Ministry of ForestsGovernment of British Columbia
Campbell River Forest District
Forest Region and DistrictsSearch the Campbell River Forest District web siteContact Information for the Campbell River Forest District
Site 		  		Contents
District Profile
Boundary Map
Interactive Map
District Profile

Did you know that the Campbell River District has:

  • 2 Million Hectares (1/2 the size of Vancouver Island)
  • 42% Productive Forest Land.
  • 22% Alpine, Swamp, and Rock.
  • 20% Inaccessible Forest.
  • 16% Park Land.
  • Ownership: 87% Public
                        13% Private
  • Annual Harvest: 4,3 million cubic meters of wood.
  • Planted an average of 4.1 million seedling/year.
  • Contains 1/2 of Vancouver Island's Roosevelt Elk population--1,300.
  • Dense population of bald eagles.
  • World renowned Salmon and Steelhead producing rivers.
  • Significant populations of the endangered Vancouver Island Marmot.
  • Year 'round recreational opportunities.
  • Area harvested 6500 hectares. All areas currently logged are reforested.
