Strategy.
  • Meets approximately once each month.
  • Coordinates completion of various Grizzly Bear Conservation Strategy (GBCS) projects.

Grizzly Bear Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC)

  • Reports directly to the Minister of Water, Land and Air Protection.
  • Consists of biologists from British Columbia and the United States.
  • Meets approximately four times per year.
  • Provides advice to the Minister on the conservation needs of Grizzly Bears.
  • Provides detailed advice to the Implementation Committee on scientific and technical issues.

Grizzly Bear Trust Fund (GBTF)

  • A trust fund administered by a Public Advisory Board to fund GBCS initiatives.
  • GBTF funding comes from enforcement fines, direct donations and corporate sponsorship.
  • Production of the Bear-Human Conflict Committee Background Report, Reducing Human-Bear Conflicts: Solutions Through Better Management of Non-Natural Foods, was funded by the GBTF and copies are being sold on a cost recovery basis through:

Victoria, BC V8W 9M1

  • Changes to the Wildlife Act are proposed in which fines for bear poaching offenses will be directed to the GBTF.
  • How to apply for funding from the Grizzly Bear Trust Fund

For More Information Contact:
Ecosystems Branch
B.C. Ministry of Environment
P.O. Box 9374 Stn Prov Govt
Victoria, BC
V8W 9M4

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